
#下一部手机, would you buy Huawei or Apple #Huawei without hesitation. In the past, the Apple 4 was just out when it was attracted by its stunning appearance to save money and buy one always felt that the signal was not very good


#下一部手机, would you buy Huawei or Apple # without hesitation. In the past, the Apple 4 was just out when it was attracted by its stunning appearance to save money and buy one always felt that the signal was not very good. The most strange thing was that at that time, when I was working in the field at night, I called my mother and suddenly I couldn't hear the sound, and then I heard a foreign man on the other end of the phone grunting and speaking English, and I asked him where are you? Over there, I was so grunting and speaking English that I quickly hung up, and then called my mother again, and my mother said that she didn't know why she couldn't hear my voice when she was talking about it, so she hung up the phone and called me again to be busy. I haven't used apples since