
The feeling of success

author:Player 7

The feeling of success is important to everyone because it not only gives you confidence and sunshine, but also boosts your probability of continued success.

Doing a good job and getting a good return on it (materially, emotionally) reaps the feeling of success. After that, you'll naturally invoke more positive factors to do it, and it's easier to continue to be successful. This is the entry into a positive cycle – man is joyful and energetic.

But the feeling of success is not something that can be obtained casually. Because success may require favorable timing and place, but failure only requires a small accident. So much effort, burned to the ground because of that little accident, how can it not be frustrating? Go down and do things in a bad mood, the result is definitely not so satisfactory, and then the mood is even worse... Thus entering a negative cycle, people are anxious and depressed.

Therefore, we must grasp the feeling of success and be alert to whether we are in a positive or negative cycle. Because failure can happen at any time, "we have to work very hard to look effortless."

I wish everyone a sense of success and a positive cycle.