
1, the girlfriend came to the house, the mother did not look at the son's girlfriend, said to the son: You go to your girlfriend today to reveal it, she will seal a 600 red envelope as a greeting gift before she goes back, real

author:I couldn't stop laughing

1, the girlfriend came to the house, the mother did not look at the son's girlfriend, said to the son: You go to your girlfriend today to reveal it, before she goes back I will seal a 600 red envelope as a meeting gift, in fact I will give her 2000, if she gets the red envelope and tells you the actual amount, I agree with you to be together, if not, then I hope you can break up with her, because she is not honest. But in fact, the man's mother really only gave 600, and eventually they broke up

2, I don't think about whether I can succeed, since I chose a distant place, I only care about the wind and rain. I don't think about whether I can win love, since I love roses, I bravely confide in sincerity. I don't think about whether there will be cold wind and rain behind me, since the target is the horizon, the only thing left for the world is the back. I don't think about whether the future is flat or muddy, as long as I love life, everything is expected.

My dad is only 150 years tall, while my mom is 20 cm taller than my dad. Today it occurred to me that they must have been very eye-catching when they stood together when they were young. I asked my mother, "Why would you fall in love with a man shorter than you?" The mother said, "Child, we are sitting and falling in love, and by the time I get up, it is too late." ”

4, don't move on the future ah how much love ah love ah I don't want to hear me only know that I said I am hungry you take me to dinner cold give me a hug think of you will come to see me hold hands when you will hold my hand and do not let go of these are really there

5, three years after marriage, I was pregnant again, and finally gave birth to a son, the son was born, he was very happy, every day to hold the child to kiss, but the attitude towards the eldest son changed greatly, sometimes scolded him for not studying well, and often let him do housework.

6. In interpersonal communication, all requests will not be agreed. If you directly reject others, it is inevitable that there will be embarrassment between the two, and in order to avoid offending people, many people will choose to decline. For example, when you don't want to buy clothes, you say, "I'll come over and try it later." When others invite them to dinner, they will say, "I've been too busy lately, let's do it another day." "I may not have time" is a kind of refusal, "another day" is more of an expression. In the art of communication, there is no firm proposal, which is polite; there is no cheerful consent, that is, refusal.

7, young John after a date outing, to send Mary to the door, and then enthusiastically said: "Don't you kiss me goodbye?" Mary said reservedly, "I'm sorry, I didn't kiss the boy on my first date." "Ah!" John wedged relentlessly, "So, the last time?" ”

8, my daughter, a single dog, went on a blind date, ate and talked very happily, talked about the other party likes to play billiards, and decided to eat and play for a while. In order to show my little femininity, deliberately said that I would not fight, you teach me. The other party heroically began to teach from the basics, and then officially played three rounds, the female man's nature was exposed, three to zero he lost, and he never contacted me again... Destined to be lonely for a lifetime!

9 Once upon a time there were two people, and one day they walked to the river. An honest man asked another person, "Can you swim?" "The man wouldn't, but he was very good at pretending, so he said he would." I saw him jump into the river and didn't come up for a long time. The honest man said, "You don't pretend to die!" ”

10, take the old sister to go shopping, cross the road and wait for the red light, the beautiful traffic police sister always intentionally or unintentionally look at me, can't help but sneak joy, whisper to the old sister to show: look at your brother how attractive I am, you say she will not come to me vx ah? So nervous. The old sister glanced at me, "Don't be happy too soon, she may look like you look like some wanted man!" ”

11, downstairs a new restaurant, iron pot stewed fish, brother invited me and my sister-in-law to dinner. I went first, and ordered the dishes, which were iron pots, fish, whatever, very good. Then, my brother called me and said that he would have to come to a person later, and I summed it up: the fish I picked was originally big, the fish was so big, it couldn't be stewed in a pot, and then another person, what to add? In order to show my sincerity, I called the waiter, add a plate of bread, a plate of ten, pasted next to the pot, there were originally ten, this is twenty. The girlfriend called, originally invited her to come over, she couldn't come, and now she was free again. My head was hot and I asked for a plate of bread. Everyone arrived, staring at the thirty yellow chengcheng cakes I ordered, the brother stared at me, that look, that is, pity mixed with heartache, heartache with incomprehension, summed up in four words: care for the mentally retarded!

12, yesterday sent my girlfriend to school, the supermarket came out to carry two bags of things, passed a fruit stall, my girlfriend bought some apples, the boss told fifteen pieces! I came over from behind with my stuff and said, "The accountant is coming, the accountant pays," and the boss laughed and said to my girlfriend, "Your dad is so humorous!" "Your dad, dad, dad...

13, Anhui fast food brand in order to promote the store to Shenzhen, it chose a chicken from Hefei to Shenzhen, this chicken not only has the name of Xiaopeng, but also opened a large-scale farewell conference in the village, the whole 1600 kilometers, Xiaopeng has arrived in Jingdezhen by tractor

14, I have encountered in Toys R Us the most shocking thing, is a 5-year-old girl advised her mother , "Even if I can't play for a few days, I'm tired!" Please buy it for me too! Even if I get tired of playing, it can make your daughter happy, Mom! "Well said. This is more convincing than crying," "I really won't get tired of playing, buy it for me."

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