
Realme won the TOP10 of the overseas brand social media influence list

Recently, OneSight released a year-end blockbuster report "2021Q4BrandOS TOP100 Overseas Brand Social Media Influence List" showing that among all the overseas electronic brands on the list, realme rose 15 places, ranking 9th. Realme, the world's fourth largest Chinese mobile phone brand and with sales exceeding 100 million in three years and ranked among the world's TOP6, will exceed 60 million mobile phone sales in 2021, an increase of 50% against the trend. This time in the fiercely competitive mobile phone category of the fastest rise in the ranking, becoming the most popular technology brand among young people around the world is also deserved.

Realme won the TOP10 of the overseas brand social media influence list

Realme has performed well in overseas markets, in addition to the strong competitiveness of the product itself, it is also related to the new product launch and social media marketing rhythm in the fourth quarter; and the fourth quarter also has Halloween, Double 11, Black Friday, Christmas and New Year shopping season and other node marketing, so that more users pay attention to and buy realme. Catalyzed by social media marketing, realme's global fan base has grown dramatically.

For example, the 2021Q4realme India Facebook page grew by a total of 870,000+ fans, becoming the brand with the largest number of fans among all domestic mobile phone brands in India. And according to the 2021Q4 Indian smartphone market report released by Canalys, realme has grown into the third largest mobile phone brand in the Indian mobile phone market after following Xiaomi and Samsung, accounting for 17% of the market share.

Realme won the TOP10 of the overseas brand social media influence list

In addition, realme has also made amazing progress in the European market, growing faster than a number of established manufacturers and reaching the top. Recently, Realme plans to start selling the Zhenmei GT2 Pro in February, expand the product line beyond the cost-effective series, enter the European high-end mobile phone market, and hit the goal of increasing global smartphone sales by 50% in 2022.

Realme won the TOP10 of the overseas brand social media influence list

At present, realme is in the top 5 of the industry in 21 markets around the world. In addition to the above-mentioned Indian and European markets, realme ranks No. 1 in the Philippines, in the Czech Republic, Greece and other mobile phone market share into the top 4, in the Russian market rushed to the top 3. Behind these achievements is the unchanged original intention of Realme in the past three years of entrepreneurship: to let more young people around the world buy products with cross-level performance and trend design at reasonable prices, and "impress" the hearts of more young consumers around the world.

Of course, excellent overseas results are only a small step in the growth path of Realme. As Realme founder and CEO Li Bingzhong said: "We consistently insist on creating better products for young people", in the future, Realme will continue to uphold the mission of "global 5G popularization pioneer" to bring products and marketing activities that continue to leapfrog young people. It is believed that after having more "real fan" support, realme will continue to explore and innovate in smart technology and young tide play, and create more excellent smart tide play experience for young consumers around the world.


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