
After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

author:It's raining again


Zhou Xun's Magnolia Aftermath

Zhou Xun won the Magnolia TV again, which is another peak in her acting career. In a backstage interview, she was asked what she thought of the audience's interpretation of old dramas in the short video era.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Zhou Xun responded with a relaxed attitude: This era is like this, so I don't think it matters. This easy-going attitude not only shows her maturity, but also makes the audience feel her strong core.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Netizens left messages on social media, and some joked: Zhou Xun is telling us that times have changed, but her acting skills are always online!

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

This humorous interaction makes Zhou Xun's image more three-dimensional, and also allows the audience to have a deeper understanding of her.

Zhou Xun responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".


Since the broadcast of "The Legend of Ruyi", it has been accompanied by various criticisms. Zhou Xun was asked in an interview about her views on this, and she once again responded with a tolerant attitude: Anyway, everyone can do whatever they want, just be happy.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

This response, although simple, reveals her understanding of acting and respect for the audience. Netizens reacted differently to this, some thought that Zhou Xun's attitude was too indifferent, and some thought that her generosity was worthy of appreciation.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Some netizens commented: Zhou Xun is telling us that discussion is part of her acting career, and she chooses to face it with a smile.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

This kind of discussion has made Zhou Xun and "The Legend of Ruyi" a hot topic on social media again.

Netizens' complaints and support


The controversy of "The Legend of Ruyi" is not only limited to the plot and characters, but also includes the performances of the actors. Although Zhou Xun's response was peaceful, netizens had different opinions on it.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Some people think that the script, character design, lines, plot, and director of "The Legend of Ruyi" are all problematic, and Zhou Xun's performance has also been questioned.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Some netizens bluntly said: It's just hard to watch, when I watched it, I complained with my mother while watching it, I just felt that there was a problem with the script, character design, lines, plot, and director, but now I feel that the problem is even bigger when I go back to watch it, and the acting is really not very good.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

This kind of outspoken commentary reflects the true feelings of some viewers. There are also many netizens who support Zhou Xun, believing that the good and bad of a play is not only in one actor, and Zhou Xun's other works are still worthy of recognition.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Some netizens commented: No one will deny her previous achievements because Ruyi denies her other dramas, the good or bad of a drama is not only on one actor, but there is indeed criticism, and the actor will continue to work hard to correct it.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

This kind of support and encouragement made Zhou Xun feel the warmth of the audience.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Netizens are hotly discussed

Zhou Xun's response and attitude sparked widespread discussion on social media. Some people think that her humor and humility are exemplary in showbiz, while others think that her response is too light and ignores the seriousness of the topic.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

This kind of discussion not only increased the heat of the topic, but also gave the audience a deeper understanding of Zhou Xun's acting career.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

Netizens had a heated discussion in the comment area, some supported Zhou Xun's attitude, and some put forward different views. This highly interactive discussion made the article a trending topic on social media.

After Zhou Xun sealed Magnolia Er, he responded to the discussion of "The Biography of Ruyi".

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