
Tang Dynasty poets Yuan Shu and Cui Yingying

author:Seven thousand years of the earth

The famous Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Shu, 779 to 831, lived for more than fifty years, and was a native of Henan County, Henan Province (present-day Luoyang City, Henan Province), a descendant of the Northern Wei imperial family of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

During the Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tuoba Xianbei's chieftain Tuoba Shiyijian, who proclaimed himself the DaiWang and established the DaiGuo, he married Murong Xianbei and had three wives and concubines, who bore him ten sons and four daughters.

Later, Tuoba Shiyijian was killed by the eldest son, and Former Qin took the opportunity to attack the Daiguo; Former Qin expanded, attacked the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and destroyed the country, and the second son's son, Tuoba Jue, took the opportunity to establish Northern Wei; and the descendants of the seventh son were Yuan Shu.

During the Tang Dynasty, Shi Yuankuan, the governor of the Shu Dynasty, married his wife Xingyang Zhengshi, with four sons and two daughters, and Yuan Shu was the fourth son.

Yuan Shu was born in 779 during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang, twenty-four years after the outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, by which time the Anshi Rebellion had been quelled and Emperor Tang was the grandson of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang.

Yuan Shu lost his father at the age of eight, and with his birth mother Zheng Shi, he left Luoyang and went to Fengxiang in Guanzhong to defect to his uncle.

In order to get rid of poverty as soon as possible, in 793, when Yuan Shu was fifteen years old, he took the examination and successfully entered the Ming Jing Section, which was simpler than the Jinshi Branch.

Because he still had to wait for the official examination before he could become an official, Yuan Shu lived idly in the capital and began to compose poetry.

In 799, Yuan Shu went on a business trip to Puzhou (in present-day Yongji County, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province), borrowed his aunt's house, and met his cousin Cui Yingying, the daughter of a local rich man, the big name Cui Shuangwen, talented and beautiful, the family had money, it was very attractive to Yuan Shu, however, Miss Cui was cold, so the red lady of the lady gave Yuan Shu a trick: "Jun's test is a metaphor for love poems, otherwise there is no reason." "Writing poetry and seducing sisters is exactly what Yuan Shu is good at, and with the help of Ya Gui, Yuan Shu took down Cui Yingying." However, Cui Yingying's family is only a local rich man, who cannot meet the requirements of Yuan Shu to change his fate through marriage, so he can only endure the pain of cutting love, at this point, Yuan Shu's idea is very clear, never confused, beautiful can not be eaten as a meal. Years later, Based on his first love, Yuan Shu created the legendary novel "The Legend of the Warbler", which was the predecessor of the later "West Chamber".

Tang Dynasty poets Yuan Shu and Cui Yingying

Cui Warbler

Yuan Shu is good at writing beautiful poems, and in the "Biography of Yingying", Yuan Shu recounts this first love of that year: "The first tone of the drama is slightly rejected, and the tenderness has been secretly communicated." Mandarin ducks cross neck dance, emerald acacia cage. The eyebrows are shy, and the lips are warmer and more melted. Qi Qing Lan Musk Fu, skin moisturizing jade muscle abundance. Beads of sweat and greenery. Fang Xi Millennium Conference, Russia heard five nights poor. The time to stay is limited, and it is difficult to end it. ”

In 803, Yuan Shu took the official examination for the official department, and the examination book was judged to be bacui section, Dengke, and merged into the secretary province as a school secretary, and Bai Juyi, who was eight years older than him, also joined the dengshu judgement of the bacuiki section, and the two became friends of life and death.

With his identity, Yuan Shu was able to marry Wei Cong, the daughter of Wei Xiaqing, who was from the Jingzhao Wei Clan Longmen Public House, and Yuan Shu was given the opportunity to climb up.

The political marriage with Wei Cong helped Yuan Shu a lot, and Yuan Shu was very satisfied, and the two became husband and wife for half a lifetime.

Tang Dynasty poets Yuan Shu and Cui Yingying

Everybody's boudoir

Soon, his father-in-law Wei Xiaqing appointed the eastern capital Luoyang to stay behind and go to the eastern capital Luoyang to take up his post, so Yuan Shu and Wei Cong and his wife followed Wei Xiaqing to Luoyang, and Yuan Shu and his wife lived in the Wei residence of the eastern capital Luoyang. Yuan Shu only returned to the capital early the next year, while Wei Cong lived in Luoyang for a long time, so during this period, Yuan Shu traveled back and forth between Chang'an and Luoyang several times.

In 806, Yuan Shu and Bai Juyi jointly participated in a special examination held by Tang Xianzong, and Yuan Shu and Bai Ju Yi were in the "Talent and Knowledge and Mao Ming in Physical Use" section, and eighteen people were enrolled in the section, and Yuan Shu was the first to be appointed to the post of Zuo Shiyi.

