
The child who was blackmailed by the birth mother was finally forced to die, and the suicide note made people cry

author:Yijun shushu

Liu Xuezhou died.

He was the child who had been blackmailed by his birth mother.

The fates of people are really too different. Also recognized, 18-year-old Sun Zhuo is like a fragrant feast. His biological parents searched for him for 14 years, and his brothers and sisters were deeply concerned about him.

After acknowledging his relatives, his biological father, Sun Haiyang, drove from Shenzhen to Shandong again and again to visit him and take him home.

Sun Zhuo is lucky, even in the family of the person who abducted him, he was also raised as a biological son, although life is full of drama, but he grew up so big, he really did not suffer any hardships.

But another child who has recently been successful in his search for relatives is far from being so lucky.

I have to admit that, as described in "Alive", some people come to this world to suffer hardships.

Such is the case with 15-year-old Liu Xuezhou.

At the age of 15, most children of this age are only worried about how to eat, drink and have fun, how to learn and how to fight with their parents, and how to rebel and be more handsome. However, 15-year-old Liu Xuezhou's heart has long been full of holes.

When he was 4 years old, Liu Xuezhou's parents died.

He was very young, but he remembered it clearly. That night his parents were going to take him home, but he kept clamoring to stay at his grandmother's house for the night. As a result, the next day, I got the bad news that my parents had died unexpectedly.

Liu Xuezhou, 4, still remembers the last time "mom" saw him in the hospital. He wanted to hand his favorite drink to his mother, who couldn't even see her eyes tightly, and struggled to say to him: You study well, listen to your grandmother's words, and wait for your mother to buy you good food.

From now on, heaven and man will never be separated.

Children who have lost their parents are vulnerable to bullying in the village. The little ones know that this is a baby that has no dependency and can be bullied at will.

Liu Xuezhou has seen the world cold since he was a child. He clearly remembers that when he was in elementary school, the staff of the school cafeteria gave eggs to the whole school and left him alone.

When he was in junior high school, he was insulted by a drunken male teacher. Liu Xuezhou had nowhere to talk, but spent the whole night on the top floor of the school dormitory.

He thought more than a thousand times, isn't it just bullying him that he has no father and no mother, if he has parents, then everything may be different.

This thought came up from time to time, reminding Liu Xuezhou of when he was bullied when he was a child, and the people in the village always laughed at him for not being a wild child born to his parents.

Maybe the biological parents are still in this world?

Liu Xuezhou got a positive answer from his grandmother.

For Sun Zhuo, the fact that he is a child who has been abducted and sold is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, which is difficult to accept.

But for Liu Xuezhou, this is a luxury.

How he wished he was a kidnapped child, he was extremely envious of Sun Zhuo's parents who had been looking for him for more than ten years.

Being abducted and sold is already the best ending for Liu Xuezhou, who is more afraid that he is a child abandoned by his biological parents, in that case, his tragic experience over the years will become a cup of bitter wine brewed by his biological parents.

Except for hate, he didn't know how to deal with the two people who had given him blood.

But Liu Xuezhou never expected that the truth was worse than the worst plan he could think.

Liu Xuezhou found the truth through a worn-out vaccination book.

At first, he went to the kinsman's bank to register his DNA, but there was no match. He consoled himself that Xu was his biological parents who had given up looking for him.

Later, when he saw the old vaccine book, he knew in his heart that he was unlikely to have been trafficked. But he still did not die, and first entered his original name: Ding Jing.

But whenever the parents have posted information about finding their children, he can search for each other. Unfortunately, there is still no news.

The child who was blackmailed by the birth mother was finally forced to die, and the suicide note made people cry

Then Liu Xuezhou entered the name of his father Ding Shuangquan. As a result, he was found in the Heavenly Eye.

Ding Shuangquan has a company under his name and a photo on the website. Liu Xuezhou found that the other party looked very similar to himself, so he called and asked bluntly: Have you ever lost a child named Ding Jing.

Hit it right away.

Liu's biological father, at first, was a little happy to find this cheap son. He told Liu Xuezhou that his life was difficult and he could not give him to a good family.

Liu Xuezhou, who had originally made up his mind, in case his parents abandoned him, would hate them for the rest of his life.

