
How proud was Zhang Zuolin at his peak? Sitting on the navy, land and air force, Chiang Kai-shek was not taken seriously at all

author:The Northern Song Circle speaks of history

In that troubled era, a peasant boy named Zhang Zuolin embarked on an extraordinary road, from extreme poverty to power, his story is not only an epic of struggle, but also a picture full of conspiracy, pride and contradictions.

Our story begins in a remote corner of Northeast China, where Zhang Zuolin was born in a farming family, lost his father at an early age, and lived in hardship. However, the ruthlessness of fate did not defeat him, but instead inspired him to have an infinite desire for the future. As a young man, he left his homeland and worked in a variety of hard jobs, from selling baked cakes to carpentry and veterinarian, but none of these met his ambitions in life.

How proud was Zhang Zuolin at his peak? Sitting on the navy, land and air force, Chiang Kai-shek was not taken seriously at all

A post as a sentry commander in the Qing army became a turning point in his life. Although he only received a one-year private school education, Zhang Zuolin won the favor of his superiors with his excellent riding and archery ability, and soon made a name for himself in the army. However, with the transfer of troops, he chose to leave and began a new life as the leader of the local insurance team, which marked the beginning of his career as a bandit.

For six years, Zhang Zuolin served the landlord and gentleman as a bodyguard, but he understood that such a life could not last long. The invasion of Tsarist Russia disrupted the local political order, and Zhang Zuolin seized the opportunity to form an insurance team on his own to maintain law and order in nearby villages, and gradually expand his own power. The growth of his power attracted attention, and a collusion with the Russian army led to a sneak attack on Zhong'anbao, and Zhang Zuolin had to flee, and finally accepted the appeasement and became a member of the government.

How proud was Zhang Zuolin at his peak? Sitting on the navy, land and air force, Chiang Kai-shek was not taken seriously at all

When the Russo-Japanese War broke out, Zhang Zuolin showed his opportunistic side, moving between the Russian and Japanese armies, helping both sides in order to obtain the maximum benefit. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, he led his troops into Mukden to suppress the revolutionary party, and his ability was appreciated by the Qing court, and he was awarded the rank of lieutenant general, and since then he has mastered the military and political power of Mukden Province.

By the time Zhang Zuolin's peak came, he had already occupied Beijing with a powerful navy, army, and air force, and became the de facto ruler of the country. During this period, he showed extreme pride, not even taking the rising Chiang Kai-shek into account. And his army, with nearly 30 ships and more than 200 aircraft, as well as a well-established pilot school and arsenal, was the undisputed symbol of military power at that time.

How proud was Zhang Zuolin at his peak? Sitting on the navy, land and air force, Chiang Kai-shek was not taken seriously at all

However, Zhang's ambitions are not limited to military expansion, and he must also balance the increasingly tense international situation, especially with Japan. Although there has been much controversy about his cooperation with the Japanese in history, it is undeniable that he showed a strong will to resist Japan after the September 18 Incident and personally led the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army to resist Japanese aggression.

Zhang Zuolin's anti-Japanese stance was not flawless, and his actions were often criticized as opportunistic, resisting and negotiating, but it was precisely this strategy that allowed him to defend the interests of the Northeast in the complex international game. However, tragedy struck in 1928, when Zhang Zuolin was seriously injured by the Japanese bombing in Huanggutun on his way back to Mukden, and died soon after.

Looking back on Zhang Zuolin's life, he is undoubtedly a counterattacker from the grassroots to the ruler, his pride and scheming made him dominate in the troubled times, but his cooperation with Japan is also an unavoidable stain in history. His assassination is not only a tragedy of his personal fate, but also indicates the difficulty and complexity of the anti-Japanese struggle in Northeast China.

How proud was Zhang Zuolin at his peak? Sitting on the navy, land and air force, Chiang Kai-shek was not taken seriously at all

From the perspective of suspicion, Zhang Zuolin's relationship with Japan is full of contradictions and doubts. He was clearly using Japanese support to strengthen his dominance, while also showing a certain degree of anti-Japanese willingness. This double face may stem from his desire for power and consideration of the interests of the country, but it also raises the question of what his real motives are. Is it a game of thrones, or is it a deep consideration for the future of the country and the nation?

How proud was Zhang Zuolin at his peak? Sitting on the navy, land and air force, Chiang Kai-shek was not taken seriously at all

At the same time, Zhang Zuolin's pride and scheming, although temporarily brought him supreme status, also buried his fate of being isolated and eventually assassinated. This makes us reflect on what power really means and how one should balance one's individual beliefs with the collective good in the face of temptations and challenges.

How proud was Zhang Zuolin at his peak? Sitting on the navy, land and air force, Chiang Kai-shek was not taken seriously at all

Zhang Zuolin's story is an epic of power, pride and suspicion. His life is full of drama, and the evaluation of history is necessarily complex and diverse. In the game of power, Zhang Zuolin is both a participant and a victim, and his experience reminds us that true strength and achievement lie not only in temporary mastery, but also in how to be remembered and evaluated by future generations.

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