
1, today my husband went on a business trip, I felt bored after returning home from work, so I took a few photos with makeup, fixed the picture and sent it to my husband. After my husband saw my news, he praised it vigorously

author:Laughter humor hahaha jokes

1, today my husband went on a business trip, I felt bored after returning home from work, so I took a few photos with makeup, fixed the picture and sent it to my husband. After my husband saw my news, he praised the little fairy where this was, so good-looking! I laughed and scolded: greasy mouth slippery tongue! What a nuisance! The husband said: Really, daughter-in-law, it is really good-looking, not only you are good-looking, but the wall next to you is also very good-looking! A few days ago I also said yellowing, to find someone to renovate it, daughter-in-law, are you looking for someone to paint the wall! This master is a real cow, and the walls are brightly white! It's really annoying!

2, just bought the Audi A6, my wife had to let me drive her back to her mother's house to show off. During the meal, the mother-in-law chatted: I watched a movie two days ago, what is the name of what mountain, the name was forgotten by me, anyway, it is very good. I said: Is it "Dao Soldier Down the Mountain". The mother-in-law said: No. After a while, the mother-in-law's surname Fen said: I remember, it is "Mission Impossible 3".

3, my dad just spent a lot of money to buy an astronomical telescope, today when I fiddle, it broke. After Dad saw it after work, he lit me a cigarette, which was a good day for 30 yuan a pack. I smoked a cigarette and asked, "Dad, why don't you smoke?" My dad shook his head and said, "Dad doesn't smoke, you smoke!" "Our father and son looked out the window, I smoked silently, neither of us spoke, maybe this is the silent father's love." 」 Pumping your head? He asked me. I nodded. "Do you know why you're going to smoke a good day?" He picked up the rolling pin: "Because from today your good days are coming to an end!" ”"

4, sister and brother-in-law just married not long ago, early in the morning sister woke up to find that the brother-in-law is not in bed, open the bedroom door to hear movement in the kitchen, they shouted towards the kitchen: "Hurry up, I haven't told my dear, say good morning!" Then the mother-in-law's voice came from the kitchen: "You dear, go out to buy breakfast!" ”?? The sister looked embarrassed: "Mom, when did you come?" ”

5, the brother fell out of love, hit him very hard, began to work hard to sell insurance. The day before yesterday, he called his brother to go rafting together, and he said he would not go, delaying his time to sell insurance. I advised him that the combination of work and leisure, proper relaxation is good for work. Good to say that the brother finally went, but when he got to the ground, he couldn't find anyone else, and finally saw him in the rest area, and his brother waved his hand and shouted to me: You go to play first, there are many people here, I sell insurance.

6, the girlfriend was favored by a rich second-generation brother, give me 10 million to let me take the initiative to give up. After getting the money, I still missed my ex-girlfriend, so after the two of them got married, I moved next door to them. Today, when I went to work, I met my buddies downstairs to send my son to school. Seeing his son in tears, I asked with concern what was wrong? He said: Little bunny cub, just know that playing does not write homework, let me beat up! After saying that, he took his son and left. At this time I suddenly burst into tears. When the neighbor saw me and asked me what was wrong, I said: It's okay, my eyes sometimes shed tears when I see the wind.

7, go to the hospital in the morning for a physical examination, when queuing for registration, I suddenly saw a girl, she was at the end of the line, just a glance made me deeply fascinated. I feel like my happiness is coming. So I went to the back of the line and several times plucked up the courage to try to talk, but to no avail. Finally, he plucked up the courage and squeezed out a few words timidly with a red face: "Are you sick?" ”

8. A middle-aged uncle is selling hard at the door of the pharmacy. When I saw someone passing by, I would always shout twice: "Look at my thick black hair, this is a miracle that has been used for three months to prevent hair loss!" At this time, a balding buddy happened to pass by and asked, "How bald did you go before?" The salesman took off his wig and said, "Bald to the point of not having a single hair, you see, don't lie to you!" ”

9, this day was at work, suddenly a strange number called. When I connected it, I heard only a male voice: Hello, hello, I am your son's teacher. I said, "Oh, what's the matter?" The man said: Your son got into a fight with someone at school and broke the head of the family. I said: What? It's true? The man said: Of course it is true, I am a teacher can lie to you? I said: That's great, who is his mother? Can you give me her phone? I've always wanted to have a wife.

10. The female manager had three abortions when she was in school at Fudan University, resulting in her habitual miscarriage twice. Her husband couldn't stand it anymore and divorced her. After the female manager was single, she began to look for a blind date everywhere. Early this morning, when I arrived at the company, I found that the female manager was mad, constantly scolding people and dropping things. After asking colleagues, I learned that the female manager was introduced to the blind date by someone, and the matchmaker told her that the man's family was quite powerful and did iron ore business. Later, I learned that the other party's family was collecting scrap iron!

11, the company has a goddess, sitting diagonally opposite me, every day will look at me silently. Carefully, I found out, so I gave her encouragement with my eyes! The goddess of encouragement finally plucked up the courage to ask me: "So, can I ask you something?" Me: You ask? The goddess said shyly: Do you have a boyfriend? Me: No! Goddess: Hahaha! Deserve!

#Funny Moment# #年度搞笑名场面 #

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