From a wild child in someone's mouth to having a biological parent, this child who has suffered for more than ten years feels that he is finally no longer a duckweed without roots, and he will no longer be bullied in the future.

After that, Liu Xuezhou and his biological parents got in touch separately. His parents divorced and formed a separate family, giving birth to their own children.

Liu Xuezhou found his father, who did not take him back to his home, but opened a hotel, let him stay for one night, and the next day took him to see his own grandparents, after giving him a red envelope of 5,000 yuan, the contact was less. The father said that the current wife did not know that he had a son and was worried that it would destroy the current family.

The biological mother had the same concerns, she had remarried and had children.

The couple, who abandoned their flesh and blood, somehow became extremely keen on having children. According to Liu Xuezhou, he had four blood-related siblings, a half-brother, a half-sister, a half-brother, and a half-brother.

They all grew up with their parents, but Liu Xuezhou was abandoned. This realization is really painful. But more painful things are yet to come.

With the intervention of the police, Liu Xuezhou, who is smart and sensitive, discovers the truth of that year. Even being abandoned became a luxury, and he was sold by his biological parents. The money from selling him became the dowry money for his biological father to marry his birth mother.

Another child is the crystallization of love as soon as he is born, and as soon as he is born, he is the dowry of his parents' marriage. How ironic.

But Liu Xuezhou, who has suffered for so many years, is too greedy for the feeling of having parents and brothers. Even if the birth mother just held his hand, it made him very happy. He took out a small amount of money to buy birthday gifts for his half-brother and went to his own mother's house to attend his brother's birthday party.

It was his brother's 12th birthday, and his birth mother had hosted eight tables for him.

Liu Xuezhou sat silently and watched. He has only had two birthdays in his life. One time when his adoptive parents were still alive, and the other time when his classmates helped him.

After this meeting, Liu Xuezhou returned to his adoptive parents' home in Shijiazhuang.

As the old TV series "Sin Debt" sang: Dad has a home, Mom has a home, and I am left with myself, as if it is superfluous.

The old mansion in Hebei was in tatters and could not be inhabited. Liu Xuezhou, who had nowhere to go, had to once again cheekily go to the home of his adoptive parents' aunt to borrow it.

He cried a lot, and when he called his mother, he mentioned that he did not have a place to live, and asked her if she could give her a home.

The child who was blackmailed by the birth mother was finally forced to die, and the suicide note made people cry

This is Liu Xuezhou's old residence in Hebei

Liu Xuezhou's idea is that his parents rent a house for themselves, or buy a house, and let him have a place to stay first. After all, he is only 15 years old, and when he had no parents before, he used to earn living expenses while working odd jobs. As a minor, there is nothing wrong with parents providing food and shelter.

However, the birth mother understood that Liu Xuezhou wanted to buy him a house. Without hesitation, she blackmailed her beloved son, who had been lost for fifteen years, without even listening to a single explanation.

Not only that, but his biological father also accused him of stirring up trouble and wanting to break up his current family.

After this matter was exposed, some netizens did not know what kind of psychology, accusing Liu Xuezhou of being too clever and looking for his parents, just to blackmail a house.

The child who was blackmailed by the birth mother was finally forced to die, and the suicide note made people cry

Liu Xuezhou collapsed. He was still just a child, how could he bear so much malicious slander. He just wants a home, just a little warmth, wants to be bullied and supported, wants to say straight, "I also have parents!" ”

In the end, Liu Xuezhou ate an overdose of drugs on the beautiful seashore in Sanya, left a suicide note, and poured out his tragic experience in this life.

From Liu Xuezhou's point of view, it is entirely conceivable that his life is really too bitter. Originally, he longed to get a little warmth after getting to know his biological parents. However, all he got was a cold ice blade, which once again stabbed a fatal blow at his devastated body.

No one can accept that they have come into this world without being expected or loved.

I really don't understand, people who don't have the ability to love children, give children a warm home, why should they have so many children. How can a child who has been lost and regained be so cold-blooded.

Anyone can be a parent, it's terrible.

People who casually carry out internet violence against a child are also too terrible.

I hope that Liu Xuezhou can go to a paradise without pain in the beautiful Sanya.