
Between the opposite sex, these kinds of tastes are bred, indicating that love has come one, the taste of mutual admiration is two, the taste of enthusiasm and unrestrained is three, and the taste of vinegar is sprouted

author:Ye Feifei YFF

Tennyson said: "As long as men and women truly love each other, even if they do not become dependents in the end, they are still sweet." ”

In this world, everyone longs for sincere love, and in their hearts, they are always looking forward to one day, meeting the person who fits in, and starting a beautiful love.

Some people are sensitive to love and can grasp love well, while some people are not good at discovering, always after the arrival of love, unintentional observation, so that after losing it, they regret it.

In fact, when love comes, there are traces to follow. At this time, you need to have a certain sensitivity, be able to take the initiative to seize love, and cherish the person who fits you.

The soul that really fits together will definitely make you smell the smell of each other, and once two people get along, they breed these smells, indicating that love is coming.

And this just shows that they have moved their true feelings with each other, as long as they are truly delivered, they will definitely blossom into a beautiful flower of love.

Therefore, when the love between men and women goes deep, there will be these flavors:

Between the opposite sex, these kinds of tastes are bred, indicating that love has come one, the taste of mutual admiration is two, the taste of enthusiasm and unrestrained is three, and the taste of vinegar is sprouted

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="13" >, the taste of mutual love</h1>

Some people say: When two people who have a good feeling for each other interact, they must be very eager to get close to each other, and the closer the better.

Indeed, if men and women are intentional with each other, they will have a strong desire in their hearts to lean close to each other, even if every minute and second is a kind of enjoyment.

No matter how far away, but the heart is very close, casual glance at each other, can make the heart excited for a long time.

In fact, this is the taste of mutual admiration between men and women.

Once both parties have the desire for further development, love will come inadvertently, at this time, both parties can feel it.

Therefore, those beautiful loves, often the desire of men and women to communicate reached a certain level, naturally occurred.

No need to deliberately tempt, a look, a small action, can involve each other's hearts.

When the taste of admiration becomes stronger and stronger, the two people will eventually be unable to help but take a step forward, love pulls each other's hearts, sticking them close to each other, and it is also very warm.

Therefore, the love of two loves is the most beautiful love, which is not disturbed by the world, and is completely heart-to-heart.

Between the opposite sex, these kinds of tastes are bred, indicating that love has come one, the taste of mutual admiration is two, the taste of enthusiasm and unrestrained is three, and the taste of vinegar is sprouted

Ah Ling and her boyfriend fell in love with each other in college, and she still remembers the first time she met her boyfriend.

At that time, the boyfriend was walking towards her, and she looked at him from a distance, and felt that there was a very beautiful breath on him, which made her very intoxicated.

Because she was a girl, she was somewhat shy, and when he got closer, she lowered her head, but the afterglow of her eyes had been secretly looking at him.

Xu was the one who noticed Ah Ling's eyes, and when he was about to pass by, he suddenly stopped and said to her, "It's as if I've seen you." ”

Ah Ling looked up at him, and the moment her eyes intersected, she obviously felt a strong sense of love. Then she blushed and said, "I feel the same way." ”

This is the beginning of their love, Ah Ling said, until many years after the two people married, she could not forget the boyfriend who came to her and the scene, everything was so beautiful, so intoxicating to her.

That feeling, as written in "The Dream of the Covered Bridge":

"It is clear now that I have come to you, and you have come to me, it has been a long, long time. Although before we met, no one knew the other person existed. ”

This is probably the most beautiful look of love.

Between the opposite sex, these kinds of tastes are bred, indicating that love has come one, the taste of mutual admiration is two, the taste of enthusiasm and unrestrained is three, and the taste of vinegar is sprouted

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="77" > second, enthusiastic taste</h1>

If men and women are in love, they will definitely behave very enthusiastically, and they are so unrestrained, so happy, and so active in front of each other.

Don't worry about too many things, you can communicate freely, the real look, often the most moving.

Men do not have to deliberately disguise themselves, women will not pretend to be reserved, both sides are very enthusiastic, but also willing to take the initiative to pay for each other.

