
Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

author:It's raining again


The amazing persistence of Naying shingles

In the recent live broadcast of the singer, Na Ying's makeup attracted the attention of netizens. After the live broadcast, He Jiong revealed an amazing news: Na Ying had shingles two days ago, and it was in the eyes.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

Na Ying told He Jiong on the phone that she felt a lot of pain, but still wanted to talk to him to relieve the pressure in her heart. She said firmly: Don't worry, I will sing well, it's okay.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

Some netizens commented: Na Ying is really hardworking, she can still insist on singing in her long eyes, this spirit is worth learning from.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

This kind of perseverance made netizens express their distress, and some netizens commented: Shingles has long eyes, this is also too terrifying, how painful it is.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

Mango TV should really thank Na Ying, she came to participate in the live broadcast even after shingles has long eyes, don't consume my Yingzi anymore.

Na Ying's pain and persistence


Despite her physical discomfort, Na Ying still completed the singing with high quality. When she sang "The Night of a Star", although the pain was unbearable, it did not affect her singing, and her articulation, treble, emotional progression and expression reached a very high level.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

She even said after the singing: I hurt so much. This contrast between pain and persistence moved netizens and left messages to express their distress and support.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

Some netizens sighed: I really feel sorry for her, with a sick body and pressure, she practiced her songs desperately, and sang "The Night of a Star" with high quality.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

I just ask that sister to rest well and recover well, health is the most important thing! This kind of warm words from fans is undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to Na Ying.

The star's dedication and health are balanced


Na Ying's amazing persistence in shingles not only shows her professionalism, but also triggers discussions among netizens about celebrity professionalism and health issues.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

On the one hand, Na Ying's strength and dedication have won widespread praise, and her actions are seen as respect for the profession and responsibility to the audience.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

On the other hand, there are also voices pointing out that the health of celebrities is equally important, and excessive work pressure may cause long-term damage to their bodies.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

Some admire her persistence, while others worry about her health. This kind of discussion not only increased the heat of the topic, but also made the audience full of expectations for Na Ying's future.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, some supported Na Ying's attitude, and some put forward different views. This highly interactive discussion made the article a trending topic on social media.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

This discussion not only touches on the evaluation of individual behavior, but also touches on the widespread concern about the working environment of the entertainment industry and the protection of the rights and interests of celebrities.

Naying shingles insists on the singer's live broadcast, netizens: I feel distressed and admired, that sister is too hard!

In this process, how to balance work and health, and how to deal with the relationship between celebrity image and personal well-being, has become a question worth pondering.

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