
Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

author:Lele Storyteller
Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

In 1997, the entertainment industry once again set off an uproar. Popular actress Zhao Mingming, the "No. 1 beauty in ancient costumes" who became famous for "Han Palace Feiyan", actually followed in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, and her marriage fell into crisis.

The once enviable "wealthy marriage" has now become a turning point in her life.

What caused the once golden boy and girl to split? Zhao Mingming's story is not a simple celebrity gossip, but a complex life journey about love, career and self.

Let's lift the mystery of this marriage, explore Zhao Mingming's real life, and witness a woman's difficult choice between career and family.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

In 1970, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province ushered in a girl destined to be extraordinary - Zhao Mingming. Since she was a child, she has attracted attention for her outstanding appearance, and her growth path seems to be paved with flowers.

However, the gears of fate always turn unexpectedly.

At the age of 18, with his love for art, Zhao Mingming successfully stepped into the door of Jilin Art Institute with his own advantages. When she first entered the campus, she was like a dazzling new star, instantly becoming the focus of attention of teachers and students.

The excellent appearance conditions and excellent academic performance opened the door to her acting career. In her second year of college, she got a valuable opportunity to participate in a TV series and starred in one fell swoop.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

However, surrounded by many suitors, Zhao Mingming's heart has always been difficult to find the shadow of true love. Until I met Yingning, who was in the same school, this handsome son from a famous family.

Unlike others, the introverted Ying Ning did not take the initiative to pursue Zhao Mingming, but she was attracted by Ying Ning's unique temperament.

The love affair between the two is like a flower blooming in a taboo. The school's ban on early love and the family's opposition have not stopped their growing affection. On the occasion of graduation, desperate, they resolutely walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand and wrote a vigorous campus love.

Zhao Mingming, who is in his early 20s, with a vision of love and expectations for the future, stepped into the palace of marriage without hesitation. She firmly believed that she had found true love, but she never imagined that this marriage would be a turning point in her life.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

Young Zhao Mingming, is he aware of the burden of marriage? Does she foresee the challenges that may lie ahead? At that young and ignorant age, she simply believed that love could overcome everything.

However, the years are a mirror, and when the impulses of youth slowly fade, what is left is the taste of life that needs to be savored.

The blood of youth and the sweetness of love were intertwined at that moment into a colorful movement of Zhao Mingming's life. However, no one knew that this seemingly perfect beginning laid the groundwork for the breakdown of the marriage in the future.

In 1997, "Han Palace Feiyan" swept the entertainment industry like a whirlwind, pushing Zhao Mingming to the peak of his career. Her role as Zhao Feiyan in the play amazed countless audiences, and the perfect combination of beauty and acting skills won her the reputation of "the first beauty in ancient costumes".

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

This role has not only become a screen classic, but also a turning point in Zhao Mingming's acting career.

However, behind the success is an unimaginable effort. In order to perfectly interpret the role of Zhao Feiyan, Zhao Mingming has made amazing efforts. She made up her mind to reduce her weight from 120 pounds to less than 90 pounds, and began a painstaking weight loss process.

During filming, she fainted several times due to low blood sugar due to unbearable hunger and heavy action scenes. But even so, Zhao Mingming still insisted on completing every shot, and conquered the crew and the audience with his professionalism.

Zhao Mingming's success not only drove his career, but also brought opportunities to her husband Yingning. In 1995, Yingning made her screen debut in "Phalaenopsis", playing Zhao Mingming's brother.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

This is the only cooperation they have had since they walked out of campus, and it is also an important step for Yingning to enter the entertainment industry.

However, as Zhao Mingming's fame is rising, the relationship between husband and wife has quietly undergone subtle changes. Yingning began to feel the society's doubts about him, and the label of "relying on his wife to eat" followed.

This invisible pressure gradually eroded their feelings, and Yingning's attitude towards Zhao Mingming gradually changed from the initial worship and support to jealousy and indifference.

Yingning, who used to wash her hands and make soup for her wife, now frequently complains that Zhao Mingming is busy with work and neglects her family. Instead of advising and supporting his wife as he once did, he complained about her shortcomings in public.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

This change in attitude has undoubtedly brought great trouble and harm to Zhao Mingming.

Zhao Mingming's success seems to have become the last straw that crushed this marriage. She stood at the pinnacle of her career, watching her marriage go to the cliff step by step.

Fame brings not only glory, but also a huge price she must face.

During this period, Zhao Mingming was glamorous on the outside, but full of contradictions and pain on the inside. She has climbed to new heights in her career, but she has seen her marriage in jeopardy.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

She had to struggle to balance her career and family as she struggled to maintain her precarious marriage.

"Han Palace Feiyan" brought Zhao Mingming the glory of her acting career, but it also became a turning point in her married life. This role seems to be a double-edged sword, which not only brings her supreme glory, but also lays hidden dangers for her marriage.

