
Creatively make a pillow quilt to amaze the Winter Olympic Village

The Beijing Winter Olympics are about to open, and athletes from all over the world have recently moved to the Beijing Winter Olympic Village. In the Beijing Winter Olympic Village, a product full of ingenuity is favored by athletes from all over the world, that is, Hengyuanxiang provides a piece of bedding for the Athletes of the Winter Olympic Games that can be taken away - a pillow quilt.

Creatively make a pillow quilt to amaze the Winter Olympic Village

As a double Olympic enterprise, this small throw pillow quilt designed by Hengyuanxiang has a big clean. At first glance, it is a square cushion, one side is printed with the emblem of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and the other side is the ice pier of the Mascot of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, because of the use of high-speed digital printing technology, so the pattern is more three-dimensional and vivid. After pulling open the pillow zipper and flattening, it immediately transforms into a practical folding quilt, and the pattern of the quilt is selected from the sports icon of this Winter Olympic Games, and the blue and white colors are contrasted, which not only reflects the characteristics of the Winter Olympics, but also conveys the Olympic spirit. The pillows are comfortably fabriced, soft and lightweight, making them ideal for athletes to carry on a variety of occasions.

Creatively make a pillow quilt to amaze the Winter Olympic Village

The reason why the pattern inside the pillow quilt is fond of the sports icon of the Beijing Winter Olympics is because of a relationship more than 20 years ago. In 1996, in order to celebrate the centenary of the birth of the modern Olympic Games, Hengyuanxiang organized 100 children and teenagers from the "Good Little Circle" Universal Hands Club supported by the group, each of whom chose a sports project, created 100 seal seals, printed a large-scale seal engraving work of "100 People and 100 Items and 100 Seals celebrating the Centenary", and took this work to Lausanne, Switzerland, and donated it to the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee. Coincidentally, the sports icons of this Winter Olympic Games also adopt the seal carving art form with traditional Chinese cultural characteristics, so we choose to use these icons in many design elements, which on the one hand reflects the characteristics of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, on the other hand, it also continues Hengyuanxiang's long-term tradition of using art forms to spread the Olympic spirit. Chen Zhongwei, chairman and general manager of Hengyuanxiang Group, explained.

Creatively make a pillow quilt to amaze the Winter Olympic Village

It is reported that Hengyuanxiang provided a total of 6500 for the Winter Olympics, 2500 for the Winter Paralympic Games, a total of 9000 pillow quilts and 9000 pairs of bed flags printed with "BEIJING2022", the pillow quilt is also a gift carefully prepared by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee for athletes from all over the world, because of its small size and great use, athletes can be brought back to China as a souvenir after the game, practicing the Olympic concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity" of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

"It's both a pillow and a blanket, a genius design!" Athletes from all over the world entered the Beijing Winter Olympic Village and frequently exclaimed after seeing the pillow quilt, and filmed and shared videos on social software, setting off a wave of enthusiasm on the online platform, netizens called it "black technology from the East", and said that they wanted to buy it.

The Beijing Winter Olympics is already the fifth time that Hengyuanxiang and the Olympic Games have met. During the Winter Olympic Games, Hengyuanxiang not only undertook the production and service of home textiles in the Winter Olympic Village, but also provided a total of 4369 pieces of clothing and equipment for the International Olympic Committee as a formal wear supplier of the International Olympic Committee.

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