
The female driver occupies the parking space, and the owner blocks it with a Maserati for 4 days: I have a lot of luxury cars

In real life, parking spaces are occupied caused by many disputes, some owners find that their parking spaces have been occupied by others many times, and it is useless to say to each other, then use their own means to solve, today we will talk about the disputes caused by the occupation of parking spaces.

The female driver occupies the parking space, and the owner blocks it with a Maserati for 4 days: I have a lot of luxury cars

Mr. Zheng parked his car in the parking space every day when he came home from work, and once when he came home, he found a white Audi parked in the parking space. Mr. Zheng thought that the Audi owner had something to temporarily occupy his parking space, so he parked the car next to the Audi owner and asked the other party to move the car.

Mr. Zheng asked the Audi female owner, did not see that this parking space is a private parking space? The sign clearly has its own license plate number, so why park the car in its own parking space? The Audi female driver thought that Mr. Zheng's tone was not good, and there was a conflict with Mr. Zheng, and she did not come to move the car at the first moment.

The female driver occupies the parking space, and the owner blocks it with a Maserati for 4 days: I have a lot of luxury cars

Mr. Zheng waited next to the parking space for a long time without the other party to move the car, and Mr. Zheng was angry and parked his Maserati next to the Audi and did not let the Audi drive out. Mr. Zheng blocked for 4 days and did not move the car, and after 4 days, the family of the female owner of the Audi could not bear it, and contacted Mr. Zheng through the security guard.

The female driver occupies the parking space, and the owner blocks it with a Maserati for 4 days: I have a lot of luxury cars
The female driver occupies the parking space, and the owner blocks it with a Maserati for 4 days: I have a lot of luxury cars

The family of the female owner of the Audi car has looked for the property to understand, and it turns out that this parking space was not bought by Mr. Zheng himself. A few years ago, Mr. Zheng asked the security guard to help him park, the security technology was poor, and he crashed Mr. Zheng's Land Rover when parking. Mr. Zheng did not let the security guard lose money, let the security guard find a parking space for himself in the parking lot that no one used, and hung his license plate number on the parking space.

Since then, Mr. Zheng has used this parking space as his own parking space, and has parked in this parking space every time he parked. Later, the parking space in the community became more and more tense, and Mr. Zheng paid the parking fee to rent this parking space, and he has parked here since then.

The female driver occupies the parking space, and the owner blocks it with a Maserati for 4 days: I have a lot of luxury cars

Mr. Zheng has been parking in this parking space for several years and has used this parking space as his own parking space, and the previous scene will only happen after seeing the parking space occupied. The property found the Audi female driver and Mr. Zheng, hoping that the two sides could communicate and solve.

The Audi female driver thought that Mr. Zheng's tone was not good when he called, and she was only temporarily occupying his parking space, and Mr. Zheng should not speak like this. Mr. Zheng believes that the Audi female driver occupies other people's parking spaces for no reason is not right, after making a call, Mr. Zheng waited for a long time for the other party to not come to move the car, he will stop and block the road.

The female driver occupies the parking space, and the owner blocks it with a Maserati for 4 days: I have a lot of luxury cars

These audited female car owners did not reconcile, Mr. Zheng decided to keep the car stuck in front of the parking space, he also said to the female driver, my family has more than a dozen luxury cars, I can change the car to block you. The female driver's Audi was blocked in the parking space and could not be moved, and Mr. Zheng did not agree to reconcile, he could only be in a hurry.

Netizens have talked about this incident, and many people think that the Audi female owner has done something wrong. Since Mr. Zheng has paid the parking fee, he has the right to park. The female driver occupied other people's parking spaces, did not move the car at the first time, and did not apologize to the owner of the parking space, which was obviously her own loss.

Editor's Comments:

When parking, there are often disputes, and I hope that every car owner can understand more and be more tolerant. There are very few public parking spaces in the community, if the owners do not buy a parking space, there is no rental space, do not occupy other people's parking spaces. If you accidentally occupy someone else's parking space, be sure to apologize to the other person. In the text, the Female Owner of Audi occupies other people's parking spaces and does not move the car, which cannot be accepted by anyone.

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