
Tongan Chinese: Volcanic eruptions and COVID-19 disrupt plans to return home

Health Times reporter Wang Aibing

"Before Tonga has not been epidemic, for more than 2 years, it is basically a state of closure, so it can be maintained, the local Chinese and Tongans are very fortunate about the decision of the local government." Zhao Lie (pseudonym), from Sanming City, Fujian Province, who now lives in the Kingdom of Tonga, told the Health Times reporter that the outbreak occurred very suddenly, before everyone had just experienced a volcanic eruption, these two news is like two "big gifts" given to us in the Year of the Tiger.

According to CCTV News, on February 2, local time, Tonga confirmed 5 cases of new crown pneumonia, after Tonga adopted a strict entry policy, Tonga is one of the few countries in the world that has not had a new crown epidemic. Just half a month ago, on January 15, 2022, a large-scale volcanic eruption occurred off the coast of Tonga, and satellite detection results showed that the ash rushed up to a height of about 28 kilometers, and the mushroom cloud of the eruption could even be seen on the satellite cloud map.

Tongan Chinese: Volcanic eruptions and COVID-19 disrupt plans to return home

"After the eruption of the volcano, the air in the place where we live is still toxic, and there is only a little network available from 5 pm to 5 am the next day, and now there is an epidemic again, which can be said to be worse." Zhao Lie said helplessly that after I came to Tonga to live 4 years ago, I did not return home once, and this year's New Year, I originally wanted to go home for two days, but the confirmed cases that just appeared disrupted this plan.

Zhao Lie told reporters, "Since the outbreak of the epidemic, at 6 p.m. on February 2, the local government began to implement the lockdown for 48 hours, we were also required not to leave the house within 48 hours, isolate at home, and wait for further decisions, according to local reports, the epidemic is because of the virus in the rescue materials, resulting in the infection of front-line personnel." ”

"Although, because of a series of unexpected events, the plan to go home this year has been disrupted, but our embassy has sent greetings and concerns to every WeChat and QQ Chinese crowd, and our Chinese compatriots will send some New Year's wishes to each other every day." Zhao Lie said that before, every new Year, the embassy will give us every Chinese Spring Festival gift package, this year, the Spring Festival gift package was postponed due to the epidemic, but we believe that soon Tonga can control the epidemic, and our lives will soon return to normal.

Tongan Chinese: Volcanic eruptions and COVID-19 disrupt plans to return home

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