
Classic movie: The Man who has accumulated love

Mr. and Mrs. Tokushi Kobayashi and Ryoko, who originally lived in Shimomachi, Tokyo, came to Hokkaido, which has a vast and magnificent natural scenery, and are eager to build a new life here.

Classic movie: The Man who has accumulated love

Although the income is meager, the happy and carefree life is as beautiful as a dream. In contrast, Du Shi, who had been engaged in professional work for many years, suddenly idled, and a lot of time made him not know what to do. Ryoko, who had speculated about her husband's thoughts, asked Tukshi to build a stone wall for their new home

Classic movie: The Man who has accumulated love

Good times are always fleeting, and one day Ryoko suddenly falls ill and is taken to the hospital, and the heart condition she has had since then worsens unprepared.

Classic movie: The Man who has accumulated love

In order not to worry her husband, Ryoko hid her illness and immediately walked out of the hospital with a bright and cheerful smile.

Classic movie: The Man who has accumulated love

After his wife left, Du Shijiu was immersed in sad emotions for a long time and could not extricate himself.

Classic movie: The Man who has accumulated love