
Hong Kong's epidemic prevention and control is already in a state of total collapse, and in view of the many problems in the government system and the passive resistance of some Hong Kong people, it is afraid that it will be difficult to achieve a re-"clearance" for a while and a half

author:Land abandonment

Hong Kong's epidemic prevention and control is already in a state of total collapse, and in view of the many problems in the government system and the passive resistance of some Hong Kong people, it is afraid that it will be difficult to achieve "zero clearance" for a while and a half. Of course, don't say zero, I'm afraid "coexistence with the virus" is hard to imagine here.

As we all know, Hong Kong is a highly aging society, and of hong Kong's 7.58 million people, there are about 1.45 million elderly people over the age of 65, accounting for about 20% of the total population. The first victims of COVID-19 are the elderly, and there is also a terrible fact that the elderly in Hong Kong are still the main unvaccinated population.

In such a situation, if the government "abandons resistance", experts vigorously advocate "coexistence with the virus". It is bound to be the result of the government's failure to further strengthen the prevention and control of the epidemic as predicted by the research team of CUHK and CityU - more than 3 million people are infected, 170,000 people are seriously ill, Hong Kong's medical system is completely collapsed, the epidemic is all over the city, people are like "zombies", patients with other diseases because of the risk of major infections and the shortage of medical resources, followed by the direct death of a large number of high-risk groups and the indirect death of other patients.

As a resident of the two places who have personally experienced the mainland's prevention and control policies and Hong Kong's prevention and control policies. My only assessment of Hong Kong's epidemic prevention and control policy is simply unimaginable! Although the official stated that it is necessary to learn from the mainland's "zero clearance" policy, it has always been toddler in Handan, and half of the study has been left in half, such as the policy of prohibiting dine-in, allowing dine-in during the day and not allowing dine-in at night.

Another example is today's introduction of a policy that patients with low viral volume can be discharged early, which is obviously the result of a compromise due to the shortage of medical resources, but will the implementation of this policy lead to the secondary aggravation of infection in these patients who have not yet recovered? Or spread it to others?

In the past two years, I have experienced Hong Kong's home quarantine and quarantine policy, there are too many loopholes to be drilled, basically relying on self-awareness, if there are a very small number of people who steal and slip or try to take revenge on society, this policy can basically be said to be completely lost.

In addition, the overall health environment in Hong Kong is very different from that of cities of the same size in the mainland, especially in the living areas of ordinary citizens, and the sanitary conditions can be described as "purgatory on earth". If this policy of appeasement continues to be pursued without harsh measures, it will inevitably accelerate the further spread of the virus. The current current situation of dozens of confirmed cases of infection of unknown origin every day indicates that there are at least hundreds of "new crown patients" walking in the community.

Of course, even the mandatory quarantine and quarantine policy that has now been vigorously implemented has many problems, and the mandatory quarantine in Kwai Chung Uk Village some time ago exposed a large number of problems. Many citizens usually do not make fires to cook, and there are problems with the supply of meals during the quarantine period. There is also a very random isolation time, a moment of 3 days, a moment of 5 days, only need to be tested at that time no one is infected, try to ask whether such isolation can be effective? Can this discounted thinking curb the spread of the virus?

Now it seems that the reason why Hong Kong's previous small-scale transmission can be "cleared" is completely lucky, but now Omi kerong is completely different, its transmission speed is equivalent to the "speed of light", and the loophole-ridden epidemic prevention policy simply cannot constitute a line of defense in front of it.

Of course, it is not excluded that there are still "anti-China and chaotic Hong Kong" forces within the government and do not want Hong Kong to be in line with the mainland in fighting the epidemic, and some people think that Hong Kong citizens will not be able to maintain their lives if they refer to the implementation of the epidemic prevention policy of the mainland. So, can Hong Kong citizens maintain this kind of "siege" life? Can't they see a personal tragedy reported in the media?

If the epidemic prevention policy is not strictly implemented as soon as possible, customs clearance between the mainland and Hong Kong will be a fantasy.

Don't say this year, if this "appeasement policy" continues next year, there will be no way to achieve customs clearance between the two places.

The government and the epidemic prevention team feel as if we are doing things, although things are not doing well, which is almost the same as the current atmosphere in the Hong Kong civil service team.

Of course, although the epidemic is severe, life must always go on.

Today, together with Mr. Jingsheng, I went to Mr. Jinsong's home to pay respects to the New Year. The same is now alone in Hong Kong, and the same Jiangsu people, coupled with the Chen clan's relatives, the most important thing is that I and Jin Song also speak Yangzhou dialect.

A rare exotic love affair is the second note for the first half of the tiger year.

Hong Kong's epidemic prevention and control is already in a state of total collapse, and in view of the many problems in the government system and the passive resistance of some Hong Kong people, it is afraid that it will be difficult to achieve a re-"clearance" for a while and a half

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