
Skiing, whatever the difficulty, learn it once. It is to master the sense of balance, when I was a child, I played rollerblading, which is much the same. Went to Yabuli to slide twice, the first time also asked a coach to teach, palm

author:Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force

Skiing, whatever the difficulty, learn it once.

It is to master the sense of balance, when I was a child, I played rollerblading, which is much the same.

I went to Yabuli to skate twice, the first time I asked a coach to teach it, and after mastering the basic skills, I dared to play the beginner slide for the second time.

However, if you want to play fine, you must practice from an early age, and you are afraid of falling when you are older.

Skiing, diving, fishing and called the three major outdoor heroin projects, play more addictive.

I wish that this year's Winter Olympics, China will win more medals.

#冰雪2022 #

Skiing, whatever the difficulty, learn it once. It is to master the sense of balance, when I was a child, I played rollerblading, which is much the same. Went to Yabuli to slide twice, the first time also asked a coach to teach, palm
Skiing, whatever the difficulty, learn it once. It is to master the sense of balance, when I was a child, I played rollerblading, which is much the same. Went to Yabuli to slide twice, the first time also asked a coach to teach, palm
Skiing, whatever the difficulty, learn it once. It is to master the sense of balance, when I was a child, I played rollerblading, which is much the same. Went to Yabuli to slide twice, the first time also asked a coach to teach, palm