
How to get back a woman who decided to leave?

author:123 on the way out

Just a few days ago, I discussed with my boyfriend the problem of "how to maintain a relationship/marriage", which may be that boys are more rational and better at thinking about problems and solving problems. But most girls are more emotional when they decide to leave, of course, the decision to leave, must also be after a lot of sad things, will decide to leave after a certain point touched. In fact, I think girls are the best and the worst. As for why many boys can't coax girls, it's because they can't grasp the essence of coaxing girls.

For example, my boyfriend and I, I often carry out "soul torture" on him, see a sad scene in the TV series, I will ask him if you will do this to us in the future, see the scene of discord between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and ask him if I will encounter this in your house in the future? But in fact, I didn't really torture him, I just wanted to hear his answer, to give him a sense of security, or a sense of reassurance. There may be a lot of boys who stop too many times and get upset or feel tired. In fact, the girl does not want any great answer or an answer that must put her first, but she wants to hear your opinion, or a kind of fear of her future life, a kind of worry, and what the boy has to do is to eliminate this worry and give her peace of mind.

"If husband and wife cannot have the same heart, it is difficult to really go on for a long time, unless the union of each other itself has nothing to do with love, but a combination of interests. If your wife is very disappointed in you and is dead to you, it means that you have limited care and care for him, after all, women are emotional. ”

How to save a woman? To give you three points as a reference:

1. Give both parties a calm time to think carefully about the problems between you.

People are easily made mistakes under impulse, say the wrong things, or say things that go against their hearts, when two people are angry, don't provoke yourself or the other person, calm down. Give yourself a time to think, but also give the other party a breathing time, don't be aggressive, especially girls, when you argue, you can choose to hold her, and then don't talk to each other, slowly think about the whole thing, the whole process, sort out the reasons for the contradictions in the middle, find out the problem, and solve the problem. Instead of arguing with a woman who is right and wrong, what you need to do is stop arguing about the same issue later, instead of finding right and wrong.

2. Reflect on yourself and take on more responsibilities.

Personally, I think boys will be more tolerant of girls, because girls are always more pampered, but they should not be unreasonable. A little temper, a little wayward, I think it is normal, and boys can not because of a little bit of small things, just grasp it, in the small trivial things, let a little girl, you will know that girls will give you greater tolerance and understanding, and accompany you through the hard days feel full of hope.

3, care about women in the details

"Generally speaking, a woman's decision to leave you often starts with these details. "When you don't care enough about her, when she can't find a presence around you, when you're becoming more and more indifferent to her, when you're less and less concerned about her emotions, then that's when she's going to leave you." When a woman decides to leave you, it's probably because she's already fed up with your bad temper and all kinds of stinky problems. "If a woman still has some expectations and enthusiasm for you, she will give you the necessary tolerance and understanding." Pay more attention to the girl in the details, such as walking not letting her walk over the car, crossing the street holding her hand, knowing her preferences, and so on.

The moment when everyone gives up is very similar, and behind every person giving up, it is because of the other party's neglect. I hope you and I both have a wonderful love, will not miss the person who loves you, will not have your love

How to get back a woman who decided to leave?
How to get back a woman who decided to leave?

People leave you, may you and I get what we want.