
The life I want, there are no shortcuts. (Classic Copywriting)

author:Shin Sheng tells stories

1、The life I want, there's no shortcut.

The life I want, there are no shortcuts.

2、Action is character. If we never did anything. We wouldn't be anybody.

Action trumps everything. If we don't do anything, how can we achieve something?

——The movie "Growth Education"

3、The story can resume, our story can resume, I will simply resume.

Fate is not exhausted, our fate is not exhausted, I want to insist.

4、I will return, find you, love you, marry you and love without shame.

I'll go back, find you, love you, marry you, and live with my chest up.

5、Offentimes what blinds us from the truth are not the lies, but our own ego.

Many times it is not the illusion that blinds us, but our own obsessions.

6、Though you think the world is at your feet, it can rise up and tread on you.

As much as you think the world is under your feet, it can also subvert you and trample on you.

- The movie "Atonement"

7、I pray he would marry you without a penny to your name, for that is a man who would truly treasure.

I want someone to marry you without a name, because that's the one who really cares about you.

8、Let justice be done, though the heavens may fall.

We are to enforce justice, even if the consequences are severe.

- The movie "Belle the Beauty"

9、Every woman is the architect of her own fortune.

Every woman is the architect of her own destiny.

10、The turnip cannot thrive in the tulip's patch of soil.

Turnips cannot grow on land where tulips are grown.

- The Movie "Miniature House Craftsman"

11、You know why this is my favorite tree. Because it tipped over and it still growing. Cool!

You know why I love this tree the most, because it fell to the ground and never stopped growing. It's so cool!

- The movie "Florida Paradise"

12、I have ideas. But it's just my personal opinion. Not necessarily. So why should I ruin your idea?

I have ideas though. But just my personal opinion. Not necessarily. So why should I ruin your thoughts?

- The movie "Genius Girl"

13、It's good to dream, but it's also good to wake up again and see the world as it truly is.

It's certainly good to have dreams, but it's also good to wake up from dreams and realize the truth of the world.

——British drama "All Creatures"

14、You might not even notice. And you'll catch yourself thinking about something or someone who has no connection with the past. Someone who's only yours. And you'll realize that this is where your life is.

You may never notice that you think about other things, about someone who has nothing to do with your past, someone who belongs only to you. This is where you live.

- The movie "Brooklyn"

15、I am still alive because I am unwilling, because I believe that one day my inner emptiness will be filled. When the emptinessis filled, I may really know why I want to live.

I am still alive because I am unwilling, because I believe that one day the void in my heart will be filled, and when the emptiness in my heart is filled, I may really know why I want to live.

- The movie "My Little Princess"

16、Until now, I understand that the boundary between right and wrong lies in one thought. It is kindness and softness.

I didn't understand until now that the dividing line between right and wrong is between a thought, kindness, and softness of heart.

- The Movie "The Red of the Blue,White-Red Trilogy"

17、It wasn't so hard to across the street after all. It's all depends on who 's waiting for you on the other side.

In fact, it is not difficult to cross a road, what matters is who is waiting for you on the opposite side.

- Movie "Blueberry Night"

18、I want you to be the very best version of yourself that you can be.

I want you to be the best version of yourself.

- The movie "Miss Bird"

19、 The more you know who you are,and what you want, the less you let things upset you.

The more you understand your personality and needs, the less likely you are to be influenced by the outside world.

- Movie "Lost in Tokyo"

20、Only unfulfilled love can be romantic.

Only attempted love is romantic.

- The movie "Midnight in Barcelona"

21、Some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,some in gloss.

But every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent,

and when you do, nothing will ever compare.

Some people are shallow, some people are golden and jade, and they are defeated.

One day you will meet a person, rainbow-like,

When you meet this person, everyone else is just a rushing cloud.

- The movie "Thrilling"

22、Time has passed, and I have loved many women.

And as they've held me close, and asked if I will remember them.

I've said, "Yes, I will remember you."

But the only one I've never forgotten,

is the one who never asked.

The years flew by and I fell in love with a lot of women.

When they hugged me tightly, they asked me if I would remember them.

I would say, "Yes, I will remember you." ”

But the only thing I've never forgotten,

Is a guy who never asked me.

- The beautiful legend of Sicily

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