
With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

author:Entertain with reason

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Entertainment is reasonable

Editing|Entertainment is reasonable


Bao Jianfeng directly can't fix Qin Hailu!

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

As we all know, Qin Hailu has always had a kind of "big sister" in everyone's hearts.

Unexpectedly, the "boss" Qin Hailu also had a panicked moment.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

I saw Bao Jianfeng twisting his body with a smile on his face.

However, Qin Hailu beside him formed a strong contrast with his expression.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Even Qin Hailu almost became the "Best Emoji Ambassador of the Year".

As for Qin Hailu's reaction, I thought that netizens would ridicule Bao Jianfeng for being too greasy.

However, the reality is very different from what everyone thinks.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Unexpectedly, Bao Jianfeng also gained a large wave of road fans.

This can't help but cause everyone to jokingly call Bao Jianfeng, which can be regarded as a "blessing in disguise".

In addition, some people have said that it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search this time.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

But how did Bao Jianfeng rush to the hot search because of Zeng Li?

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

A horse stumbles?

"It's not important to be out of breath, just don't lose your breath."

I think at the beginning, Bao Jianfeng once commented on himself in an interview show.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

But since his debut, it can be said that he has created one masterpiece after another.

Even Bao Jianfeng's film and television works are still talked about.

However, as soon as he appeared on the stage, he made countless people call Ye Qing back, why was he so arrogant?

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

All this has to start with the original "knife teaching" incident.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Once upon a time, actor Yin Xiaotian and another actress Bian Xiaoxiao had some episodes during filming.

As the saying goes, good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Later, this incident was spread on the Internet, and it seemed that netizens wanted to comment on it.

But the power of public opinion is endless.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Unexpectedly, with the fermentation of the "quarrel incident", this matter intensified.

As we all know, once there is a picture of inseparability, it takes some peacemakers to reverse the deadlock.

But the truth is far beyond everyone's imagination.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Subsequently, some celebrities and artists stood up and wanted to "persuade the fight" for Yin Xiaotian and Bian Xiaoxiao.

But this trip to the muddy waters is not easy to clear.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

There was even a situation of "stalemate between the gods and goddesses of all parties".

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Among them, Du Chun, Li Chen and other artists have killed their relatives and stood in line for the sake of fairness.

Even if Du Chun and Yin Xiaotian were called brothers, it did not affect him in the slightest to incarnate as a messenger of justice to state the facts in his mouth.

But that's not the end of the story.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Later, Bao Jianfeng posted some unexplained words on the Internet.

But it's never too big to watch the excitement.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Subsequently, some netizens linked Bao Jianfeng's speech with the Yin Xiaotian and Bian Xiaoxiao incidents.

And Bao Jianfeng was also condemned by netizens because of this.

Although some people have tried to prove Bao Jianfeng's innocence, it is difficult to reunite after breaking the mirror.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

After that, his reputation was still affected slightly.

But did Bao Jianfeng at that time expect that it would be difficult to end?

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

The east wind borrows fire

"If it's a sin to be good-looking, then I'm really guilty."

Do you dare to think that our teacher Bao Jianfeng is indeed the "essence" of the export.

But he really dared to say that.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

After all, Bao Jianfeng's casual masterpiece is enough to kill the Quartet.

Among them, take the TV series "Eighteen-Year-Old Sky" as an example, his performance in it is not unremarkable.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Even Bao Jianfeng was crowned the "most handsome male teacher" by netizens because of this drama.

Presumably, the appearance has also become an undoubted fact.

Although Bao Jianfeng did not play the so-called male number one role in the play, this drama gave him additional surprises.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Because of his accurate grasp of the role, he is also under this role, which has become popular all over the country.

However, Bao Jianfeng's pursuit of acting career did not stop there.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Later, he has been tirelessly improving his acting skills, and has also played a series of film and television dramas with him as the protagonist.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Since the "Knife Teaching" incident, Bao Jianfeng's image in the hearts of netizens has been greatly reduced.

Even his film and television works are not as popular as before after they were broadcast.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Even if Bao Jianfeng has the blessing of acting skills, he can't bear his reputation in the hearts of the audience.

So much so that the popularity he had finally accumulated was lost with the "wind".

But I thought that he would be obscure, but I didn't think that Zeng Li's "east wind" helped him add to the fire.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

If you can't beat it, join in

Undoubtedly, the most important responsibility of an actor is to output high-quality film and television dramas.

Recently, the TV series "Time is So Good" starring Bao Jianfeng and Qin Hailu is also on the air.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Although the actor's own acting skills are important, at the same time, it is essential that publicity is in place.

And Bao Jianfeng and Qin Hailu are no exception.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

And they do their best to let everyone see their works.

Here is the scene where Bao Jianfeng dances hard at the beginning, and Qin Hailu has a flustered expression on the side.

But that's not surprising.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

After all, Qin Hailu's image in everyone's hearts has always been more serious, and she will never dance easily.

Wrong, very wrong.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

As the saying goes, if you can't beat it, join in.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Unexpectedly, Qin Hailu and Bao Jianfeng also staged a century dance for everyone.

But that's just the beginning.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

It is reported that Bao Jianfeng has received a large wave of praise from fans because of this dance.

At the same time, this also reversed his reputation in the hearts of the audience.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

I always thought that Bao Jianfeng was just a variety of actor images on the screen.

As a result, I didn't expect him to be so versatile and funny in reality.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Netizens commented on this: This wave of Qin Hailu's foil can be said to be indispensable.

Speaking of Qin Hailu, she also "saved" Bao Jianfeng's life before.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Once upon a time, Bao Jianfeng could not hide his admiration for Zeng Li at all.

even called her a rare school flower in 200 years.

But that's just the first step.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Unexpectedly, Bao Jianfeng has been discussed by netizens because of this simple sentence.

And that heat can be said to have set off a storm on the Internet.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

After all, I am afraid that anyone who sees this evaluation will think that Bao Jianfeng is too exaggerated.

Some netizens even said that this is purely Bao Jianfeng's personal appreciation of Zeng Li.

But Bao Jianfeng's evaluation is not groundless.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Previously, Qin Hailu also publicly praised Zeng Li's beauty, and also said that most boys will never forget Zeng Li's beauty.

And Qin Hailu's words just prove that Bao Jianfeng's praise for Zeng Li is not nonsense.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

Write at the end

I think that at the beginning, Bao Jianfeng accidentally lost some passers-by.

But now, with his own strength and so many years of hard work, he has regained his reputation.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

And this time Bao Jianfeng is not taking advantage of Zeng Li's "east wind".

And he did prove himself to everyone once again with his strength.

With just one move, he made a counterattack by word of mouth, and this time, it was not Zeng Li who sent Bao Jianfeng to the hot search

What other dissenting thoughts do you have about Bao Jianfeng?

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