
One person defended the 25-meter defensive line, and 600 people forced back 20,000 Japanese troops, why are the Chinese gendarmes so strong

During the defense of Nanjing, Tang Shengzhi, in desperation, once used a mysterious force, the Chinese gendarmes, to guard Yuhuatai. Although it did not turn the overall situation around, the impact on the minds of the Japanese army was quite enormous.

In 1934, the National Government held a military parade, and the mysterious team appeared, dressed in German army attire and equipped with the most advanced submachine guns. People who do not understand military affairs can see at a glance that this is a team with very strong combat effectiveness.

This detachment was secretly formed by the Nanjing government in 1927, and in 1933, it was specially hired and trained by german special forces instructors, and it was specially designed to serve Chiang Kai-shek's team, the Chairman's Special Guard, code-named "Chinese Gendarmerie".

One person defended the 25-meter defensive line, and 600 people forced back 20,000 Japanese troops, why are the Chinese gendarmes so strong

The predecessor of the Chinese gendarmerie can actually be traced back to General Ye Ting's "iron army", after the consolidation of Chiang Kai-shek's regime, immediately began to select from the country's 2 million troops, layer by layer, to form a guard of about 8,000 people. The members of the Guard can be described as the elite of the elite, and each of them has a one-handed stunt to be a hundred.

In 1933, when the Nationalist government had close relations with Germany, Chiang Kai-shek asked Hitler to send a special instructor of the Nazi SA, Brom. Come to China to train this team.

After some training and selection, more than 4,000 soldiers were eliminated, and the remaining 4,000 were severely trained by fascist instructors, equipped with the most advanced equipment in Germany, with extremely strong combat effectiveness, and were one of the most elite troops in China and even in the whole of Asia at that time.

Chiang Kai-shek attached great importance to this unit, and even when it was most difficult to encircle and suppress the Red Army, he once wanted to use this unit, but the old Chiang Kai-shek was afraid of causing casualties, and the gains outweighed the losses, and in the end they were not used.

In 1937, Japan's all-out war of aggression against China broke out, and on the Battlefield of Jiangnan, it can be said that the most elite troops of China and Japan were gathered, and the Chinese gendarmes were secretly ordered to go to the front. At that time, Tang Shengzhi suggested that the Chinese gendarmes should be divided into several groups and destroy the main military bases of the Japanese army through airdrops.

One person defended the 25-meter defensive line, and 600 people forced back 20,000 Japanese troops, why are the Chinese gendarmes so strong

From a tactical point of view, Tang Shengzhi's idea was very clever, but he was reprimanded by Chiang Kai-shek. In Chiang Kai-shek's mind, this unit absolutely did not allow a single loss, so the Chinese gendarmes were always on standby in Nanjing.

After the fall of Shanghai and the start of the Battle of Nanjing, the Chinese gendarmes did not follow Chiang Kai-shek to Wuhan and stayed in Nanjing.

At the Battle of Yuhuatai, Zhang Zhizhong's troops were surrounded by Japanese troops and almost completely annihilated. At the risk of being shot, Tang Shengzhi directly consulted with Yi Anhua, the commander of the Chinese gendarmerie brigade, and mobilized the strength of two battalions to Take up defense at Yuhuatai.

The leader of the Japanese army who attacked Yuhuatai, Umemura, was Chiang Kai-shek's old friend, and when Chiang Kai-shek studied in Japan, the two were classmates, and later because of a woman who caused a duel, Chiang Kai-shek lost the "family heirloom sword".

Two battalions of Chinese gendarmes, after completing the defense, Umemura led the army to launch a new round of attack.

However, this wave of attack on Umemura was dumbfounded, saying that he was no longer facing the 5th Army, but was greeted by the roar of German submachine guns. After a day of fighting, this local war became an eternal nightmare in the hearts of Japanese soldiers, and also became the greatest shame in history of the Umemura Division.

One person defended the 25-meter defensive line, and 600 people forced back 20,000 Japanese troops, why are the Chinese gendarmes so strong

600 Chinese gendarmes, each defending a 25-meter position, an average of 50 Japanese troops, even so, the battle from morning to dusk, the Japanese army fell in pieces above the Yuhuatai position, never able to move forward.

As one of the strongest units of the Japanese army, the Umemura Division has never stopped attacking, and in a critical moment, Umemura personally led the death squad, holding Chiang Kai-shek's family heirloom sword, and launched a white-knife battle with the Chinese gendarmes. After a battle, Umemura's heart was cold, and 600 Chinese gendarmes, with 50 casualties, left more than a thousand corpses of the Japanese army.

In this battle, Umemura's arm was almost cut off, and Chiang Kai-shek's family heirloom sword was also captured by the Chinese gendarmes. Faced with such a situation, 20,000 Japanese troops could only order a retreat.

The Chinese gendarmes achieved such a great victory, Tang Shengzhi was very excited and asked Chiang Kai-shek for credit. Chiang Kai-shek was also very surprised when he learned that the "family heirloom sword" had been captured, but he knew that after the Chinese gendarmes went out, they scolded Tang Shengzhi to the point of bloodshed, and strictly ordered that without his own consent, it was not allowed to mobilize the Chinese gendarmes without authorization.

In this way, the Chinese gendarmes could only withdraw from Yuhuatai and return to the barracks to rest.

One person defended the 25-meter defensive line, and 600 people forced back 20,000 Japanese troops, why are the Chinese gendarmes so strong

Sadly, after the Chinese gendarmes participated in the parade in 1934, Yoshiko Kawashima received intelligence and informed Kenji Doihara that the Chinese gendarmes appeared in Nanjing and were extremely powerful.

The Chinese gendarmes appeared at yuhuatai and attracted the attention of the Japanese army. After obtaining the garrison of the gendarmes, the Japanese secret service directly dispatched 50 aircraft to carry out a wild bombardment of the Chinese gendarmerie garrison. Most of the soldiers were killed in their sleep, and only more than 200 survived.

The remaining 200 gendarmes, later reduced to pieces, were thrown into the southwest battlefield by Chiang Kai-shek, and they were found in many large battles.

The Second Battle of Changsha, which was also the only force, sneaked into the temporary airfield of the Japanese army, laying the foundation for victory.

In the Burmese battlefield, three More Chinese gendarmes, with their super ability, crossed the Japanese blockade line and made contact with British and American troops, allowing the New Fifth Army to avoid the danger of total annihilation.

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese gendarmes, most of whom remained, most of them entered units such as the Central Unification and The Zha di Dong, and after the Liberation War, some of them fled to Taiwan and became the backbone of the espionage organs, still playing an important role.

One person defended the 25-meter defensive line, and 600 people forced back 20,000 Japanese troops, why are the Chinese gendarmes so strong

In fact, this article, Xiaobian just to introduce to you, the consensus of the average person, but purely from a personal point of view, there are still many doubts.

First, the equipment of the 4,000-strong German army was great for the Chinese army at that time, but for the Japanese army, as well as some countries in Europe and the United States, it was only average.

Second, the Shanghai Dispatch Army, which attacked Nanjing, and the 10th Army, did not find Meicun's division.

Third, Yi Anhua, this man seems to be a division commander of the German mechanic, not a brigade commander of the Chinese gendarmerie.

In a word, everyone looks at it as a story, and the authenticity of history still needs to be considered.

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