
The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

Recently, the aviation industry and the communication industry in laomei have "fought", because the two sides cannot reach a consensus on the construction of network signal base stations, and many people believe that such a contradiction is inseparable from Huawei.

After excluding Huawei's centimeter wave technology, Lao Mei can only fully use millimeter wave technology to build 5G networks in China, which also leads to the overlap between the network base station land and the airport land of telecom vendors, and the two sides do not give in to each other, and will quarrel, at present, the official has not given a corresponding solution, and can only mediate the contradiction.

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

Seven airlines signed a petition calling for the dismantling of network base stations near the airport

The cause of the incident is that seven airlines in the old United States jointly signed a letter to the White House, asking the White House to issue a bill prohibiting old American telecommunications companies from building network base stations within a 3-kilometer radius of the airport.

Airlines believe that if the network base station is built too close to the airport runway, it is likely to interfere with the normal operation of the aircraft.

First of all, in the process of take-off and landing, the stability of the signal requirements are particularly high, and any little bit of failure will lead to the tragedy of aircraft destruction and death, so this requires that there can be no signal interference near the runway, otherwise the safety of the airport will be greatly threatened, so the airline does not want there to be a network base station near the airport runway.

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

Secondly, the network base station is too close may produce signal interference, this interference is likely to affect the ground and the aircraft in the flight to maintain unimpeded communication, this situation is likely to make the ground and the aircraft common obstacles, and eventually make the aircraft make a wrong judgment and operation, which is a very dangerous situation, once the ground found that the danger is not timely effective command and processing, it is likely to make the aircraft a safety crisis.

Therefore, the airline hopes that the old American officials can order the communications providers to dismantle the network base stations originally built around the airport, and no longer allow the communications department to build network communication base stations around the airport.

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

Messengers have words of misery

For the requirements of airlines, the communication providers are naturally unacceptable, because once this regulation is implemented, it means that network communication base stations cannot be built three kilometers near the airport in the country, which is a big test for the network communication of the old United States. In fact, after abandoning Huawei's centimeter wave technology, Lao Mei could only be forced to choose to fully use millimeter wave technology when building 5G networks.

The biggest disadvantage of millimeter wave technology is that the propagation distance is very short, it is necessary to build more network base stations to ensure the full coverage of the network, if the airport can not be built within 3 kilometers of the network base station, it is likely to lead to a large area near the airport can not cover the 5G network, which will make the airport become a signal weak area, will bring great inconvenience to nearby residents and airport passengers.

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

At the same time, this situation will also affect the communication and cooperation between airport staff, and even the operation of many important equipment, so it is unrealistic to completely dismantle the surrounding network base stations, which will further aggravate the already unoptimistic network environment in Laomei.

Such a reality also makes lao us officials also very headache, after all, as far as the current situation is concerned, the contradictions between the two sides cannot be completely resolved.

Huawei may be the savior

In fact, this problem is difficult to say, simple and simple, the only solution that can be thought of is to enable centimeter wave technology, because centimeter wave technology travels a long distance, and the electromagnetic wave frequency and the electromagnetic wave frequency in the aviation field are very different and it is not easy to interfere with each other.

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

Because the coverage of cmboki stations is relatively wide, the communicator can fully meet the requirements of "retreating to 3 kilometers away" put forward by airlines, because cmwave technology can be fully achieved.

However, due to some domestic reasons, Laomei gave up the development of 5G centimeter wave technology a long time ago, so Laomei could not complete this technological transformation with its own strength. At present, the best way to think of it is to loosen the network technology blockade of LaoMei and cooperate with Huawei to ensure its own development in network construction.

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

In fact, not only the airport, at present, many remote areas of Laomei have insufficient network coverage, the main reason for this phenomenon is that Laomeitai is obsessed with the research and development and application of millimeter wave technology. In fact, many countries are currently using a mixture of millimeter wave and centimeter wave technology, which can not only maintain the quality of network communications, but also reduce the cost of network construction.


The direction of future 5G network construction must be the situation of mixed use of centimeter waves and millimeter waves, but Lao Mei has stubbornly cut off its own development in the field of cm waves from the beginning, which will only make Lao Mei be thrown away more and more gaps in the field of communications, hoping that Lao Mei can understand the cliff relegation, otherwise it will definitely taste the bitter fruit.

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

The conflict between American airlines and communications due to 5G base stations, Huawei has become a "life-saving straw"?

Contradictions cannot be reconciled? The differences between American Airlines and the communications field make Huawei 5G the key

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