
The latest news that Brother Gluten is critically ill, he is in a severe coma in the ICU, netizens: This time there is more luck and less luck!

author:Come on Sister Luo

#头条首发大赛#最近几年随着网络直播的大爆发, many obscure people at the bottom have become famous overnight, such as Guo Youcai, the hottest on the whole network in recent times, from a small anchor with tens of thousands of fans to the hottest anchor on the whole network overnight, and the fans have quickly exceeded 10 million, becoming the fastest blogger on Douyin to break 10 million, but today we will pay attention to a grassroots blogger who has become famous before.

The latest news that Brother Gluten is critically ill, he is in a severe coma in the ICU, netizens: This time there is more luck and less luck!

I believe everyone still remembers that a few years ago, there was a sloppy and unkempt blogger who also became popular overnight, he was Cheng Shulin, who debuted with a song of baked gluten, when Cheng Shulin relied on his unique singing style and sloppy image, he attracted the attention of millions of fans in just a few months, but the profession of Internet celebrity is popular and disappears quickly, and Cheng Shulin has basically disappeared from the public's field of vision in the past two years.

The latest news that Brother Gluten is critically ill, he is in a severe coma in the ICU, netizens: This time there is more luck and less luck!

Just when the majority of netizens slowly forgot about him, yesterday a news about "gluten brother" Cheng Shulin once again detonated the Internet celebrity circle, Cheng Shulin's wife revealed that Cheng Shulin suddenly fainted at home, and was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer when he was sent to the hospital, and is currently being treated in the hospital, the hospital has issued a critical illness notice, Cheng Shulin's wife called on everyone to lend a hand and help "gluten brother" Cheng Shulin. According to a person familiar with the matter, Cheng Shulin is currently in a severe coma in the ICU, and the situation is quite dangerous.

The latest news that Brother Gluten is critically ill, he is in a severe coma in the ICU, netizens: This time there is more luck and less luck!

What is very surprising is that after Brother Gluten's advanced liver cancer was exposed, the Internet celebrities in the Internet celebrity circle were indifferent, and everyone did not pay attention to this outdated Internet celebrity, which has to sigh that the world is really cold, I think that when Cheng Shulin was popular, the major Internet celebrities on the whole network went to find traffic, some apprentices, some worshipped godfathers, and some wanted to cooperate, and now Cheng Shulin is critically ill and lying in the hospital, and these so-called Internet celebrities have disappeared without a trace.

The latest news that Brother Gluten is critically ill, he is in a severe coma in the ICU, netizens: This time there is more luck and less luck!

Many diseases are scared to death, when they learn about the disease, they don't want to think about it, they continue to panic, the condition deteriorates rapidly, the resistance decreases, the person's immunity itself is repaired, maintain a good attitude and diet, and the disease disappears unconsciously, but in reality, many people will mentally hit the sick person, and they can't afford to get sick.

So can Cheng Shulin recover? Many netizens used actual examples to tell him that he was more than lucky, @抬杠大师: It's very difficult, hey, my little father also had liver cancer, and his liver was not good, and he also drank rice wine every day, especially when the family got together, he drank more and smoked, and in the first two months of leaving, he was only skinny and skinny, and I couldn't recognize it.

The latest news that Brother Gluten is critically ill, he is in a severe coma in the ICU, netizens: This time there is more luck and less luck!

@大D戴头盔: It's basically useless in the middle stage, let alone the late stage, and now the money is lost in the hospital to prolong his pain, someone in my family has experienced it, and it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for the pain and torture every day, and finally left, hey!

The latest news that Brother Gluten is critically ill, he is in a severe coma in the ICU, netizens: This time there is more luck and less luck!

In fact, in terms of character, Brother Gluten is really not like other Internet celebrities, people are still very good, but fate plays tricks on people, life has been hard for most of his life, and he finally became famous but he has this serious illness, here I only hope that there will be a miracle, I wish Brother Gluten can defeat the disease.

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