
To counter NATO provocations The series of heavyweight exercises of the Russian military have attracted attention

author:Xinhuanet client

In order to counter NATO's aggressive provocations, the Russian military recently began to hold a series of large-scale exercises. The troops of the Western and Southern Military Regions of Russia began to hold major exercises. At the same time, Russia's major fleets also held a series of exercises.

Russia's TASS news agency reported on the 26th that the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 26th that more than 20 ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet entered the Black Sea for exercises. The ships of all types of the Black Sea Fleet left the bases of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk and headed for the designated area. The exercise included frigates, patrol ships, small missile ships and missile boats, landing ships, small anti-submarine ships, and minesweepers. Previously, Russian ships from the Baltic, Northern fleet and Pacific Fleet also began to hold exercises. The Information Office of the Russian Northern Fleet announced on the 26th that the fleet's warship formation has gone to the Barents Sea to participate in the exercise held in the Arctic region. As many as 1,200 people, about 140 pieces of combat and special equipment, more than 20 aircraft, nearly 30 warships, submarines and support ships participated in the exercise. The exercise was commanded by the Commander of the Northern Fleet. The guided-missile cruisers "Marshal Ustinov" of the Northern Fleet, the frigate "Admiral Kasatonov", the large anti-submarine ship "Vice Admiral Kurakov", the frigate "Admiral Gorshkov" that can carry the hypersonic anti-ship missile "Zircon", the large landing ship "Ivan Glenn", submarines, support ships, aircraft and helicopters, as well as the air force and air defense forces of the Northern Fleet participated in the exercise. In addition to the sea, the exercise will be held in the coastal mountains of the Murmansk region. This exercise was primarily a exercise for the fleet's military command structures in resolving crisis situations in the Arctic Ocean region and commanding the level of troops as part of their mission to ensure military security and economic activity at sea. On the 24th, the Information Office of the Russian Western Military District announced that 20 ships of the Baltic Fleet and auxiliary ships anchored and left the port and sailed to the designated waters of the Baltic Sea for exercises. During the exercise, anti-submarine and air defense and anti-mine support will be practiced.

At the same time, China's Ministry of National Defense announced that on January 24, the Chinese and Russian navies will hold a joint anti-piracy exercise in the northern waters of the Arabian Sea. A total of five ships, carrier-based helicopters and Marines were sent to the exercise. The exercise focused on the joint anti-piracy activities of Chinese and Russian ship formations, and mainly practiced joint maneuvers, rescue of hijacked ships, and the use of helicopters to transport the wounded.

Source: Global Times