
The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

author:Polaroid says sports

Our Chinese women's volleyball team is really amazing, no, the war drums of the Paris Olympics have been slowly beaten, and the list of our women's volleyball girls is also freshly released! Do you want to know how strong our team is this time? Tell you, it's so strong that you can't find the opponent!

First of all, you are certainly familiar with the familiar names on the list.

Zhu Ting, Yuan Xinyue, Zhang Changning, do you still need me to talk about these big killers? Every time they play a ball game, they play like an electrified storm, and the opposing team sees them with absolute awe and fear in their eyes.

And this time, in addition to the veterans, there is also a new blood injection, new vitality and tactics, opponents, are you ready?

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

Let's talk about our formidable enemies.

The United States team and the Serbian team have always been tough bones, but the Chinese women's volleyball team has never been afraid of hard work.

No, coach Cai Bin must have come prepared this time, and he must have done his homework strategically.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

Don't look at the game before it starts, I dare to say that this game is full of highlights and will definitely make you dizzy.

The date of the match has already been set, and from 29 July, the stadium in Paris will be our main battle.

The first battle against the United States, this is our old rival, and every time we encounter it, it is very hot.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

However, don't worry, the girls of our women's volleyball team can't wait to show their strength on the court.

You say, can you not be excited about an international competition of this level? Every smash, every block, may directly affect the ownership of the gold medal.

Moreover, it is not only a contest of technology and physical strength, but also a contest of psychology and intelligence.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

You see, it's not just a game, it's a war!

And, when it comes to game strategy, our coaching team is not vegetarian.

There must be something new this time.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

There may be unexpected lineup changes, or sudden tactical changes that are guaranteed to catch opponents off guard.

It's like a silent spring rain, so that before the opponent can react, the score has already opened.

Of course, when you think of Paris, you may think of romance, but for our Chinese women's volleyball team, it is more of a battlefield.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

There is no room for relaxation in every minute, because only the final victor can leave a smile on the iron net.

Speaking of which, are you just as much looking forward to the Paris Olympics as I am? Although the competition has not yet started, I am already thinking about what a shocking scene it was when our national anthem sounded on the podium.

It's exciting to think about!

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

In the end, this competition is not only a sports competition, but also a symbol of national honor.

Every time they play, they represent the image of the country, so no matter what, we look forward to the Chinese women's volleyball team once again raising the five-star red flag of victory on the world stage!

So, let's wait for that exciting moment together, cheer for the Chinese women's volleyball team, and cheer for their hard work and hard work.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

Paris, we are here, not to compete, but to conquer!

When it comes to Paris this time, it's not a romantic date, but a real battlefield.

Our girls, dressed in their robes, didn't go to see the Eiffel Tower, they went to conquer the stadium.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

Zhu Ting, Yuan Xinyue, Zhang Changning, these three King Kongs, are you ready to meet their thunderbolt giant fist?

However, while everyone is gearing up and waiting impatiently for the game to start, the game hasn't officially started yet.

Our women's volleyball girls should now be in intense training, adjusting their state and sharpening their skills.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

Thinking about their sweat on the training ground, isn't it quite distressing? This is not only physical work, but also mental work, every tactical adjustment, every position movement, must be accurate in place.

A netizen commented: "When I saw Zhu Ting and Zhang Changning, I knew that this was not just a game, it was simply a display of art!" They are running and jumping on the field, so powerful, so beautiful.

Every smash is like writing a powerful stroke on the canvas.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

I'm really looking forward to the official competition! ”

Indeed, every time I see the Chinese women's volleyball team playing, I can feel that blood-pumping passion.

Don't say anything else, just rush to this spirit, we have to support it well! And you say, isn't this kind of competition just to watch this kind of tough scene? Every point of the girls of the women's volleyball team is not only a victory of technology, but also a victory of spirit!

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

Some netizens expressed their opinions again: "I think that in addition to Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning and Yuan Xinyue, the newcomers of the Chinese women's volleyball team cannot be underestimated."

The addition of these new bloods not only enhances the vitality of the team, but also makes the tactics more varied.

The combination of the old and the new can create new sparks.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

Especially against strong teams like the United States and Serbia, it may be these newcomers who play a different spark.

That's right, the addition of new blood always brings new hope and possibility.

The list of athletes participating in the Paris Olympics of the "Olympic Women's Volleyball Team" Chinese women's volleyball team was released and the prospect analysis was released

The period leading up to the competition is a good opportunity for newcomers to get together and show themselves.

Perhaps, it is these new faces that can surprise us at a critical moment.

Coming back to our opponents, the United States and Serbia, they have always been difficult to deal with.

But that's where the excitement lies, isn't it? Only the stronger opponents in the strong can sharpen themselves stronger.

Every duel seems to tell us that if you want to stand on top of the world, you have to surpass the limit again and again.

Some netizens said: "Every time I see the Chinese women's volleyball team fighting hard in international competitions, I am very excited.

This is not only because of their victory, but also because of the spirit they showed to be not afraid of strong opponents.

This spirit is the most shining medal besides the gold medal! ”

Indeed, the victory of the game is important, but more important is the inheritance and display of that spirit.

The Chinese women's volleyball team is not only competing, they are also using actions to interpret what is indomitable and what is unity and cooperation.

Whenever they fight the field, isn't that the best national business card?

In short, although the game has not yet started, our hearts have already flown to Paris.

This is not only a sports event, but also a feast for the spirit.

Let's look forward to that day, when the Chinese national anthem resounded on the field, when the five-star red flag was raised high.

At that time, we not only won the competition, but also won the respect and pride of the world!

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