
Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

author:Little Flower Women's Volleyball Talk

Text: Xiaohua Women's Volleyball Team Talk

Editor|Xiaohua Women's Volleyball Talk

Mai Xiaodeng, a blogger who has become popular on the Internet with his daily life sharing, recently held a grand opening ceremony for his son Mai Sui.

This ceremony is not only an important moment for the family, but also the focus of heated discussions among netizens.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

But to the surprise of many, the eye condition of the wheat ear in the video has sparked a wide discussion, and some netizens even questioned whether he suffers from cross-eyed.

The meat opening ceremony has a special meaning in traditional Chinese culture, symbolizing the growth of children and the blessings of the family.

In the video, Mai Xiaodeng carefully prepared a sumptuous dish, and the table was filled with all kinds of meat, symbolizing that his son could start eating meat from now on, indicating healthy growth.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

The family gathered together, the atmosphere was warm and lively, and everyone had a happy smile on their faces.

In the video, Mai Xiaodeng expressed his deep expectations for his son: "The family hopes that Mai Sui Jian will grow up healthy and happy. ”

This sentence expresses the good wishes of every parent for their children.

The whole ceremony was filled with a strong sense of love and made people feel the warmth of family.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

After the video was uploaded, netizens left messages to express their blessings: "The sense of ceremony is full, the wheat ears are surrounded by happiness", "I wish the wheat ears a healthy and happy growth".

These comments undoubtedly affirm McXiaoden's intentions as a parent and his love for his children.

However, there are also some comments that point to a worrying issue: "The eyes of the ears of wheat are a bit cross-eyed".

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

This comment sparked a wide range of discussions.

Some netizens said that the child is still young, and it may only be a temporary visual problem, which may correct itself as he gets older.

Others are concerned that this is a manifestation of cross-eyed (esotropia) and requires early medical intervention.

Esotropia, also known as cross-eyed, is a common eye condition characterized by the inability of both eyes to focus on the same target at the same time, usually with one eye skewed inward.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

This condition mostly occurs in childhood, and if left untreated, it may affect vision development and even lead to amblyopia.

In this information age, every detail can be infinitely magnified.

The eye problem of the wheat ear quickly fermented on social media and became a hot topic.

Some netizens expressed sympathy and support for Mai Xiaodeng, believing that it is normal for some small problems to occur in the child's growth process, and there is no need to worry too much.

However, other netizens questioned Mai Xiaoden, believing that she, as a public figure, should pay more attention to children's health issues, rather than blindly pursuing exposure.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

This clash of views makes the event even more complicated.

On the one hand, as a mother, Mai Xiaodeng hopes to share the happiness and warmth of the family by recording the growth of her children; On the other hand, the public's expectations of her are not limited to this, but also include concern for the child's health and the fulfillment of responsibilities.

In the face of the pressure of public opinion, Mai Xiaoden responded in a follow-up video.

She said that as a mother, she has always been very concerned about the health of her children, expressed her gratitude for the concern of netizens, and has made an appointment for a professional eye examination.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

At the same time, she also called on netizens to be more understanding and tolerant when expressing their opinions, after all, every child has its own growth trajectory, and every family has its own way of coping.

Although McXiaoden's response calmed some of the doubts, it also provoked more thinking.

As a public figure, how to balance privacy and transparency, attention and care while sharing her life has become a problem that she and many content creators need to face.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

As a parent, paying attention to the health and growth of your child is undoubtedly the most important; As a public figure, how to deal with the public's expectations and the pressure of public opinion while sharing life also requires continuous learning and reflection.

Through this incident, we have not only seen a mother's deep love for her child, but also the public's sincere concern for the child's health.

Mai Xiaodeng opened the meat ceremony for his son, and the wheat ears slanted inward, and his eyes were scattered, and he was questioned about cross-eyed

I hope that in the future, the wheat ears can grow up healthy and happy with the care of their parents and the help of doctors; At the same time, Mak Xiaodeng can also better balance privacy and responsibility while sharing his life, and continue to bring more warm and positive content to everyone.

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