
Bayern first! Club shirt sales in Europe ranked fourth, with Manchester United in fourth place and Barca falling to sixth

Beijing time, January 28: Just now, the authoritative sports organization Euromerica Sport Marketing announced the list of jersey sales in 2021. This European and American sports sales agency, officially certified by FIFA, announces the sales of jerseys by clubs in Europe every year. After a long period of statistics and accounting, they gave last year's list.

Bayern first! Club shirt sales in Europe ranked fourth, with Manchester United in fourth place and Barca falling to sixth

The best shirt seller in 2021 was Bayern Munich's shirt, with Nandawang selling a total of 3.25 million pieces. I have to say that Bayern's appearance at the top of this list is still very surprising. After all, for a long time in the past, the shirt sales list was either Barca or Real Madrid, and sometimes Manchester United would join in the fun. Although Bayern Munich has been stable in the top 5 or the top three, the first place is rarely touched. In the last two seasons, Bayern Munich have benefited from the stability of the stadium results and the excellent performances of Levan and others, who have attracted a lot of fans.

Bayern first! Club shirt sales in Europe ranked fourth, with Manchester United in fourth place and Barca falling to sixth

So with 3.25 million pieces in the first place, there is no problem. In second place is Real Madrid, where real Madrid shirt sales remain stable, reaching 3.05 million pieces. Even if there are no new superstars in the Real Madrid team for the time being. Even if their Galactic Battleship lineup has not yet been built, the influence of the White Legion is there. In third place is Liverpool, which sold 2.45 million shirts. Liverpool's top three this year really made the fans shine, and the team's overall smooth attack and Uncle Scum's unique way of leading the team have won them praise from the outside world.

Bayern first! Club shirt sales in Europe ranked fourth, with Manchester United in fourth place and Barca falling to sixth

In fourth place is Manchester United, which sold 1.95 million shirts. It has to be said that Manchester United's appearance in the fourth place still makes many Manchester United fans a little confused, after all, they have been stable in the third or even a little further ahead position. Coupled with the fact that last year they successively introduced SanchoWarane, as well as high-traffic stars such as C Ronaldo. You should know that at that time, there were rumors that the sales volume of Ronaldo's shirt reached 1.09 million pieces, if this is the case, then Manchester United's original shirt sales volume is really miserable. Due to the sluggish performance in recent years and the problem of shirt design, it is understandable that Manchester United's shirts are not selling very well.

Bayern first! Club shirt sales in Europe ranked fourth, with Manchester United in fourth place and Barca falling to sixth

In 5th place is Juventus, whose jerseys sold 1.42 million pieces. As the best-selling team in Serie A, Juventus are determined to return to the top of the league table. In 6th place is Barcelona, which sold 1.34 million jerseys last year. I have to say that the reason why Barca fell to the 6th place is to some extent related to the departure of the star Messi. Originally, Nike was full of energy to make a big fuss about Messi's jersey in the new season, but he did not expect the argentine king to suddenly leave the team, which made Messi's jersey sales fall again and again.

Bayern first! Club shirt sales in Europe ranked fourth, with Manchester United in fourth place and Barca falling to sixth

In the absence of such a heavyweight star, Barca's shirt sales data is naturally ugly. In 7th place is Chelsea, the Blues have had a good record on the pitch last year, and they sold 1.31 million shirts which is quite good. In 8th place is Borussia Dortmund, with the Hornets selling 1.22 million jerseys. In 9th place is Greater Paris, whose jersey sales are 1.18 million. The situation in Greater Paris is actually quite good, after all, the team's heritage is indeed lacking a lot compared with other European giants, and the fan base is not large.

Bayern first! Club shirt sales in Europe ranked fourth, with Manchester United in fourth place and Barca falling to sixth

But they have rushed to the top 10 of this list with the blessing of the superstars in the team, which is also quite good. In the future, as their fan base expands, their ranking on this list should continue to rise. The last top 10 goalkeepers are Manchester City, who have sold 1.09 million pieces, what do you think of this shirt sales list?

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