
The Tesla owner rights protection case has a far-reaching impact... How to defend my rights? This one gives you the answer!

On January 24, the China Consumers Association announced the top ten consumer rights protection public opinion hotspots in 2021, ranking first in the "'roof rights protection' incident exposing service loopholes of car companies".

In April last year, a dispute between Tesla and a car owner became a hot search. The latter directly defended his rights at the Tesla station, stood on the roof of the car and spoke loudly, and was later dragged away by the station security personnel. This matter has aroused the attention of a large number of netizens, and Tesla's handling method has also caused it to fall into a public opinion storm.

This also reveals the difficulty of protecting the rights of car owners from the side.

The Tesla owner rights protection case has a far-reaching impact... How to defend my rights? This one gives you the answer!

In the end, how do car owners protect their rights when they encounter unreasonable things? How to prevent it before buying? In this regard, this article will make a big summary.

Unreasonable things, such as the owner of the car who borrowed a car to buy a car encountered a situation where the execution rate was not correct, or the purchase of the full amount but there was a dispute over the cost.

When encountering this kind of thing, do not panic, if you are clear that you are in an unequal state, and can not be resolved through reasoning and negotiation with the other party, then complaint rights protection is indeed the best way.

However, it should be noted that this method is only suitable for car buyers and does encounter unfair treatment and need to legally defend their rights. If you make unreasonable trouble, it is very likely to harm your own vested interests.

First of all, car buyers need to calmly express their demands with each other, and at the same time record each conversation, and take pictures of the paper content involved, so as to use it as their own evidence and increase the confidence of rights protection.

Second, car buyers should find effective and credible complaint channels.

Call the official telephone of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to directly inform the situation, or find the complaint channel provided by the consumer association to complain; public social platforms such as Sina Weibo are also good places for complaints, which can use public opinion to exert pressure, and in the same way, there are local prefectural and municipal platforms.

If a dispute arises with a 4S store, the car buyer can find the car manufacturer across levels, or find a platform for cooperation with the 4S store, such as the more common car home, to find the complaint section for handling.

If there is no result, the complaint is that there is a result.

Taking this as a warning, the majority of car buyers should also remember to carefully read the contents of car purchase contracts, loan contracts and other documents, so as to protect their rights and interests from the source and avoid unfavorable clauses in the effective contract.

The above is all related to the content, for reference only, I hope to bring effective help to everyone.

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