
Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

"I have always been attracted to the female figures in my works, and I have always been obsessed with capturing the authenticity of the subject matter. Whether it's the characters in the indoor environment or the soft fabric wrapped around them, I always want to recreate a simple, everyday intimacy and the full beauty that this intimacy exudes. ”

--Tina Spratt

What kind of portrait work will have "magic that absorbs people's hearts"? After looking at Tina Spratt's paintings, the answer is obvious. The British artist skillfully applies light to her visual stories, so that whether in the warm sunshine or in the dark shadows, her art always leaves enough plot threads to allow the story to linger and settle in the audience's imagination.

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Somewhere in between

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt


Introspective body temperature in space-time

Three-time finalist in the International ARC Salon Competition, and in 2018 he won the "Honor Award" of the competition; the overall champion of the "Pastel 100" held by the internationally renowned pastel magazine "Pastel Journal"; his works have been selected by the Royal Oil Painters Association of the United Kingdom many times, and have been included in the top art journal "Poets and Artists"... In the list of contemporary realist portrait painters, the name Tina Spratt should be among the best.

Focusing on female portraits aimed at capturing "fleeting moments that people don't realize but can be observed," Tina Spratt's paintings depict an honest and intimate moment of emotion. From the delicate and warm hair skin to the elegant and delicate clothing fabrics, from the rich and vivid color layers to the immersive depth of light, Tina Spratt has not so much created an introspective time and space in which the body and the object are integrated, but rather she has portrayed a temperature, a temperature called body temperature.

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Veiled I

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Veiled II

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Veiled III

"Every painting starts with an idea, and discovering and exploring these ideas is a process in which the mind and the body, the subject and the object, cooperate with each other. The more relaxed the process, the more natural the expression of the model's personality will be. Subsequently, I was able to capture a specific gesture and emotion. This is usually a momentary expression of different posture changes, and it is also the most realistic moment in the creation. I can feel what's right in that moment, because it's only in that moment that I, the model, and all the environmental elements are on the same temperature scale. ”

Touched under real skin

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Before I sleep

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt
Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt
Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Admittedly, Tina Spratt is a painter who can manipulate light, and admittedly, this is the real reason why her work has a sense of deep atmosphere. Benefiting from her love and research of the works of Rembrandt, Vermeer and Andrew Wise, Tina experiments with the use of a variety of natural light and light combinations to achieve the quality of observation she wants. Between the multiple dramatic senses brought about by different light and shadow effects, all Tina has to do is search for that moment of emotion.

However, Tina did not make "training her observation skills" a necessary skill. In the actual creative process, she prefers to trust intuition and the inspiration that intuition brings. For example, she likes to portray a woman's vulnerability, but it does not have to be reflected in weak body language. In Tina's view, vulnerability is also a kind of strength, which gives people the courage to truly be themselves, and after removing all the disguises and defenses, vulnerability creates a peaceful and abundant space. As a painter, she needs to capture this vision correctly and make an emotional connection between it and the viewer.

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Blue Shawl

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

"Rather than painting them in front of me, I prefer to hide them somehow under their skin so that I can feel the texture of the fabric and the state of mind of the person being painted." I needed to immerse myself in the feeling of being as real as possible, as Andrew Wyeth, a contemporary American neorealist painter, put it— the moment I was after, the moment that was fleeting, but not the moment of solidification. ”

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Still to be titled

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt
Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt
Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt
Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt
Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Moments and breaths in the light

Dating back to 1976, Tina Spratt, born in Somerset, England, has had an extraordinary talent for painting since childhood. After completing the A-level art course, she found that she had a strong passion for portraiture, so with the support of her parents, she decided to enter art school for further study.

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt


Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt


Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

In the morning light

In 1998, Tina received a bachelor's degree in illustration from the University of Wolverhampton, but after graduation, she did not pursue her career in illustration, but chose to pursue her artistic dreams in portrait painting.

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

I will remember

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Do you remember

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

By tomorrow

In 2000, at a solo exhibition in Bristol, Tina's work caught the attention of the local public, with a total of 27 pastels and paintings sold in the week after the exhibition ended. She was interviewed and covered by public and professional media, and her work found a gallery agent in London, and the talented Tina Spratter became the brightest of The Rising Stars of Contemporary Realist Art in Britain that year.

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

As the light fades

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Fall asleep with me

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Commission piece

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt


Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt


Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

The call

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt


Since then, more than twenty years later, Tina Sprat has continued her realist portraiture, and although she is now becoming more and more critical of her art, she has always regarded her creation as a mirror to examine herself, and in the long road ahead, she still regards emotion as the cornerstone of her creation, and still feels heartfelt joy and excitement for the possibilities that continue to emerge.

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Tina Spratt

"In a moment's time, in the silence of the light, have you heard their breathing?"

Instead of painting them, hide under their skin: portrait painter Tina Spratt

Eye Edge Art Chronicles Chapter 877 is an artistic gift dedicated to life. If you need to reprint, please obtain authorization first, and please indicate the source after reprinting

Text Writing: Eye Edge Art Zhi

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