
At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo said a word

author:You wake up and say it again

At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo shook back a word, which made Zeng Zhiwei eat and was frustrated, netizens: Pretty!

Mention the high emotional intelligence star of the entertainment industry has to say that Huang Bo, Huang Bo belongs to never take the initiative to ridicule others, but someone teases him, he will definitely fight back, and the counterattack is very beautiful, many friends said, God in addition to not giving Huang Bo a handsome face, everything else has been given to him

Although Huang Bo is ordinary in appearance, he is very versatile, his acting skills are not only first-class, his musical talent is also very powerful, but due to his appearance, he has delayed the development of music, and in film and television, Huang Bo can be described as talented and charming

Once on the stage, Zeng Zhiwei deliberately tried to make things difficult for Huang Bo. He said that Huang Bo let him know that he could not just sing on stage or be a host, and it was sad to sing with an ugly face on the screen.

The malicious slander between the words is too obvious, and many viewers feel that this statement is too sharp.

However, Huang Bo listened to his words but was still tepid and angry, but instead laughed and retorted that we encouraged each other.

When I was young, I didn't think I could be an actor, but then I thought that Zeng Zhiwei could take the film emperor, then I could too.

Huang Bo's counterattack is neither a compliment nor a decent one for the other party, easily resolving Zeng Zhiwei's jokes and winning the laughter in the audience, which also makes Huang Bo leave a good impression in the show business circle and express his admiration for his high emotional intelligence netizens

I have to say that Huang Bo's emotional intelligence is too high.

As a star, in every interview, Huang Bo will answer every question with high emotional intelligence

I remember that at the award ceremony of the 15th Golden Horse Awards, when Huang Bo and Zheng Yuling presented the award together, Zheng Yuling ridiculed: Are you wearing pajamas today? I haven't been to the Golden Horse Awards in five years, so I'm dressed up.

Originally, this was an extremely embarrassing sentence, but I did not expect Huang Bo to calmly reply: You have not come for five years, and I have come to participate in the Golden Horse Awards for five years, and I have already regarded this as my home, so I want to wear what to wear.

Huang Bo's witty response not only resolves the embarrassment but also explains his high emotional intelligence and methodical heart.

Daniel Gorman, the father of emotional intelligence, once said: People with high IQs may not have a successful career, but people with high emotional intelligence must perform extraordinary.

I think this sentence is very reasonable, and Huang Bo is a typical example, from the original college degree to the later examination three times to enter the North Shadow, maybe his IQ is really not high, but his emotional intelligence is always admirable.

I remember a reporter asking him before: Is he going to replace Ge You's position.

Huang Bo paused and replied: This era will not stop your brilliance, but in the same way, you cannot cover anyone's brilliance.

It is such a five-billion movie emperor, there is no shelf at all, what he holds is just a normal heart.

People who pay attention to the Golden Horse Awards should know that the Golden Horse Awards are broadcast live, but large-scale evening parties like the Golden Horse Awards are generally very chaotic, and if you are not careful, the process will go wrong.

Huang Bo and Zeng Baoyi had a partner to host the Golden Horse Awards, during which I did not know which link was wrong, and unexpectedly appeared a 17-minute gap. In other words, according to the flow of the show, the next activity will not start until 17 minutes later.

As a live event, there is a 17-minute gap in the middle, but it is a very scary thing. But Huang Bo played on the spot, not afraid of danger, and interacted with Zeng Baoyi and the guests offstage on the stage, and these interactions were very interesting.

Obviously, Huang Bo's temporary intentions were made, but people who did not understand the truth must have felt that it was arranged in advance, because Huang Bo's performance in these 17 minutes was too stable.

Huang Bo is not from the host background, but he can perform so well in this kind of place, and save the scene in time, which is really particularly admirable.

People who have watched Huang Bo's interview or variety show should know that Huang Bo is indeed a person with a very high emotional intelligence.

This is also why although Huang Bo's appearance is not very high, but there are so many people like him, a person with high emotional intelligence will be welcome everywhere he goes.

So what do you think?

#Gossip Manual ##Entertainment#Say TA#l

At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo said a word
At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo said a word
At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo said a word
At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo said a word
At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo said a word
At an awards party, Zeng Zhiwei ridiculed Huang Bo in front of many stars: "It is very difficult to sing with an ugly face, I really want to call you Big Brother Huang." Unexpectedly, Huang Bo said a word

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