
Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

author:Mo says anime

In the 514th episode of "Breaking the Sky", Xiao Yan officially struck. Originally, the battle did not start so quickly, Xiao Yan still had to make a mess of it, but Shi Tian took the lead, and Xiao Yan could only start a battle. Xiao Yan dealt with the main force, and the other helpers faced the Soul Hall and the Lion Underground Sect's multiple Dou Zuns. Now that Lion Tian had been killed, Nine Heavenly Zun had lost both hands. Only four days away from victory, this matter also has to be Xiao Yan, according to the progress of the comic, the next episode will end.

Xiao Yan's opportunity to take a shot

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

Xiao Yan was originally the lord of the YanMeng Alliance, and Xiao Yan could not sit idly by when yanmeng had difficulties, not to mention that there were so many relatives and friends here. However, the reason why Xiao Yan shot at the beginning was to save Xiao Xiao. This is followed by the recognition of father and daughter, and then to understand the ins and outs of the matter. Originally, this was a picture of a family of three enjoying themselves, but because of the disturbance of the lion day, it has changed.

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

If it is a novel, Shi Tian is jealous of Xiao Yan, but in the comic, Shi Tian is not interested in Medusa. This sudden shot is to not eat dog food? Probably still. As soon as Shi Tian struck, it hastened the demise of the Lion Sect. Even if he was killed, it also ignited Xiao Yan's anger.

The Lion Cult was completely defeated

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

The strong rise of the Lion Sect, if it is not aimed at the Yan Alliance, may develop into the first force in the northwest region. However, the Lion Heavenly Head Iron, as well as the encouragement of the Soul Hall, this is the only way to fight with Yan Meng. After Shi Tian was killed, many people in the Lion Underground Sect died at the hands of Xiao Yan. According to Xiao Yan's means, he made enemies with Yan Meng, and did not stay.

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

The Dou Zun brought by Xiao Yan was a dou zun strong man who opposed the Soul Hall and the Lion Underground Sect, although it was likely to be evenly matched and could not cross the battle. But if they are dragged along, the disciples of the Lion Cult will be destroyed. Without the Suzerain, the Lion Cult would have long since collapsed into an army and would soon cease to exist.

Nine Heavenly Lords lost the ability to fight

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

The Nine Heavenly Zun appeared as a powerful backing of the Lion Underground Sect, this person was the peak of the Eight Star Douzun, if Xiao Yan did not appear before, the Nine Heavenly Zun could suppress any one of the Yan Alliance. Whether it is Medusa, the Little Doctor Fairy, or the Heavenly Fire and Green Scales, they are all pinched. But after Xiao Yan entered the war, the Nine Heavenly Zun did not have any advantage.

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

In the past, the Nine Heavenly Zun could suppress Xiao Yan without falsehood, but the fighting qi level was at the same level, and Xiao Yan could finish abusing him. In this battle, Xiao Yan used the Dragon Phoenix Ancient Armor, the Ancient Worm Imperial Cloak, and the Heavenly Order Fighting Technique Great Heavenly Creation Palm. The first two are passive defenses, to put it bluntly, Xiao Yan is just a move.

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

In this duel, nine heavenly zun lost his arm, and he could not continue to use his fighting skills, becoming a wasted man. Without the Lion Heaven and the Nine Heavenly Beings, the Lion Heaven Sect was completely defeated. If there was still a chance to fight back, there were only four Heavenly Lords left.

Xiao Yan would solve the Four Heavenly Zuns

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

The Four Heavenly Zun was the backhand of the Soul Hall, and he had always liked to secretly hide the Soul Hall, this time it was not the Eight Heavenly Zun that was hidden, but let him stay in the shadows. The cultivation of the peak of the Dou Zun seemed to be very strong, and in the blood-sucking state, it reached the peak of the three or four turns of the Dou Zun, but such a four-day Zun was not enough to see at all. If you want to kill Xiao Yan, you can only have a chance if you reach the Semi-Sacred Realm.

Fight to break the firmament: As soon as Xiao Yan struck, the Lion Underground Sect was completely defeated, and he was only one step away from defeating the Four Heavenly Sects

Xiao Yan would fight back, and it wouldn't take long to severely damage the Four Heavenly Lords, causing him to flee back to the Soul Hall in ashes. By this point, the Lion Cult would cease to exist, and the Yan Alliance would completely become the number one force in the Northwest Region.

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