After that, his mother died, and Yuan Shu kept filial piety at home for three years. After dingyou ended, in 809, the thirty-one-year-old Yuan Shu returned to the capital and was promoted to inspector of imperial history.

Yuan Shu was ordered to inspect Jiannan and Dongchuan, that is, the present Chengdu Plain and Chuandong, the corrupt officials in that area, smelling the wind and fearful, Yuan Shu boldly impeached the non-judges all the way, rehabilitated many unjust cases, and was widely welcomed by the people, Bai Juyi even wrote a poem to give him, "His heart is like a lung stone, the movement will reach the poor people, the eighty families in Dongchuan, and the grievances will be expressed."

In Zizhou (梓州, in present-day Santai County, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province), Yuan Shu had another affair, and Xue Tao in the shogunate, although he was in the music book, was a master of poetry, and his poetry was famous, and Yuan Shu met in Zizhou. Thirty-one-year-old young talent, met a forty-one-year-old big sister, and the two spent three months together burning with passion. This happy time, as Xue Tao wrote, "on the amphibious green pool, flying back together towards dusk." Yuan Shu specially wrote the poem "Sending Gifts to Xue Tao": "Jinjiang slippery moth eyebrow show, illusion Wenjun and Xue Tao." Words are clever to steal parrot tongues, and the article is divided into phoenix hair. Comparing Xue Tao with Zhuo Wenjun of the Western Han Dynasty, he is similar to Sima Xiang.

Tang Dynasty poets Yuan Shu and Cui Yingying

Xue Tao

Playing back, the serious things were not delayed at all, and he did a very good job, Yuan Shu was in Jiannan and Dongchuan, and drastically rectified corrupt officials, but this violated the interests of the old bureaucratic class and the feudal towns in the middle of the dynasty, so Yuan Shu was transferred away and transferred to the Imperial History Terrace in the eastern capital Luoyang, where he was excluded and idle.

Caizi was affectionate, but also had a thin heart, Yuan Shu arrived in Luoyang, naturally threw himself into the arms of his wife Wei Cong, and soon forgot Xue Tao.

Just when Yuan Shu's career was frustrated and he was counting on his wife's family to help him, Yuan ShuXian's clever wife Wei Cong died in his prime, which was a great blow to Yuan Shu and made him often sleepless at night. Yuan Shu was also very good at writing mourning poems, and because it was difficult to relieve the pain, he wrote the famous "Five Songs of Departing Thoughts", writing a famous sentence for thousands of years: "Once the sea was shipwrecked as water, except for Wushan mountain is not a cloud", to give the deepest mourning.

In 810, Yuan Shu returned to the capital Chang'an, passing through huazhou yiguan, and fought with the eunuch Qiu Shiliang for the main hall of the post, and was injured in the face by Qiu Shiliang, who was a close associate of Tang Xianzong, and Tang Xianzong pulled a bias, demoting Yuan Shu to join the army as a soldier in Jiangling Province (江陵府, in present-day Jingzhou, Hubei Province).

Yuan Shu knew the power of eunuchs, so he changed to a good eunuch and befriended the overseer Cui Tanjun in Jiangling, and during this period, the poems wrote more about the trivialities around them and lacked content.

In order to seek advancement, Yuan Shu attached himself to Yan Shou (严绶) of the domain and the eunuch Cui Tanjun (崔潭峻), who was despised by the theories of the times.

In 814, Yan Shou was ordered to attack Wu Yuanji in the Huaixi domain, with the eunuch Cui Tanjun accompanying him as a supervisor and Yuan Shu accompanying the army to participate in the war.

Xue Tao once went to Jiangling to find Yuan Shu, if she could be a concubine and be with Yuan Shu, she would be satisfied, but she did not return, probably because Xue Tao was older.

In Gangneung Province, Yuan Shu married a concubine An Xian.

In 815, he was renamed Sima of Dongchuan Tongzhou (in present-day Dongda County, Tongda), and Yuan Shu married again, married Pei Shu, her family was in Fuzhou, and she was also a big girl, talented and beautiful, Yuan Shu was very satisfied, writing: "Today's cold food is good, this day the family travels together." The clear water and green mountains are infinite, and Mo will be in his heart to fuzhou. “

Good Jiyou, Sima Baiju of Jiangzhou, immediately praised: "Weimen female Qinggui, Pei Shisheng Xianshu." "I exaggerated both of my wives before and after Yuan Shu.

In 819, on the recommendation of Cui Tanjun, who was reporting to the hui dynasty, Tang Xianzong summoned Yuan Shu back to Beijing.

In 820, Emperor Muzong of Tang ascended the throne, and Yuan Shu was promoted to kubu langzhong and concurrently "zhizhi zhizhi" (知制诰), and participated in the drafting of the edict.