When the opposite sex is in contact, if you find that someone is particularly enthusiastic about you, everything will think of you, and you can't help but take the initiative to come to you and do many things for you.

This basically shows that he must have a special affection for you, and he exudes a strong smell of enthusiasm and exuberance, enveloping you in this smell and fascinates you.

In fact, when you meet such a person for you, his enthusiasm will also invisibly infect you, if you also have a good feeling for him, it will naturally distinguish him from others.

At this time, the two people are immersed in a warm atmosphere, and it is natural to start a relationship, perhaps quietly, but it will be very sincere.

Between the opposite sex, these kinds of tastes are bred, indicating that love has come one, the taste of mutual admiration is two, the taste of enthusiasm and unrestrained is three, and the taste of vinegar is sprouted

When love really comes, it really can't be hidden, and each other's words and deeds will reveal their liking.

As the interaction between two people becomes deeper and deeper, they will unconsciously show the love hidden in their hearts to each other from the enthusiasm.

If you really care about a person, you will definitely infect everything about the other party with enthusiasm, take the initiative to pay for the other party, and have no complaints or regrets.

Now the pace of life is fast, everyone's energy is very limited, if it is not really emotional, who will waste time and energy on an insignificant person?

Some people say: true enthusiasm will only be given to the people you like.

Indeed, because of love for you, the other party will have enthusiasm for you, will take the initiative to approach you, and spend so much thought on you.

Therefore, when men and women communicate, if they breed a passionate and unrestrained taste, most of them will go into love.

No matter how cold people are, they will become unrestrained because of each other's enthusiasm, which may be the magic of love.

Truly good love must be intentional with each other, enthusiastic with each other, and active with each other, and the feelings will continue to heat up.

Between the opposite sex, these kinds of tastes are bred, indicating that love has come one, the taste of mutual admiration is two, the taste of enthusiasm and unrestrained is three, and the taste of vinegar is sprouted

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="78" > three, sprouting vinegar flavor</h1>

When my colleague Ah Fang and her boyfriend had just fallen in love, one day, I saw my boyfriend walking with another girl, and my heart was very unhappy.

Especially the boyfriend also helped the girl to carry things, the two people talked and laughed, it seemed very intimate, Ah Fang suddenly had a hint of jealousy in her heart.

After the boyfriend returned, Ah Fang directly told her boyfriend that she would pay attention to her behavior in the future and not get so close to the other opposite sex.

The boyfriend laughed and told Ah Fang that the girl was his own sister.

At this time, Ah Fang was no longer angry, and she felt embarrassed, and her face was red.

In fact, when men and women are deeply in love and care about each other very much, they will definitely have a vinegary taste.

Because love is a very private thing, it is not allowed to mix in any impurities, on the other hand, someone is jealous of you, which means that they really love you and are afraid of losing you.

Between the opposite sex, there is a vinegar taste, but also a manifestation of true love, truly love each other, will not allow others to come in.

Between the opposite sex, these kinds of tastes are bred, indicating that love has come one, the taste of mutual admiration is two, the taste of enthusiasm and unrestrained is three, and the taste of vinegar is sprouted

Carson McCullers said: "Love is a common experience that happens between two people. ”

I deeply believe that true love does not allow the other party to have too much contact with other people of the opposite sex, it should be a common protection and experience between two people who love each other.

Any love needs to focus on each other and maintain it together.

So, this experience of love is shared, and once broken by one party, it becomes less pure.

Sometimes, two people are at peace, often because one party has contact with others, and the other party suddenly has an emotional breakdown and throws a tantrum at you.

In the end, it is nothing more than overturning the vinegar jar to express inner dissatisfaction. In fact, the behavior of jealousy is not wrong, but can make each other more sober and better maintain each other's relationship.

Therefore, when men and women interact, whether they are true love for each other can be spied out from these tastes.

Between the opposite sex, if these tastes are bred, it means that love is coming, as long as they firmly grasp each other, they can start a beautiful relationship.


I am Ye Feifei yff, focusing on the field of emotion creation and sharing, using emotions to communicate with you and my soul, like please pay attention to me.

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