
They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

author:Sweet entertainment gossip

No way! No way!

Is it only I who is the last to know that Director Wang Jing's "Dragon Slaughtering in the Heavens" that director Wang Jing has made up for Gu Tianle, Zhen Zidan and other stars has really been fixed.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

Recently, director Wang Jing announced on the public platform that his new film "Dragon Slaughter in the Sky" has been finalized.

This movie is divided into two parts. "The Nine Yang Divine Skills of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens" is scheduled for January 31. "The Sacred Fire and Wind of the Dragon Slayer" is scheduled for February 3, and will be released on the whole network.

After deliberately finding some trailer clips to watch, Xiao Xi's whole heart was pulled out of the cold. Wang Jing is, after all, old. These veteran actors, too, are old.

The point is, the aesthetic has also been reduced more than a little. In 1993, Wang Jing's version of "The Demon Sect Leader of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens", Jet Li, Zhang Min, Qiu Shuzhen, Li Zi and others, was destined to be a classic.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

But the new version, please forgive Xiao Xi is really unable to find a place to boast. The casting is older than one, and the only actors with better foundations also have a dim look.

It doesn't have the temperament of the original characters at all, but it's like, a bit inexplicable. Especially Zhao Min's actor, Wen Yongshan.

From Wen Yongshan, Xiao Xi deeply felt the difference in the director's aesthetic. Obviously, she played it, and the unremarkable Xu Weixiong in the original work of "The Knife In the Snow" became a cold big beauty.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

In "The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens", The Lord of Zhao Min County, who should have been heroic and cheerful, dared to love and dare to hate, became dim and godless, and the momentum was completely absent.

Xu Weixiong and Zhao Min, no matter from which aspect, the gap is too big.

A texture of service

I don't know if you found it, in "The Book of the Dragon Slayer in the Heavens", the costumes of several beautiful women are all very thick and "luxurious".

Please forgive me for putting "luxury" in quotation marks, because neither can be looked at closely. Especially the scenes of a few of them wearing mink. There is no difference in the furry place.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

But the clothing fabric, flashing and flashing, at a glance, you know that it is a modern fabric. It was still the kind that was particularly popular many years ago. Without a point, the texture that a costume drama should have.

Zhao Min, as a county lord, even if she does not wear gold and silver, she at least dresses up a little more prominently, showing her identity.

Previously, no matter which version, Zhao Min's appearance was a special one. Noble and free, there is a kind of arrogance that a county lord should have.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

This version of the costume is, first of all, very mixed. Obviously, it is a martial arts drama that tells the story of martial arts, but one by one it is dressed up and thick with nobility. Unlike previous versions, the style is uniform.

Thanks to Zhao Min, played by Wen Yongshan, I am afraid that I can't support this role even more. In addition, Zhao Min, played by Wen Yongshan, has too plain makeup.

Especially the scene where she snatched the kiss, her face was bloodless and had no momentum. That's Zhao Min, the Lord of Tangtang County. Even if Zhang Wujie became a relative, she dared to rush to grab her relatives.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

Why can't you give Wen Yongshan a careful dress up? Do you have to make her look miserable and sell her miserable?

In "The Knife Line in the Snow", the reason why Wen Yongshan can get unanimous praise. In addition to the fact that some of the actresses in the play are not very good, a larger part of the reason is her costume style.

Xu Weixiong was cold in nature, so he designed a more male costume for her. But her makeup was clean and she looked imposing. Although cold, but really worthy of this role.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

Why makeup, the purpose of makeup, is to make up for the lack of color. Ordinary people sometimes have to wear makeup to support the scene, let alone actors.

Design your makeup well, and your character will win a lot. It looks clean and comfortable, and the audience likes it too.

2. Role differences

In "The Knife Line in the Snow", the role of Xu Weixiong belongs to a very pleasing rank. As the daughter of the Xu family, she has an arrogant temper and a cold personality.

Running amok at home, no one is not afraid of her. However, she is extremely measured in her work, domineering but not losing her mind. Cleaning up ginger mud is also for Xu Fengnian.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

In the new version of "Yitian Slaughtering Dragon", Zhao Min, played by Wen Yongshan, actually has some similarities with Xu Weixiong. Although it is a daughter's body, she is a heroine among women, smart and witty, dare to love and dare to hate.

But in the scene of snatching kisses, the effect of filming made Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo exchange personalities. Zhao Min was soft and weak, and had more flavor of a good family woman. Zhou Zhiruo was unusually fierce, as if he were a demon.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

Just by seeing this segment in the trailer, I completely lost confidence in this movie. At that time, that sentence was waiting for you in most of the capital, after all, you can't wait.

Three pearls in front

Although it is also played by Wen Yongshan, Zhao Min definitely does not have Xu Weixiong's reputation. After all, the pearl jade is in front.

"Yitian Slaughtering Dragon" has remade many versions, and everyone likes it, but also different. As a post-90s, Xiao Xi's favorite is Li Zi, Zhang Min and Jia Jingwen's version of Zhao Min.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

These versions of Zhao Min have received very high support. Because all three of them have done these things, beautiful, smart, dare to love and dare to hate.

At the same time, the three of them met the most suitable crew, and a group of people cooperated to shoot the most suitable "Dragon Slayer".

But now, Wen Yongshan is in the crew, a group of people are average forty or fifty years old. When Zhang CuiShan died, he was probably not so big.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

Wen Yongshan herself has a good foundation and belongs to the temperament beauty type. However, it is useless for her to be alone. The most important thing is to look at everyone's cooperation and the aesthetics of the director group.

Are you looking forward to this version of Dragon Slayer? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

They are all played by Wen Yongshan, how to look beautiful Zhao Min, not as good as the plain-looking Xu Weixiong

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