
When relatives saw it, they came out from afar and shouted happily: "Come, big brother..." At that time, there will be relatives from all over the village from time to time to visit the New Year, and sometimes there will be relatives from different villages who meet together

author:The painting is as beautiful as the country

Relatives saw that they came out from afar and shouted happily: "Come, big brother..." At that time, all the families in the village will have relatives to visit the New Year from time to time, and sometimes there will be relatives from different villages meeting together, which is even more lively, between about 9:30 and 10 o'clock in the morning, the main family will arrange a ringing noon, that is, each person boils a poached egg, or cook some noodles and put a few pieces of meat pads; adults are skimming melons, and the children have long gone crazy all over the world.

My brother-in-law's family has a very beautiful little sister of the same year as me, and two younger brothers, and together we set off cannons in the village, fighting four corners, playing hide-and-seek, and we can't take care of eating at noon.

At noon, the village was full of incense, the children were also shouted back, this time was very lively, the adults began to line up the seats, together it was good to say, if two or three waves of relatives from different villages, it would be difficult to coordinate, as if with the fight, you pushed me to let me sit down easily, immediately began to fight wine, it seems to be about the face of a family and a village, the scene is quickly white-hot, the sound of the guessing boxing tiger bar is shocking, the sneaky and slippery is found to be shouting loudly to drink three cups of fine wine, do not drink it, play cover, help the voice of the people boiling, Some people even chase out of the house with wine glasses, hurry! Hurry!

Our children were not yet able to go to the table, and while watching and talking at the small table next to us, our hearts were full of admiration for adults and the desire to grow up and drink well.

  The next day I went to my uncle's house in the east, my uncle would make firecrackers, and many firecrackers in our village were bought at his house, and he was very generous to our juniors. There is a well in the village, and I am deeply impressed by the clear and sweet water. My grandmother's house in the north along Yewan was not far from a low mountain beam recently, and my grandmother's house had a large bamboo forest, which was our children's favorite, and I had explored and caught birds in it. Each family repeats the process of the previous one, which is not cumbersome but a nostalgic family affection!

After the third year of junior high school, my mother began to take me to her mother's family to visit the New Year, we took gifts to Ding Tumen's grandfather's house, to Huangwan's aunt's house, my mother and I were not as vigorous as big daddy, but full of warmth.

There is a big soap horn tree in Huangwan, there is also a dry relative in the village, the hometown is popular to find a dry father and mother for the child, saying that such a child is easy to raise, as for whether it is good or not I don't know, but the dry father and mother are very good to me, the mother said that when my family built a house, the dry father made a lot of force, the dry mother did not know what the reason was the scar head, the hair fell out of thin and ugly, I was afraid to see that I did not want to go to their house to visit the New Year. Later, I heard that his father went out to work and fell to his death, and his sons went home with the urn, and they were stolen on the train, and finally they didn't know where they were thrown. Fortunately, his two sons are very competitive to do business and make a fortune, bought a house in the best real estate in the county to pick up my mother to live, my mother said that they sometimes meet and chat, I hope that the dry mother who is disliked by me is auspicious, and I hope that the missing dry father will rest in peace.

  After leaving the small village in 80 years to become a city person, the New Year has lost more and more passion, and as the city where I live is getting bigger and bigger, the atmosphere of the New Year has become more and more faint, especially after not allowing firecrackers, the new year in addition to a lot less people, the basic feeling is not much different from usual. The New Year's Greeting is basically gone, and now all that remains is to talk about auspicious words in WeChat.

Looking back now, I find that when I left the countryside, it coincided with the arrival of reform and opening up, which first disintegrated the structure of the city, which led to great changes in the countryside, liberated the peasants who had been tied to the land for thousands of years, and combined with the modern scientific and technological achievements of the West to create a new world beyond everyone's imagination. However, under the impact of this new world, everything in the countryside has become fragmented, most of my fathers and grandparents are still rooted in the rural land, they still cling to some traditions and it is difficult to integrate into the new era, and my generation coincided with the childhood spent in the countryside, difficulties and beauty at the same time left traces on the body, although they entered the city and took root in the city to survive, but they still have inseparable feelings for the countryside, but the reality is that they can no longer return to the land to live silently like their fathers and grandfathers, and some are just memories Some just want to find a piece of land to grow a few dishes, and some are just a sense of intimacy with people from the countryside.

Now under the influence of the epidemic, those who still insist on trekking thousands of miles back to their hometown for the New Year make me envious, envy that they still maintain the heat of their hometown and relatives and friends, they grab tickets, squeeze cars, and go home thousands of miles to go home for the New Year's wish will surely disappear with the death of their fathers, and the rural home has become a hometown that can never be returned, she can only exist in the memory and pictures, and their descendants will not leave any worries and yearning, only regard the foreign country as their hometown.

The old family calls the exchanges between relatives as walking, before the same village people such as today's parties, they basically bought a house in the town, only the old ancestors in the countryside remain, the former relatives and friends can also be contacted through modern communication tools, and most of their descendants have become strangers, no walking, the kind of New Year's greeting in memory, forever a luxury!

The Spring and Autumn Period's "Hundred Flowers Blooming and a Hundred Schools of Thought" laid the foundation for more than two thousand years of ceremonial culture and religious traditions for future generations, and after the perfection of successive generations of sages, it seems to be shabby and difficult to maintain today, and the times need new development and innovation, such as how to celebrate the New Year? Do you still set off firecrackers? How to pray for the New Year...

Think more, say more, maybe I am worried about the sky, maybe I am blind, I originally just wanted to give you a New Year' greeting, I wish you a happy new year, good health, all the best!

When relatives saw it, they came out from afar and shouted happily: "Come, big brother..." At that time, there will be relatives from all over the village from time to time to visit the New Year, and sometimes there will be relatives from different villages who meet together
When relatives saw it, they came out from afar and shouted happily: "Come, big brother..." At that time, there will be relatives from all over the village from time to time to visit the New Year, and sometimes there will be relatives from different villages who meet together

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