
A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

author:Li Ke

01. Toka geckos are extremely aggressive creatures, and their sharp teeth are enough to puncture human skin.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

02. The crocodile attacked in an instant, and the antelope fled in all directions as if it had a spring, running into the air.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

03, a scene in the microcosm of the jungle - everyone knows that the spider is a fierce hunter, but when it encounters a hunter who is more fierce than itself, the hunter becomes the prey.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

04. Inhabit southeastern Asia and India, the feather color is very bright

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

05, those who stick to this are good babies, come on, move your smart little brains?!!

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

06. I am technical support, what can I do for you?

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

07, the crocodile swallows the scavenger alive

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

08. Langli Island is the largest island in Myanmar, and it is also 30 kilometers away from the nearest land, which makes the Japanese think that they are in an absolutely safe environment.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

09, not good! This tree that has become a spirit seems to be running away!

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

10. The python swallows its prey and has a belly as big as a basket

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

11. The Pacific wolffish, also known as sea wolves or manta rays, is an extremely aggressive fish.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

12. Mr. Crocodile, if it weren't for your big fierce eyes that exposed you, I might have stepped on it with one foot

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

13. Crocodiles prey on monster fish.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

14. Looking at the X-ray of this skull, can you guess what kind of animal it is? That's right, sharks, hammerhead sharks.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

15. The losing side will become a delicacy in the mouth of the winner

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

16. Non-standard use methods of cat scratching board.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

17, what was burned like this?

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

18. Japanese leeches, which are "leeches" that live on land, will also suck blood like leeches.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

19. The crane ostrich is known as one of the most dangerous birds in the world, and it can kick through the deck of an aircraft carrier with one kick, and it is nicknamed "Killer Bird".

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

20. In the microcosm that we have not paid attention to, under the dead leaves, beside the branches, and in the dense grass, nature is playing out all the time, and one double-crowned lizard opens its mouth and swallows another green lizard......

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

21. Big ears allow them to hear predators better, and their tongues are still blue.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

22. The squirrel is holding his newborn baby, and the baby squirrel's skin is pink and very cute.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

23. Everyone knows what an elephant looks like, but what about the elephant's tail?

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

24. The little salamander is also known as a hexagonal dinosaur and is regarded as a cute pet by many people. In Mexico, they are fried and served as an accompaniment.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

25, black butterfly

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

26. Look closely at this Dilla pine cat spider, beautiful and terrifying.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

27. The chariots of the Japanese army were rampant in the city, and no one was spared destruction.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

28, the long-necked antelope

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

29. The alligator's recipe is quite rich, whether it is a turtle or a poisonous snake, it can chew with relish.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

30. The frog's eyes were desperate, and the sharp beak pierced the body directly, and he could only admit that he was unlucky

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

31. Satellite antenna bobies

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

32. A cat playing with a fawn

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

33. A flower suddenly grows on the trunk of a tree? In fact, this is a slime mold, and the slime mold doesn't look good.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

34. Giant bird-catching spider. How would you react if you found this at home?

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

35. In the nest of the bird of prey, several eggs are placed in the center of the nest, and the soft cushion used to lay the nest is the lemmings that it hunts. Birds of prey use the carcass of lemmings as their nests.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

36. What is the largest breed of dairy cows in the world? Holstein cows.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

37. The opossum mother carries her children on her back, and the opossum mother is very difficult.

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

38, this lemur

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

39. "What is this building I found in the middle of the forest?" ”

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

40. Ningjin County collects evidence of the Japanese army's theft of China's coal resources in Datong during World War II

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

41. Looking at the macro photo of the ant's head, do you feel a sense of cartoon?

A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

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A set of "rare" nature photos of animals - those you haven't seen before!

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