
Real back, the New Year car parked downstairs, was shed by the building materials smashed the window

On the second day of the New Year of the Tiger, Xiao Zhang parked his car downstairs, and as a result, he went downstairs in the morning to see that his car was smashed, and the front windshield was smashed. After retrieving the monitoring of the community, it was found that the cement of the top floor fell off and caused the vehicle to be smashed. Encountering this kind of thing during the Spring Festival is naturally very annoying. But he doesn't know how to solve it, should the property be liable? How should the insurance company pay in this case?

Real back, the New Year car parked downstairs, was shed by the building materials smashed the window

In fact, no matter how this matter is handled, it is inevitable that it will be paid by the insurance company. As car owners, each of us needs to buy car insurance every year, which is roughly divided into three parts, compulsory traffic insurance, car damage insurance, and three insurances. Then this situation falls within the scope of car damage insurance.

Real back, the New Year car parked downstairs, was shed by the building materials smashed the window

Many people will stand up and say that car damage insurance is very complicated, there are many situations in which car damage insurance is not admired, and additional insurance needs to be purchased separately, such as glass damage alone, unable to find a third party and so on. But what everyone does not understand is that the current car damage insurance has added a lot of additional insurance after the reform in 2020, and consumers do not need to buy it separately. So what exactly will be included after the reform?

In addition to the compensation for its own vehicle damage, the current car damage insurance also includes: theft insurance, spontaneous combustion insurance, engine wading insurance, glass breakage insurance, unable to find a third-party insurance, excluding deductible insurance. These types of insurance needed to be purchased separately before the reform. Xiao Zhang's case belongs to the glass break insurance alone and the inability to find a third party insurance. After adding these additional insurance premiums, the total premium has not increased, and some insurance companies have reduced the car insurance billing fee by 15%, the product setting surcharge rate for commercial insurance has also been reduced from 35% to 25%, and the loss ratio has also increased from 65% to 75%.

Real back, the New Year car parked downstairs, was shed by the building materials smashed the window

Of course, here is still to analyze the various types of insurance with you in detail, we take the glass damage insurance as an example, this insurance type protects the individual broken loss of the windshield and window of the insured vehicle, but does not include the broken glass such as the headlights and sunroof; in this incident, if the sunroof of the small vehicle is broken, it is not possible to apply for compensation.

In addition, the southern car owners are more concerned about the engine wading insurance, this type of insurance to protect the loss caused by the engine water; but it should be noted that the engine water intake causes the ignition after the flameout, otherwise, the insurance company has the right to refuse to pay.

Real back, the New Year car parked downstairs, was shed by the building materials smashed the window

Theft rescue is to protect the whole vehicle from theft and damage suffered during theft, and does not include the loss of property in the car. Therefore, during the New Year, we still have to transfer the valuables in the car in time.

During the New Year, we frequently drive on the highway, and we must check the tire pressure and brakes before we do so. In case of a flat tire and brake failure during high speeds. Because tires and brakes are not included in the payment of car damage insurance. Separate loss of wheels is required. And here the modified car enthusiasts should pay attention to the fact that although the current traffic regulations stipulate that the brakes can be modified and upgraded without changing the size of the wheel hub, the modified brakes are also not covered by the tire insurance.

Real back, the New Year car parked downstairs, was shed by the building materials smashed the window

In this high-altitude falling car incident, should the property be held liable? Should the builder be held liable? We all know that the commercial housing we buy has a warranty period, generally 5 years. After the warranty period has expired, the real estate party needs to hand over the procedures to the future manager of the property, that is, the property. In this event, if the property cannot prove that it is not responsible, then it needs to bear the corresponding legal responsibility. In many old office buildings in the city, significant warnings can be seen on the doors of buildings, warning everyone that due to the age of the building, there is a risk of building materials falling off, you should stay away from the building to park and walk. Here the property fulfills the obligation to inform. But in some third- and fourth-tier cities or counties, we rarely see such warnings. This also brings corresponding difficulties to consumer rights protection.

When we go back to the insurance itself, it's been two years since the car damage insurance reform, but we don't seem to know about it in the process of buying insurance. Car insurance is a seemingly trivial matter, but once an accident occurs, there are still many precautions in the process of compensation. It is very easy to have compensation disputes without understanding the terms of the insurance, and finally have to resort to the law. Therefore, everyone must carefully read the insurance terms in the process of purchasing car insurance.

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