
The year is a hurdle in life

The year is a hurdle in life



Everything in the world is cyclical, life goes back and forth year after year, time slips away from your fingertips silently, and in a trance, it has reached the end of the year.

The New Year's Pass was once the expectation and joy of childhood. Because as soon as the new year closes, you can buy new clothes and shoes. Adults will be busy preparing food and drinks for the New Year. Then, to entertain friends and family, hungry children can also be relieved.

In childhood memories, the New Year seems to be the most grand and exciting day of the year.

At that time, the strong new year's flavor, simple folk customs, and the festive atmosphere full of new year's flavor rippled in the small village, shining brightly, making people feel warm.

I still remember that every household was ten miles above the sky, and the cooking smoke rose and fell one after another. Fireworks and fireworks and neighborhood nostalgia blend into one, even if the weather is cold, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow, still feel the steaming of the day, warm melting, really make people miss it. It seems that everything was yesterday, and everything is as warm and cheerful as ever.

Walking in the red dust and mediating in thousands of worldly affairs, Fang realized that the most difficult thing in this world to keep is time and people's hearts.

Time is gone, and people's hearts are gone. Just like the beautiful childhood and cradle past, and the songs sung by my grandmother, and the shorter and shorter life, the fewer and fewer years, half a life, the past has become a dream.

The year is a hurdle in life


After the four seasons of abundant years, the New Year has become a hurdle in life, but the yearning for the New Year is still not reduced, only because it can be reunited with relatives who run for life, only because of the warmth of the world that longs.

Even if there is a faint sadness that things are not human beings and vicissitudes, there is less simple happiness and enthusiasm in childhood, but the heart is still boiling with blood and incomparably at ease. It was as if there were no more worries and sorrows at that moment, no more complicated personnel and work troubles.

In fact, the New Year's Pass gives life not only busy and lively, but also a noisy heart to calm down, caress the comfort of leisure.

A year is only a few days of relaxation, why not put aside all external affairs for the time being. Don't ask about the past, don't love the past, don't worry about the rest of the year, change your mentality, live the present, give life a moment of respite, and sprinkle life with a clear glow.

Wind and rain, autumn to winter, through one year after another. The wind and frost have stained the flow of years, the years have added vicissitudes, but the flow of years does not change the original intention, but the vicissitudes do not change the true color.

All along, that simple and unpretentious heart and the peace of mind, no dispute, like the gentle tenderness of the water, and the goodness in the bones have always been rooted in the heart. Ren personnel are complicated, let the flow of years change, I am also the self that does not stain the dust, there is a way: a piece of ice in the jade pot, a piece of infatuation in the heart.

At this new year's pass, the golden sun, the silver bowl is full of snow, the early blooming yellow spring plum, and the red plum buds that are still pregnant with buds are all gratifying. The message of spring is in sight, and the blossoms of spring are just around the corner.

The picturesque landscape makes the new year pass this hurdle much better. Then let the tired and tense body and mind relax, with a light posture, to meet the starting point and a new beginning of the next life, with full enthusiasm and passion to restart the hope of life, rush to the next DancheLautton life journey.

The year is a hurdle in life


Follow the footsteps of time, one year old and one growth, one year old and one year off, how many things have passed, how many mountains have been crossed, how many rivers have been waded, how many detours have been taken, and how many hardships have been suffered? They have all been stranded with memory, and the former naughty boy has passed the age of standing.

After tasting the hardships of life, understanding the difficulties of life, in the wave of life, struggling to move forward, walking through one year after another, crossing one obstacle after another.

The passage of time, the branches of the years, blur many people, forget a lot of things, only the anecdotes of the year, lasting.

Wander around, crossing the corridor of time. One year at a time, one year after another, one year after another, one scenery and one vision, one year old imagination and one year old understanding.

Time has passed, and I still clearly remember that at that time, there was no more trouble, and ignorant children often listened to the most common sentences from adults: In the New Year, it will be difficult to come.

At that time, we who did not understand the world and did not understand the meaning of the words spoken by adults just smiled. Naively immersed in the anticipation that they thought the New Year was good, they happily waited for the New Year. It is completely impossible to comprehend the situation in which the adult's heart is troubled and his face is ugly.

It is even more incomprehensible that in the eyes of adults, the New Year is actually not beautiful, but a sad pass. It costs money to buy New Year goods, to visit relatives and friends to prepare gifts, but also to prepare money for the children of relatives and friends, the New Year, basically is to use money to dot up and down, take interpersonal relations.

The year is a hurdle in life


New Year, in fact, is a "money pass", for the economically strapped family, the New Year pass, is indeed a hurdle in life.

Today, although people are living a life of abundance of material abundance. However, the year is still a hurdle in life that cannot be erased, and the clearing, accounting, and checkout of the account after a year of work. It's all a sad hurdle.

Every New Year's Eve, there seemed to be a lingering sound in the ears, and the familiar and kind and helpless words of my mother came again. It was the difficult years that had passed, and it was the impression and trace of the year that had been imprinted in my heart.

At the end of the year, no matter where they are, the wanderers who go out are like arrows, and they rush home to reunite with their relatives for the New Year. As the saying goes: if you have money, you don't have money to go home for the New Year.

May you not be afraid of the New Year, cross the hurdle of life, come from all directions to a warm harbor, move towards a vibrant spring, and create a more brilliant future.


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