In 1988, just as Zhao Mingming's acting career was in full swing, an unexpected surprise came - she was pregnant. This should have been good news, and Zhao Mingming was full of expectations, hoping that this new life could inject new vitality into her crumbling marriage.

However, reality hit her hard.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

During her pregnancy, Zhao Mingming thought that her husband Yingning would be considerate and give more care. But the truth is the opposite, Yingning not only failed to fulfill her husband's responsibilities, but often did not return all night.

Whenever Zhao Mingming asked the reason, he was always prevaricated by perfunctory excuses such as "it is you who pays, and I am busy". Even so, Zhao Mingming still chose to believe in her husband and worked hard to maintain this precarious marriage.

However, it was more cruel than she had imagined. In the days when she was working hard to raise a baby, Yingning actually had a secret love affair with a female translator. When Zhao Mingming learned of this fact, she was extremely shocked and heartbroken.

She couldn't understand why they would repeat the mistakes of the past when they had witnessed the breakdown of the marriage of the eldest brother and sister-in-law. This blow was undoubtedly fatal for Zhao Mingming, who began to question her marriage choice and also had deep doubts about love.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

Although the birth of her daughter brought short-lived joy to the family, the shadow of betrayal always hung over Zhao Mingming's heart. She tried to save the marriage, but the rift could not be healed.

The sweet memories of the past are now only left with a bitter aftertaste.

In 2000, the couple, who had been together for eight years, finally divorced. Zhao Mingming can only take his young daughter and face the burden of life alone. And Yingning quickly threw herself into a new marriage, as if she wanted to completely forget everything in the past.

This failed marriage dealt a heavy blow to Zhao Mingming. Two people who once spent their youth together and loved each other deeply were ruthlessly defeated by reality in the end. Zhao Mingming had to face the disillusionment of his marriage and re-examine his life choices.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

In this difficult period, Zhao Mingming's heart was full of contradictions and pain. She has to deal with the pressures of her career, face the failure of her marriage, and take care of her young daughter.

This transition of multiple roles is undoubtedly a huge challenge for her.

Zhao Mingming's experience makes people think: on the road to career success, do we ignore the most important intimate relationship? Is there really an irreconcilable contradiction between family happiness? This once envied "wealthy marriage" has finally become an embarrassing lesson.

The failure of the marriage did not defeat Zhao Mingming. Instead, it brought out the power that lurked within her. Faced with a turning point in her life, Zhao Mingming made a decision that shocked the entertainment industry: to quit her beloved acting career.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

After participating in the TV series "Island Without Winter", she resolutely bid farewell to the spotlight and magnesium spotlight, and chose to devote herself to the raising of her daughter.

The decision was undoubtedly difficult. Giving up on the pinnacle of your career means losing glory and income. But for Zhao Mingming, the healthy growth of his daughter is more important than anything else.

She interprets the greatness of maternal love with her actions, and also shows the courage and responsibility of a woman in the face of difficulties.

Despite his resentment towards Yingning, Zhao Mingming still chose a mature and rational way to deal with it. Instead of depriving her daughter of her right to get along with her father, she strives to maintain a peaceful relationship with Yingning.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

This approach not only reflects her mind, but also creates a relatively complete environment for her daughter to grow up.

After leaving the public eye, Zhao Mingming devoted all his energy to his daughter's education. Her efforts have paid off handsomely: today, her daughter has successfully studied abroad and has shown remarkable talent.

This is undoubtedly the best affirmation of Zhao Mingming's education method, and it is also the greatest consolation for her in the new stage of her life.

In this process, Zhao Mingming showed admirable strength and courage. Not only did she successfully transform into a stay-at-home mom, but she also quietly rebuilt her life.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

Although she has withdrawn from the public eye, her inner strength is quietly growing. Zhao Mingming used his own experience to prove that the value of a woman lies not only in her career achievements, but also in her attitude and choices in the face of life's challenges.

Time flies, and the former screen goddess Zhao Mingming has entered the second half of her life. Far from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, her life has returned to peace, but it is also inevitably lonely.

Although there is still an endless stream of suitors, Zhao Mingming has always remained single, as if he is guarding his inner world in this way.

During this time alone, Zhao Mingming often looks back on his life trajectory.

Zhao Mingming: Following in the footsteps of her sister-in-law Song Dandan, she was abandoned by the Ying family, and what happened to her who retired for her son

Zhao Mingming's story is far more than the ups and downs of a star. It's more like a mirror, reflecting many people's struggles between careers, marriages, and self-fulfillment.

Her experience teaches us to maintain our inner strength and face life's challenges bravely, no matter what kind of adversity we encounter.

Today's Zhao Mingming, although she is far away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, she has found her own happiness in ordinary life. Her story may become a mirror of many people's lives, reflecting the desire and strength in each of our hearts.

In this journey of life full of unknowns, Zhao Mingming is still exploring, still growing, and interpreting the meaning of life in his own way.

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