
My alma mater | University of Twente

author:Next stop holland
My alma mater | University of Twente

The University of Twente (UT), founded in 1961, is a young polytechnic university in the Netherlands, one of the three top polytechnic universities in the Netherlands, 3TU, and a key member of the European Alliance of Innovative Universities (ECIU). Twente is not only a world leader in the fields of science and engineering such as nanotechnology, integrated circuits, design and chemical engineering, but also cultivates many outstanding talents in social sciences and management, and its innovative teaching concepts and methods are favored by more and more elite students around the world.

School Big Data

In the newly released Times (THE) World University Rankings 2016/17, Twente continues its strong momentum, ranking 153rd in the world and 2nd at the Dutch Polytechnic University. Its computer science major is eye-catching, ranking 61st in the world. In addition to science and engineering, its social science performance is also remarkable, ranking 78th in the world. In the just-released QS World University Rankings, Twente's ranking continues its upward trajectory, ranking 177th in the world, and education majors are ranked 45th in the world.

My alma mater | University of Twente

The University of Twente currently has six faculties: the Faculty of Behaviour, Management and Social Sciences (BMS), the Faculty of Engineering and Technology (ET/CTW), the Faculty of Electronics, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS/EWI), the Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW), the Faculty of Geoinformatics Science and Earth Exploration (ITC), and the Atlas Academy (UCT). Among them, ATLAS is a star academy, which offers a bachelor's degree program with honors that combines technology and humanities. Graduates have the ability to solve global problems and are well positioned to apply for prestigious master's programs in the Netherlands and beyond. There are currently more than 10,000 students in Twente, and the proportion of international students is about a quarter. With a clear trend towards internationalization, the international student enrollment ratio has risen from 19% in 2015 to 33% in 2016, making it a veritable international university.

My alma mater | University of Twente

As one of the most entrepreneurial universities in Europe, the University of Twente has helped and mentored up to 750 startups, and hotel booking site giant is one of them. The university has a strong entrepreneurial atmosphere, with Kennispark for young people with ideas, where more than 380 companies and about 6,300 jobs are currently available. Many of the current students have their own startups, and Kennispark has become the largest innovation campus in the Netherlands.

My alma mater | University of Twente

school badge

My alma mater | University of Twente

The emblem of Twente University is a spelling of the capital letters of the name of the university, and the font is simple and atmospheric, with a high sense of technology and futurism. Unlike other established universities with a long history, Twente does not adopt the traditional hidden school emblem design, but boldly uses simple and neat letters as the school emblem, reflecting the youth and difference of Twente.

The school's motto is "High Tech, Human Touch", which means "high-tech, humanistic care". In the process of exploring new technologies, Twente attaches great importance to the combination of science and technology and social science and humanities. It can also be seen from the eye-catching world rankings of science, engineering and social sciences that Twente University has taken a very decisive and confident path in practicing its own educational philosophy. Because it knows, that's the trend of the future.

American-style campus, idyllic city

The University of Twente has the only American-style campus in the Netherlands, with teaching buildings, laboratories, dormitories, restaurants and gymnasiums all concentrated in the same area. This is not only a place where everyone can immerse themselves in hard reading every day, but also the best choice for members to relax.

My alma mater | University of Twente

As a prestigious polytechnic university, Twente has state-of-the-art teaching facilities. In order to expose students to the most cutting-edge technology, the school has a large number of well-equipped and advanced laboratories. At DesignLab, for example, students can experience high-tech technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting under the guidance of professionals.

My alma mater | University of Twente
My alma mater | University of Twente

At the same time, it is also a literary and artistic campus, with a collection of many artistic masterpieces, of which the tower called "Torentje van Drienerlo" is one of the most characteristic buildings of the school. Its design is very unique, with the spire of a church rising above the water, giving the illusion that the church is silent under the water. Dutch artist Wim T. Schippers originally designed it to bring new life to the campus.

My alma mater | University of Twente

The University of Twente is located in the easternmost part of the Netherlands, in the city of Enschede, which is preferred to be called the village of Enschede. It is close to the Dutch-German border and makes it easy to get out of the country by half an hour. Encun was once the center of the global cotton textile industry, and the machinery, metallurgy, pottery and rubber industries were also very developed, making it a veritable industrial town. Today, there is less of the crowding and hustle and bustle of a big city and more of European tranquility and ease. In Enschede, you can feel the most authentic European slow pace of life.

My alma mater | University of Twente

Ten reasons to choose the University of Twente

As a rising star of Dutch research universities, Twente University has chosen it for many reasons: the world ranking with strong upward momentum; the advanced teaching concept of combining social science and science and engineering; the strong strength of science and engineering such as computer science; excellent alumni and professors; international learning environment; the diversified geographical location on the Dutch-German border; the cultivation of innovative spirit; the pure American campus; the rich scientific research atmosphere; the advanced modern teaching facilities.

My alma mater | University of Twente

The University of Twente, though far from the village of En, where it is located, is very close to technology and truth; though it is far from the hustle and bustle, it is close to the comfort and leisure of Europe.

The next stop in the Netherlands "My University" series is back again, and everyone has been waiting for a long time! In this series, I will introduce the remaining Dutch research universities to you one by one, and the Dutch universities introduced earlier are welcome to click on the menu to view. If you have any questions about the Netherlands, please feel free to write to your big cousin, I will do my best to answer them!

My alma mater | University of Twente