
Lack of cores, brain drain, and fruitless research and development of autonomous driving, is there still drama in Apple's car-making plan?

2021 is the first year of the outbreak of new energy vehicles, as of the end of last year, under the leadership of Tesla and various new car forces, as well as the transformation of traditional car companies to catch up, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in the Chinese market has exceeded 20%.

Seeing the continuous prosperity of smart electric vehicle products in the new energy vehicle market, major Internet and technology companies have come down to cross-border car manufacturing, want to get a piece of the pie, the hegemon in the field Apple has long been unable to hold back, as early as many years ago set up an automatic driving team, the project code name Titan. Although the Titans have not made any practical results public over the years, the news about Apple's official car construction has not gone away.

Lack of cores, brain drain, and fruitless research and development of autonomous driving, is there still drama in Apple's car-making plan?

But the closer to the truth, more news about Apple's car-making plan has also been exposed.

For example, the recent wave of executive departures encountered by Apple Auto is one of the refractions of Apple's car manufacturing. According to public information, in the past year, apple car teams have failed to keep at least 7 executives gone.

The second is the lack of cores, even if Apple's car has not yet been officially mass-produced, but Cook announced as early as the 2021 Q3 financial report that Apple has a shortage of chip supply pressure.

Lack of cores, brain drain, and fruitless research and development of autonomous driving, is there still drama in Apple's car-making plan?

In addition, the reputation and label established by Tesla in the field of smart cars are largely similar to Apple's in the field of electronic consumption, which is to subvert the tradition in the name of technology. If Apple catches up with Tesla in the field of smart electric vehicles, it may not be enough to follow suit, but it needs to overtake through bolder technological innovation curves. However, as far as the current exposure of Apple's automatic driving research and development information, no breakthrough in the leading industry has been made.

Lack of cores, brain drain, and fruitless research and development of autonomous driving, is there still drama in Apple's car-making plan?

Fortunately, the market potential of new energy vehicles has not been fully released, Apple still has the opportunity to catch up, but now the problems encountered in car manufacturing, such as the loss of technical talents, lack of cores, and obstruction of automatic driving research and development, etc., still need to be solved urgently, only by reorganizing as soon as possible and accelerating the promotion of car-making plans can we catch up with the formal tightening of the window period and occupy a place in the intelligent electric vehicle market.

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