In 821, because Tang Muzong had always liked to read Yuan Shu's poems, Yuan Shu served as a Zhongshu Sheren and a Hanlin scholar to undertake the will, participate in secrets, and decide on important matters.

In 821, Yuan Shu and Pei Du were successively appointed xiang, and Yuan Shu ascended to the throne with the support of Tang Muzong, and he planned to use the anti-plot to pacify the feudal town, but Li Fengji, who coveted the position of chancellor, sent someone to plot to falsely accuse Yuan Shu and Pei Du, and the two were deposed at the same time. Yuan Shu (元稹) was assassinated in Tongzhou (同州, in present-day Weibei, Guanzhong).

Tang Dynasty poets Yuan Shu and Cui Yingying

Yuan Shu

In 823, Yuan Shu was transferred to eastern Zhejiang to observe the history of Yue Prefecture (越州, in present-day Shaoxing, Zhejiang).

In the following six years, Yuan Shu built water conservancy and developed agriculture, which had considerable political achievements and won the support of the people.

In Yuezhou, Caizi spent his heart again, and Yuan Shu had a scandal with the female artist Liu Caichun, for which he also wrote a poem "Gift to Liu Caichun": "The new makeup is cleverly painted with double moths, and the Changzhou is full of Erluo." The front is smooth and smooth, and the slow step is light to break the ripples. The rhetoric is elegant and the manners are low and charming. "This literati who was merciful everywhere left some clues and materials for posterity that can be used as a supplement to the history.

During the reign of Emperor Wenzong of Tang, in 829, Yuan Shu entered the dynasty and appointed Shangshu ZuoCheng, although he still wanted to make a difference, but from the beginning of the Jiangling period, he was changed to a eunuch, which was despised by the scholars, and at this time, the political enemy Li Zongmin was the prime minister, so Yuan Shu was again ostracized, and in 830, he was kicked out of the circle of the capital and sent to Ezhou, as an envoy for the inspection of Hubu Shangshu, and the assassination of Ezhou (in present-day Wuhan, Hubei Province).

He died in 831, at the age of more than fifty, and was given the right servant of Shangshu, and Bai Juyi wrote an epitaph for him.

Yuan Shu and Bai Juyi are collectively called "Yuan Bai", first, because the two are good friends, and secondly, their style of writing poetry is the same, and its characteristics, in today's words, are very grounded. However, there are still some differences between the two, in the early stage, "Yuan light white customs"; in the later period, Bai Juyi lived longer, and in his later years he was plagued by illness, changed his previous way of life, and finally abandoned Confucianism and took refuge in Buddhism in order to seek ultimate liberation, which made Bai Juyi's poetry even more desolate and compassionate.

Yuan and Bai were once popular, Chang'an was the most prosperous metropolis in the world at that time, at the beginning, after Yuan Shu and Bai Juyi became officials, they liked to linger in the Qinglou, and Yuan Shu wrote a poem describing the situation at that time: "Secretly carrying Chang Shangle, stealing Jingfang Ji." The fetish is rising towards the lazy, and the new sunny helps the evening to play. The eyes are always full of joy, and there are few eyebrows elsewhere. Wild singing is chaotic, drunken dancing is half-shirted. ”

Bai Juyi also said to him: "I heard that Qiu Niang is still here, and I have asked about it so far." ”

Wang Fuzhi, one of the three major thinkers of the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, in the "Reading Through Theory", took a critical attitude toward the lifestyles of Yuan Shu and Bai Juyi. This is because the environment in Wang Fu's time was very harsh, so he could no longer understand the relaxed and free Tang Dynasty. Wang Fuzhi believes that Yuan Shu and Bai Juyi are addicted to liquor stores, Qinglou, poetry, calligraphy and painting, although they are called celebrities, they are actually not the pillars of the state and the heart of the king. "These sons are all drunk and meat to drown their hearts, to wander in their feelings, and to play well in costumes and calligraphy to lose their keeping." In this case, unless the United States and officials have made generous profits, it is not enough to get tired of what they want. And the spirit is shaken, the incorruptibility is lost, and the square and the number is thought to be the relish of the clear stream, and the light and obscene people are happy to rely on it, and they are flaunted as celebrities. In this way, those who can establish themselves as the heart of the king, the heart of the country, and the shadow of the people are indispensable. ”

Yuan Shu's wives and concubines included Wei Cong, Pei Shu, and An Xian Concubine, and his lovers included Cui Yingying, Xue Tao, and Liu Caichun, as well as countless other Qinglou women, such as the singer Linglong, who lent Bai Juyi to Yuezhou Thorn Shi Yuanshu for a period of time and then returned to Bai Juyi.

Yuan Shu had four daughters and one son, among whom: Wei Cong grew the female Yuan Baozi, Pei Shusheng's second daughter Yuan Xiaoying, the third daughter Yuan Daowei, the fourth daughter Yuan Daofu, and the only son Yuan Daohu.

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