
Women who leave with emotional misfortune mostly have "divorce power"

author:i Love will see
Women who leave with emotional misfortune mostly have "divorce power"

Big S said: Happiness is to pay efforts and costs, there is no so-called life victory group in the world, the struggle behind it does not want to say, just want to leave everyone with a hope.

Happiness is so, so are feelings, some people are single and happy, happy in love, happy in marriage, happy in divorce, happy with money, happy without money, because she is the person who will make herself happy.

Especially women who regard feelings as very important, they are caught in the whirlpool of feelings, it is easy to lose their minds, even if the feelings are unfortunate, they are reluctant to leave.

And women who can leave with emotional misfortune are mostly divorced.

Women who leave with emotional misfortune mostly have "divorce power"

What is the power of divorce is three points:

First of all, emotional independence, not attachment to intimate relationships

Many people can't make up their minds to leave an unhappy relationship, that is, they have feelings for their partners, and they still have unrealistic expectations.

Even many people are hurt by their partners mentally or physically, but they will not choose to leave and cannot bear to abandon him; they feel that the two people have a deep emotional foundation and will change their minds.

Good feelings, at least require you to have an independent personality, take yourself as a source of security, have sustenance in the future, and have a guaranteed life, so that it is easier to encounter love without "hurt".

Because in this way you will not be subject to people, when you always experience feelings with the mentality of "expecting to be redeemed", trying to find a sense of belonging in someone, and the last thing left is endless emptiness, or even abandonment.

The lack of independence of feelings will make you attached to intimate relationships, afraid of loneliness, no matter how hard you can't leave, and finally you can only be bruised.

Women who leave with emotional misfortune mostly have "divorce power"

Many actresses are examples of this, their earning power is absolutely OK, but they repeatedly tolerate the betrayal of their husbands and maintain a seemingly harmonious and happy family.

For example, the host S, who everyone knows, is often beaten by her husband, and she has to come out to explain, and she warns everyone not to marry at will.

Aren't they wronged? A lifetime of one or two is the ideal love model for everyone, if no one is willing to share their love with others, their husbands.

Sometimes it may be the influence of the original family, sometimes it may be the factor of the environment, in short, they choose to be patient.

Women who leave with emotional misfortune mostly have "divorce power"

The second is the clichéd economic problem

After the divorce, we have to live, from every day's chai rice oil and salt, utility bills, to the future of children's education with mortgages, car loans, and parents' pensions.

Many people dare not divorce because they have no financial resources and their income is not enough to support their life after divorce.

Don't say the long term, maybe after the divorce, there will be no place to live immediately, and the children's food and drink will become a problem.

Want to divorce no money to leave, a suite without savings how to divide?

Under the oppression of the economy, you can only temporarily grievance yourself, money is not omnipotent, but no money is impossible, especially between husband and wife.

Many people mention that divorce is, if I have money, I will not live so depressed, and I will directly divorce and take my children with me.

Now there is no money to support how to raise children, and may not be able to get custody of children, after all, the judge is looking at what kind of comprehensive conditions are more conducive to the growth of children.

Women who leave with emotional misfortune mostly have "divorce power"

Finally, there are the children

From the moment the child was born, many people said that they had armor, but also had weaknesses.

One reader said that we have two children, one in his teens and one in his 6s, and if he divorced, he estimated one for each of us, but I was reluctant to do so.

Should I really stick with it for the sake of my kids? Every time I made up my mind to take that step, every time someone would tell me that divorce wasn't easy.

You can say that children are not a reason to continue marriage, but you can't help but say that traditional ideas have a great influence on women.

Even if the other party has more bad, looking at the child's face, many people will tolerate it and continue.

Women who leave with emotional misfortune mostly have "divorce power"

Wang Xin said that a man's decision to divorce can be only a matter of an instant; and a woman who decides to divorce is often unable to continue after enduring, talking, and working hard, and only then resolutely decides to take this step. The bitterness she had swallowed, and the pain she could no longer swallow, was understood only by herself.

It is not easy for women to divorce, and they face more difficulties, but if the above 3 factors are overcome, then they can basically leave.

When there are some problems in marriage, divorce may not be our inevitable choice, and "divorce power" is a must for every woman.

You can choose to compromise or change after finding problems, but whether you divorce or not, do not give up growth after marriage, and grow up for life is the right thing.

If you're not good enough, you won't necessarily be better if you don't get divorced.

We want to be people who have the ability to make ourselves happy no matter what situation we are in, not marry for happiness and fall in love for happiness.

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