
Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

I'm recovering pretty well now

Life has returned to normal order

It's almost New Year's

Hurry up and take my daughter to buy new clothes

Baby's first Lunar New Year

Of course, it should be beautiful


In The Hongfuyuan community in Changping North Qijia Town

Ms. Liu, a resident, looked at the children of the family who were about to be a hundred days old

Eyes full of happiness

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

The healthy baby girl was named Qing

Born in the early hours of November 4

It has been reported before

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

Babies born at special times

It has also received care from all walks of life

More than two months have passed

How is your baby doing?

How is Mom Ms. Liu recovering?

Today, PingPing and Ms. Liu chatted

So there is the dialogue at the beginning of the article

It is said that babies are the same every day

Talk about the changes in Xiao Yuanqing

Ms. Liu's tone also softened

"Now it's much fatter than when I was born,

The height also gradually increased

The health is also very good

Currently breastfeeding,

The little guy's foodie nature has been revealed

Very good value for money"

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

Xiao Xiangqing is very lively

I like to sleep in the sun during the day

At night, he refused to sleep

"Maybe the jet lag in the womb hasn't been reversed"

Ms. Liu and her husband often tease Xiao Weiqing at home

Although the baby still can't understand the words

But he will also tell her the story of birth

The little one would grin at Mom and Dad

"Love to laugh"

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

Ms. Liu is a mother of two children

The family has had a second sister since then

The brother became the "pet sister demon"

Kiss your sister every day when you wake up

Sometimes mom can't get busy

The older brother became a "child laborer"

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

"I used to think my brother was a kid who hadn't grown up

Until this outbreak

My brother lived separately from us with my grandmother

It was as if overnight, my son had grown up

Learned to take responsibility and responsibility"

Ms. Liu is not a Hongfuyuan community

Unique during lockdown management

A new mother who gives birth to a baby

7 a.m. on November 3

Little "newborns" are born

To this day

Ms. Yang's impression is still stuck at the moment when she just gave birth to a "new student"

"Small, red, not much hair"

At that time, she was dragging her tired body

It's like having just experienced a life disaster

He only glanced at his son from a distance

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

The child was finally born safely

New parents are running around for a new life

Find a suitable can of milk powder

Arrange for your child to be vaccinated

These are the things that make sense in ordinary days

It becomes less easy in special times

In special periods, "a seedling is difficult to find"

Newborn vaccinations also face difficulties

"Newborn" at birth

Only BCG seedlings were injected

After the unsealing, she re-administered other vaccines to her child that day

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

Today, the "little freshman" is nearly 60 centimeters tall

The weight reached more than 12 pounds

I would look up on my own and make a sound

Laughs when someone teases him

And can make "ah", "ah" sounds

"Throw a tantrum and cry much louder than usual"

Ms. Yang cried and laughed

Milky smell! "Epidemic Baby" will usher in the first New Year!

Now the old people on both sides help with the baby

The family lives together lively and lively

Everyday, but precious

"Whether it's a maternity checkup or a hospital admission

All got the community, volunteers

And the selfless help of medical care

When the child grows up

I'll tell him about this particular experience."

Ms. Yang said

In the Hongfuyuan community

The "little freshman" slowly grew open

Amaranth will interact with the adults

Adults teased her, and she would giggle


New Year Countdown



The healthy growth of children under the epidemic

For new parents who are going through it all

It was their greatest consolation

Great encouragement

A new life in the midst of the pandemic

Let us better appreciate the beauty of life!

In 2022

May the children grow up safely and healthily!


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