
Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination. This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. also

author:Drunken love poetry books

Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination.

This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. It's also the place I used to go when I was a child, but when I grew up, I appeared in my dreams: my uncle's house.

Today, the fifth day of the Lunar New Year is the customary day of "receiving the god of wealth". And I made an appointment with my cousin to go to "Taojia Bay" to pay homage to my uncle.

Taojiawan is a typical Jiangnan water town, historically, mainly relying on farmland, fish ponds and sangzi to live a simple traditional Jiangnan water town farm life.

But for me, it was the happy Garden of Eden as a child. If I had to find a representative sign of this place, it was undoubtedly the bend of the small river engraved in my memory, and the sound of my uncle shaking the boat was leisurely.

In my childhood and youth, many winter and summer vacations, my uncle shook a boat to Huzhou City and took me to the countryside of Taojia bay. As a result, I always lay in the cabin, smelling the straw scent of the cabin, listening to the rustling sound of running water at the bottom of the ship, and developing rich expectations and imaginations for rural field life. This scene has become a solid impression in my memory.

But my uncle was a teacher, a typical village teacher to be precise. The experience of his life can be described as the twists and turns in the ups and downs. The course of his life can be said to be moving forward in tribulations. Substitute teacher ∽ village principal of the duplex class ∽ middle-aged regularized public teacher ∽ Honorable retirement.

Because the uncle's family background lies more in that special era. Therefore, it is doomed to many tribulations in a lifetime.

My grandfather, whom I had never met, said that the good point was that of the big landlord and the squire, and the bad thing he said was that of the chief of the Ichigo. But it is more likely that he has a bad temper, acts extremely, and dies in middle age after a change in life.

And the little wife that my grandfather left behind, that is, my little grandmother, was living on an uncle who was completely unrelated. Finally, the uncle was sent to the end of the pension.

The reason for this is that my mother left the family and joined the revolution long ago. As for my mother and uncle's biological mother, my great grandmother, she disappeared in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In the past, I once wrote an article "The Uncle of a Rural Teacher" published in the supplement and "Today's Headlines" of the prefecture-level city newspaper last September. See link: I call him Uncle. But from my experience, why he is called uncle seems complicated. But in any case, it is right to call him uncle.

It's the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, and I'm still walking in the village... Drunken Love Poetry Book: I call him: Uncle. But from my experience, why he is called uncle seems complicated. But no... - today's headlines

My uncle is now an eighty-six-year-old man, but fortunately he is still very talkative.

The small river in front of my uncle's house is still there, and the small river is still babbling and singing warm songs. In a trance, I felt that I was still the same child and teenager who was still playing marbles with my cousin, whipping pieces, digging bird nests in trees, and touching fish and shrimp in the river...

#Cultural New Year's Greeting##Purple WarpEdo City Dialect New Year's Eve# #湖州头条 #

Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination. This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. also
Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination. This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. also
Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination. This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. also
Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination. This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. also
Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination. This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. also
Taojiawan, a very poetic name, a place where people can fully expand their imagination. This is a small village located in Changxing, Huzhou, Zhejiang, bordering Yixing, Jiangsu, on the west bank of South Taihu Lake. also

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