
Mou Lin: What does it mean to save China's already small international reputation?

author:Qin'an Strategy

I read Hu Xijin's post today:

A great tribute to this valiant and kind woman. Her performance in the face of the murder is a portrayal of the spirit of righteousness and courage advocated by Chinese society. On Chinese soil, there are always people who come forward to help those in need, regardless of their nationality. Heroes go all the way.

I noticed that this post is followed by a thread like this

I feel incredible! What does it mean to save China's already small international reputation?

I'm thinking: How can we evaluate a social emergency in a rational, middle-of-the-road, objective, and respectful manner?

This is an important question!

Mou Lin: What does it mean to save China's already small international reputation?

According to the reports of many domestic websites, the description of rationality, middle way, objectivity, and respect for facts, the incident should be like this: At about 16 o'clock in the afternoon of June 24, 2024, the Japanese school had just ended, and many Japanese parents rushed to the bus stop of Xindi Center, Tayuan Road, Suzhou High-tech Zone after receiving the students, waiting for the bus. Hu Youping also happened to appear on the platform. Suddenly, a gangster with a long knife pointed at the crowd and slashed at anyone he saw. At this time, Hu Youping and other passengers were holding umbrellas in their hands and dealing with the gangsters, but after the gangsters stabbed an adult, they quickly rushed towards a little boy. Hu Youping threw down the umbrella and immediately stepped forward and hugged the gangster from behind. At this time, the boy's mother hurriedly dragged the boy away to avoid further injury. Because he was hugged by Hu Youping, the gangsters also turned the target of attack to Hu Youping.

stabbed Hu Youping down with one knife, and after Hu Youping fell to the ground, the gangsters still did not give up, and then stabbed several times. At this moment, more passers-by, drivers, and patrolmen rushed to subdue the gangsters. On the one hand, the police arrested the gangsters, and on the other hand, they immediately sent the injured Hu Youping and the other two injured to the hospital. Hu Youping died due to ineffective rescue. Later, according to the police report, it was learned that the other two injured were Japanese; The gangster man, 52 years old, was an unemployed vagrant who had recently come to Suzhou from other places.

Respecting this fact, Hu Youping's behavior is a typical act of righteousness and courage. I am sure that no one will have a problem with this.

The problem is that the other two wounded were Japanese! So someone started to make a big fuss. They first described the incident as follows: the murderer specialized in slashing and killing Japanese, and Hu Youping was injured and died after saving two Japanese.

In this way, the subjective motives of the murderer and Hu Youping's rescue have been modified, and what is described is no longer an objective fact.

In other words, it is no longer "rational and respectful"! Some people are afraid that the world will not be chaotic!

It is not difficult for us to find that most people with ulterior motives use this method to distort the facts.

Mou Lin: What does it mean to save China's already small international reputation?

As a result, Hu Youping's righteous and courageous behavior was questioned. Some people say that it is not worth it for her to die to save the Japanese, some people further believe that she is saving the Japanese and therefore cannot be regarded as righteous and courageous, and some extreme speakers even ridicule and ridicule her and slander her. However, these statements are too blunt and easy to identify to be worthy of refuting. Needless to say, Ms. Hu didn't know that she was saving the Japanese, and even if she did, she was also a hero who acted bravely!

Since the Suzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau issued a notice, it requested the municipal government to posthumously award citizen Hu Youping the title of "Suzhou City's Model of Righteousness and Courage". Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning also said: "We have also taken note of this unfortunate news and expressed our condolences for the unfortunate death of Ms. Hu Youping and expressed our condolences to her relatives." Suzhou City will posthumously award Ms. Hu Youping the title of model of righteousness and bravery. I think this Chinese woman embodies the kindness and courage of the Chinese people, and reflects the spirit of the Chinese people who are brave enough to help others. He also said that "China will continue to take effective measures to effectively protect the safety of all foreigners in China." The Japanese Embassy in China also posted a Weibo post praising Hu Youping's righteous and courageous behavior, and said that it would mourn Hu Youping's flag at half-mast. On the topic of whether Ms. Hu is righteous and courageous, I don't need to say anything more for her.

Let's take a look at the yin and yang weird post of "saving China's already small international reputation", what does it want to say?

At first glance, it also praised Hu Youping's righteous and courageous behavior, and also said that she was a bodhisattva, which was easy to paralyze netizens.

Its key words are three: "save", "not much", and "international reputation". It means that China's "righteous and courageous" behavior has not been many in the past, and its "international reputation" is very poor, and it has reached the level of "saving".

This is beyond the scope of "judging facts from facts", and judging facts from facts is a technical premise of "seeking truth from facts". It is obviously an act of righteousness and courage that happened to the Chinese, and according to normal logic, Ms. Hu just reflects the excellent quality of the Chinese in seeing righteousness and courage. However, this post "takes a unique approach" and "creatively" believes that this incident just reflects that there are "not many Chinese people with such excellent qualities". "Not much" is not enough, but also add a "original", which means that Chinese are born with a lack of excellent qualities such as righteousness and courage. I still think that the sentence "there is not much" is too vague, and with the addition of "save", it becomes "almost zero". That is to say, this post is not fun to touch the black Chinese, and it is necessary to completely touch the black before resting. It just so happened that this incident was saved by the Japanese, and the incident was internationalized, so this post is associated with "international reputation", so I continued to say that the "international reputation" of the Chinese is very poor and poor, and if it is not saved, the Chinese will have no face to live in this world.

In this way, Ms. Hu's heroic act of righteousness and courage is interpreted by this post as a heroic act to save the Chinese's "already small international reputation".

This is not only divorced from the facts of this incident, but also seriously inconsistent with the real situation of the Chinese in terms of excellent qualities such as righteousness and courage. Next, passers-by, drivers, and patrol officers bravely caught the gangsters, and slapped the post hard. Aren't these passers-by, drivers, and patrolmen Chinese with the excellent quality of seeing righteousness and courage? There are so many emergencies in one event, and there are still "not many"?

Mou Lin: What does it mean to save China's already small international reputation?

From this, I think that some foreign forces that are trying to contain and suppress China have no bottom line in China, and I can't help but ask how much money the owner of this post has received for the activities of NGOs.

The reason why I say a few more words about one of Hu Xijin's posts is to remind our netizens that for such emergencies, we must "be respectful of the people", clarify the facts, respect the facts, and discuss things on a case-by-case basis, and we must learn to distinguish some remarks with ulterior motives, and not be used by people with ulterior motives. As for how to identify, this is a case that can be used as an example.

Note: The author of this article is Mu Lin, a core member of the "Qin'an Strategy" think tank, and is an original work on this platform.

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