
Liu Hu, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, presided over the work conference on the comprehensive management of the ecological environment in Wuda District

author:Daily Uda

On January 29, Liu Hu, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, presided over the work conference on the comprehensive management of the ecological environment in Wuda District, conveyed the spirit of the meeting to promote the comprehensive management of the ecological environment in the city, deeply studied the prominent problems and rectification of the "seven governance" work, and arranged the deployment of the next step. Wu Bingyun, member of the Standing Committee of the District CPC Committee and deputy head of the district, and Zhao Haibo, deputy head of the district, attended the meeting.

Liu Hu, deputy secretary of the district party committee and mayor of the district, presided over the work conference on the comprehensive management of the ecological environment in Wuda District

Liu Hu pointed out

It is necessary to improve the political position, conscientiously implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on "focusing on the comprehensive management of the ecological environment in Key Areas such as Wuhai and surrounding areas", effectively enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency for the comprehensive management of the ecological environment, attach great importance to it ideologically, be firm and resolute in attitude, act vigorously in action, and resolutely win the battle of comprehensive management of the ecological environment.

Liu Hu stressed

It is necessary to regard the rectification and reform of problems as a major political task at present, vigorously grasp the implementation with a clear attitude, firm determination, and effective measures, grasp it to the end, and make real efforts to tackle the tough problems and vigorously push forward. With regard to the problems disclosed in the secret interview film, it is necessary to immediately carry out immediate reform and comprehensive rectification, reverse the construction period, and hang up the map to fight, and we must not relax and slacken off because of the Spring Festival holiday, be careless, and delay the rectification of the problem. It is necessary to comprehensively sort out the tasks, draw inferences from one another, comprehensively explore the ecological and environmental problems in various industries and fields, pay close attention to formulating rectification and reform plans, clarify the responsibility for rectification and reform, strictly rectify the time limit for rectification and reform, make a list and close-loop management, and resolutely achieve lenient self-examination and strict accountability. It is necessary to strictly supervise and supervise the work, dynamically grasp the progress of rectification and reform, carry out overt inspection and covert visits, and seriously pursue responsibility and accountability for units and responsible persons who do not have a good ideological understanding, are ineffective in rectifying and reforming problems, and are not strict and unrealistic in supervision. It is necessary to tighten the responsibility of compaction, implement the main responsibility of enterprises and the responsibility of industry supervision, so that there is responsibility for guarding the soil, the responsibility for guarding the soil, and the responsibility for guarding the soil, and the political responsibility is reflected in the comprehensive management of the ecological environment, so as to meet the needs of the masses for a better ecological environment and practice the purpose of the people, effectively promote high-level protection in high-quality development, and achieve high-quality development in high-level protection.