
If you want to buy your first car, I advise you to avoid these pitfalls

If you want to buy your first car, I advise you to avoid these pitfalls. Remembering these points will definitely make you spend less money in vain. First, if you can buy a new car, don't buy it.

If you want to buy your first car, I advise you to avoid these pitfalls

If you don't have relatives to make used cars, pay attention. I'm talking about relatives, a little unreliable, who can buy a new car and buy a new car. That said, if you can get a full loan, you can honestly go to the 4S store and buy a new car. If you have to take out a loan, choose a formal banking institution.

If you want to buy your first car, I advise you to avoid these pitfalls

Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to repay the loan and you will have to charge you for decompression. Second, don't buy niche cars. If there are many cars on the road, you can buy them. If you don't understand cars, you can go to the owner and look at the list of car sales. You can't go wrong by buying by sales volume. Choose a mainstream color, like plaid green on a car coat.

If you want to buy your first car, I advise you to avoid these pitfalls

Third, don't buy insurance randomly, just buy these three kinds of compulsory traffic insurance, don't buy, don't let go on the road, and protect your car with car damage insurance. This last point is important. When buying a car, you must be prepared for ten years and eight years. You will have to support your family in the future, or all kinds of expenses. Changing cars is quite difficult. We must remember that these days if I disagree with you, I will light up the comments section. Don't forget to pay attention.

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