
Who is at potential risk for blood clots? Don't forget to hook your feet to avoid blood clots when you rub hemp at home during the Spring Festival!

Not long ago, a 60-year-old uncle actually scratched into the emergency department because of the itching leg of the plaster cast, and this video went viral on the Internet...

It is not uncommon for a foot or a bone to be cast to trigger a pulmonary embolism, and many people have heard of it. But why are more people bedridden for a long time, sitting for a few days and nights, and some people are also young? Dr. Gao Qian of the Respiratory Center of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital explained the mystery to us, among which the magic trick to avoid blood clots must be known.

How can a foot still have a pulmonary embolism?

Dr. Gao Qian said that pulmonary embolism is a clinical pathophysiological syndrome in which various emboluses of systemic circulation shed and block the pulmonary artery and its branches, causing pulmonary circulation disorders, and the most common lung embolus is thrombosis.

There are coagulation systems and anticoagulant systems in our human blood. Under normal circumstances, the two maintain a dynamic balance. However, in special cases, such as slow blood flow, coagulation factor lesions, and vascular damage, when hypercoagulant or anticoagulant function is weakened, this balance will be disrupted, leaving people at high risk of thrombosis.

For example, such as taking a plane train for a long time or being sick in bed for a long time, due to lack of moisture and movement, the blood flow rate of the veins of the lower limbs will slow down, and the embolus in the blood is more likely to hang on the wall, deposit, and form a blood clot.

Can you also have blood clots at a young age? Who is the potential population for blood clots?

When it comes to blood clots, many people will think that middle-aged and elderly people are the prone group, and young people are not afraid! But it's not. Dr. Gao Qian had previously received a college student, the young man stayed up late for three days to play games, suddenly appeared chest tightness symptoms, and finally found that acute pulmonary embolism had occurred and was rushed to the hospital for rescue.

Some patients often ask, why do some people sit longer and do not develop blood clots?

Dr. Gao Qian introduced that clinically there are people with thrombophilia, and according to the evidence of clinical symptoms, signs and experimental tests, thrombophilia is usually divided into two categories: hereditary and acquired. People with "thrombophilia" can usually be tested for hereditary or acquired defects such as protein C, protein S, antithrombin III, lupus anticoagulants, etc., or have a high thromboembolic tendency due to acquired risk factors, and are very susceptible to the formation of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Dr. Gao Qian introduced that the most obvious feature of high-risk thrombosis populations is that some relatively low-risk events will make them appear thrombosis, such as taking long-distance buses, airplanes, etc. In the eyes of others, it is quite normal, and they may have thrombosis. Clinically, in addition to some clear causes, such as the fracture uncle in the opening video, as well as potential tumor patients, long-term bedridden patients, etc., once a blood clot occurs, we will first consider whether he is a high-risk group for thrombosis.

Thrombosis can occur in people of any age, and once long-term anticoagulation of pulmonary embolism is diagnosed, the drug is discontinued with caution. If there is an acute thrombosis, we will use some drugs to resist coagulation, and if the acute thrombosis turns into a chronic thrombosis, we will consider follow-up intervention or surgery.

Don't forget to move once in 2-3 hours, 1 small action to easily avoid blood clots

Dr. Gao Qian reminded that for ordinary people, sedentary is the most likely to cause blood clots, generally 4-6 hours of immobility may occur thrombosis, and 75%-90% of pulmonary embolism is from the embolus of the lower limbs. Therefore, experts particularly emphasize that after sitting for 2-3 hours, it is best to get up and move in a circle, as long as you walk, the muscles of the lower limbs contract, the blood flows, and the risk of forming blood clots will be greatly reduced.

In addition, people with varicose veins can wear elastic stockings in advance, and friends with conditions can also prepare a leg massager to use when sitting for a long time. If you are really busy and forget, sit up too lazy, can not move, Dr. Gao Qian also recommended a small action, simple and easy, easy to prevent blood clots.

Ankle pump exercises, through the movement of the ankle joint, play a role like a pump, enhance blood circulation in the lower limbs, and prevent the formation of blood clots. Specific method: naturally stretch your knees, hook your feet with all your strength for 10 seconds, and then stretch your feet with all your strength, repeatedly, without causing pain, without causing pain, unlimited times, the more the better. Each time the foot is hooked and stretched, the foot should be as large as possible, the action should be as slow and gentle as possible, and the effect of doing it with both feet at the same time is better.

Who is at potential risk for blood clots? Don't forget to hook your feet to avoid blood clots when you rub hemp at home during the Spring Festival!

There are traces of blood clots to follow, which red flags

Dr. Gao Qian introduced that in the early stage of thrombosis, the body is difficult to detect, and once a blood clot occurs, it is likely to directly endanger life. Therefore, it is necessary to detect the important signals transmitted by the body early.

Asymmetrical swelling of the lower extremities

When a blood clot forms in a vein, blood cannot flow back to the heart, and pressure causes fluid to spread to the leg tissue, the most recognizable of which is the sudden unilateral swelling of the leg, which is commonly found below the knee. If you feel that your calves are visibly swollen, pay close attention.

Chest tightness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing

If there is a progressive aggravation of chest tightness and shortness of breath, which cannot be relieved, sudden onset of falls, sudden rise and activity and have difficulty breathing, etc., you should go to the hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible.

Dr. Gao Qian finally stressed that this year's Spring Festival is at the moment of the epidemic, everyone will stay at home more, inevitably sitting for a long time, and it is more important to prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.

Who is at potential risk for blood clots? Don't forget to hook your feet to avoid blood clots when you rub hemp at home during the Spring Festival!

Expert Profile Gao Qian

Doctor of Medicine, Attending Physician of Sino-Japanese Hospital, PCCM Specialist Graduate of Sino-Japanese Hospital, Member of academician studio of Sino-Japanese Hospital, Member of the National Office of Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis Prevention and Control Project.

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