
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence

author:The story of Mu Jingyi

"Stowaway Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helped three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, and many overseas Chinese mourned after their deaths

Human nature is quite complex, and many things in reality are often difficult to summarize simply through one sentence and one word. But people like to be sure, because certainty means simple and clear, there is a sense of security. But if you take the trouble to understand a character, a thing, in complexity, you can better learn how to see the world.

For example, the character I want to talk about today, "The Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping, she did evil and good in her life, was arrested and lost her freedom for more than ten years, and finally died in prison. But at her funeral, there were hundreds of luxury cars to send, and she successfully helped 3,000 Fujian people smuggle them to the United States. Even when she dies, many people still miss her.

The father of the smuggler

In 1949, Zheng Cuiping was born in a small village in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, near the sea, and has lived on fishing for generations. Zheng Cuiping's parents are also fishermen, so Zheng Cuiping is also familiar with everything about the sea since she was a child, and she also knows about shipping. When Zheng Cuiping was 15 years old, her father took a freighter to the United States and secretly jumped into the United States.

Her father always had an American dream that the United States could achieve financial freedom. But in the United States, my father had to hide in Tibet, and in the unfamiliar environment of life, he mixed into Chinatown, where he worked to earn money, paid his salary, and then remitted the money back to China.

Although it was very hard for my father to wander away, the money he remitted could make the family live a better life. This also makes Zheng Cuiping gradually yearn for the United States, and she longs for one day to live in the United States. But his father stayed in the United States for more than a decade, and was finally discovered by the American police and deported back to China.

After returning to China, Zheng Cuiping and her mother have moved to Hong Kong, in this bustling city, Zheng Cuiping married and gave birth to a daughter, but also very keen on how to make money.

She had a unique business vision and was good at making contacts, and soon opened a department store and made a lot of money. Later, in order to expand her revenue, she opened a garment factory in Shenzhen, a mainland, with a bigger business, and the life of the whole family has improved a lot.

However, the seed of the American dream in Zheng Cuiping's heart took root, and in the case of her own wealth and wealth, she was even more eager to live in the United States. Eventually she decided to learn from her father and sneak into the United States by jumping ship with her husband to realize her American dream.

Zheng Cuiping went to the United States

But Zheng And her husband were not as patient as their father, and they were discovered and sent back to China in less than two years. But Zheng Cuiping is still not dead-hearted, she has experienced life in the United States, and she can't forget that taste.

In addition, in the 1980s, China entered the era of reform and opening up, studying abroad became a boom, and the American dream was the ideal sought after by people in that era. In such a big environment, Zheng Cuiping continued to think about going to the United States.

Luckily, she met an American couple who were visiting Hong Kong, and both offered to help her get to the United States.

In this way, Zheng Cuiping applied for a visa to the U.S. Consulate, and the reason she applied to enter the United States was that she was going to the United States to work as a nanny, and the United States was the place she had longed for. She finally got a visa and arrived in New York in 1981 to start her new life in the United States.

When she first arrived in New York, Zheng Cuiping's English was not good, and she had a hard time. Later, she entered Chinatown, where she gradually laid down roots and made many Fujian compatriots. She once again demonstrated her business ability, opening a department store in Chinatown and helping some overseas Chinese compatriots within her ability.

However, many Fujian compatriots wanted to smuggle into the United States and asked Zheng Cuiping for help, and with the help of time and time again, Zheng Cuiping gradually embarked on the road of operating smuggling.

Because smuggling is also very profitable, coupled with her sincerity, as long as she pays money, she will be responsible for the end, be considerate and thoughtful, and also make her smuggling business more and more popular. After she completes the business, she will also help some stowaways to take root in the United States. One after another, the Fujian circle of Chinatown knows this big sister named Zheng Cuiping.

Smuggled Hokkien people

Zheng Cuiping not only does a small-scale smuggling business, she will also lend usurious loans to those who have just come to the United States and have no money to stand in, the interest rate is very high, but many people have borrowed money from her, and people who have no money to repay work in her shop to pay off debts.

Secondly, she will also do some business of collecting money, and the compatriots who come to the United States to work will give her US dollars, she will charge a certain commission, and the relatives of guests who are far away in China will receive the same amount of yuan in less than two days.

Such a fast way of remittance, safe and secure and efficient, many Fujian compatriots are willing to find Zheng Cuiping to help. Relying on a small smuggling business, Zheng Cuiping can be said to have accumulated a lot of wealth in the United States.

However, she did not stop there, but worked with the gangs to make the smuggling business bigger. When we first cooperated, we successfully smuggled hundreds of people, and the profits earned were eye-catching.

Zheng Cuiping donated the money she earned to her hometown in Fujian, ran a school to teach children English, and also preached to the villagers how good life is in the United States, making more compatriots want to come to the United States, and her business is becoming more and more prosperous.

However, the bigger the business, the easier it is to provoke right and wrong. In 1993, Zheng Cuiping was in a smuggling business, a large cargo ship full of hundreds of people ran aground, she found the gang and quickly found another ship to pick up the stowaways.

As a result, the gang found a very broken boat, which looked very unsafe, but at the end of the road, the stowaways had to board the broken boat with their heads. The wrecked ship stopped on the high seas after more than a hundred days of traveling, and did not dare to dock.

It was originally said that there would be snakeheads driving speedboats to pick up these stowaways ashore, but no one waited for a long time. So the serpent told them that they could only swim to the shore on their own. A distance of tens of nautical miles, swimming past is not an easy task, but what can be done?

As a result, hundreds of people jumped into the sea en masse, which attracted the attention of the American police, and sent troops to rescue this group of crazy stowaways. This incident caused a great sensation in the United States, and Zheng Cuiping also became the most wanted criminal.

After a decade of impunity, Ms. Cheng was arrested in Hong Kong, and after more than a decade of trial, Ms. Cheng was sentenced to life in prison and eventually died in prison. #历史 #

"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence
"Smuggling Queen" Zheng Cuiping: Helping three thousand Fujian people smuggle to the United States, after the death of many overseas Chinese silently mourning human nature is quite complicated, in reality many things are often difficult to summarize through a sentence

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