
Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

I believe that most people know Fu Seoul through the strange story of this show, we saw a woman with average looks, average figure, but extremely sharp language.

With the advancement of the show, she burst out more and more golden sentences, and we also began to understand her outlook on life and love, and found that she actually had a transparent and shining heart.

This woman is like a neighbor big sister in life, when she has not yet come to the strange story, she is an ordinary wife and mother, but later, she has gradually come to the position of the champion of the strange story, and let us understand that as long as you keep working hard, there will be good results.

I think the reason why Fu Seoul can move us is because she is always able to connect the debate with her own life, and the pain she experienced in childhood, the feelings in love and marriage, can make us moved.

In particular, her fearless and free attitude in the face of love and marriage makes us understand that only with a good concept of love can you learn how to love and be loved, and you can get the best happiness.

Today, I will share Fu Seoul's five words about love with you, let us learn how she loves and is loved.

Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is
Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

Fu Seoul often talks about her marriage to Lao Liu, although it is always a ridiculous tone, but we can also hear that there is happiness and happiness, but also bitterness and helplessness.

When they first got together, they didn't have much money and suffered together, but Fu Seoul felt that the family was very happy every day together at that time.

She said that she and Lao Liu had experienced hardships, so they both knew what they needed from each other, and they couldn't do without each other, that is, the state of hating each other every day, but in fact they couldn't do without each other at all.

Isn't that what a good marriage is all about? It's not that you don't quarrel all your life, but that you want to fight for a lifetime, and you have had countless thoughts of divorce, but after going out, you still bought your favorite pancake fruit.

We really don't need to worry too much about whether the other party loves themselves, and we don't have to try to grasp this feeling, and the person who really needs you will not leave you at all, just like you can't leave the person who loves you.

So, run and get along with your heart, if you meet the right person, don't have to work hard every day, but if you don't meet the right person, whether humble or hysterical, it is impossible to keep him.

Find the person you need from each other, need it for a lifetime, don't need to be so vigorous and earth-shattering, such a marriage is the best.

Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is
Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

Fu Seoul's debate style is more urban, and he often says something that makes people spit rice, but when he thinks about it, he feels that the words are not rough.

She said that feelings are to understand each other, but can not let go, you know that the other party has so many shortcomings, but you feel that he is the most suitable for themselves.

This is the same as Sheng Minglan's saying in "Knowing or Not" that it is similar to looking at people at the lowest point, and we look for the other half, that is, to see the shortcomings of the other party, think carefully about whether we can accept it, and then decide whether to choose this person.

And what we want to show to each other must be the real self, do not feel that disguised deception can get love, such love, after all, will be completely disappeared because of the dissipation of freshness.

Therefore, those who always say that the novelty is no longer in love with each other, think about whether you let the other party see the real you at the beginning, it is very important, I hope that everyone can meet the person who is not good, but can not be separated, a lifetime, happy heavenly eyes.

Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is
Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

Have you ever had any regrets? In the face of the regret of love, do you choose resentment or gratitude?

I believe that most people will be resentful of the regrets of their love, it is difficult to be grateful, and Fu Seoul is the same, but she said that with the passage of time, she began to thank the lost feelings, because that person made her better and had her current life.

That person is Fu Seoul's first love, she still has tears in her eyes when she talks about this excellent boy, she said that she regrets why she did not stay with him, but she also understands that his excellence is the driving force that stimulates her growth.

There will always be someone in our lives who does not come to spend our lives with us, but to teach us how to grow.

When the time comes, no matter how much we are reluctant, we must learn to wave goodbye, because this man's mission has been completed, he has left the best thing that can give us, and it is time to leave.

And we must take such a self, to find the person who is really suitable for us, and to live our own life.

Fu Seoul later met Lao Liu and began her literary life, she felt that everything was the best arrangement, and hoped that you could also move forward with such a grateful heart.

Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is
Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

In the face of love, it is difficult for us to let go, especially after experiencing hurt, many people dare not embrace love again.

I don't want to say who is cowardly, and it is common for people to protect themselves in the face of harm, but I still hope that everyone can learn Fu Seoul's concept of love, dare to like and dare to leave, cherish it when you have it, and face it calmly when you lose it, because this is life, full of imperfections, so perfect.

Of course, it is easier said than done, and the reason why Fu Seoul was able to do it was also because he experienced countless losses and understood such a truth after becoming stronger.

We don't need to be anxious and anxious, on the road to growth, let ourselves continue to be strong, one day will learn to let go, let go of ourselves, but also let go of others, to that day, we will be able to have the best happiness.

Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is
Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

This last sentence is my favorite, and it is particularly in line with Fu Seoul's usual sharp style.

For a woman like her who has made it today through her own struggles in society, love is really just the icing on the cake for a peaceful life, and it can never become a charcoal in the snow of a painful life.

So, she works hard, works hard to make money, makes a living first and then makes love, and does not pin her hopes of happiness on anyone. She understands that only when she is strong can she have the right to free choice and live a decent life for herself and the people she loves.

I really hope that all women can understand this truth, when there is nothing to do, less temperament, more money, let yourself have a variety of ability to make money, but also let the balance on their bank card is at ease, do not wait to be hurt to regret it, then no one will sympathize with you, everyone will only think that you are not angry.

Women, the bottom of walking the world is their own ability, the courage to love themselves and hate themselves is also their own ability, Fu Seoul has experienced the hardships we may not have experienced, but her concept of love and marriage is indeed worth learning.

As a thirty-year-old woman, I really understand these truths very deeply, and I hope that every woman can have someone to love and someone to love, but before that, I also hope that you can have the ability and confidence to love yourself, because you will not be ecstatic because of whose arrival, nor will you be helpless because of whose departure, because of this, you can have the best happiness.

Fu Seoul's five sentences made me understand what a good concept of love is

Fu Seoul's concept of love always carries the meaning of a strong woman, perhaps not every woman can live like this, but her bravery, freedom, and not dragging mud and water are what every woman should learn.

Because only when we know how to make ourselves stronger and know how to love ourselves, will someone come to love ourselves well, and the love at that time will also be under your control, becoming your armor and protecting you all the way.

I am Xi Yan, columnist, older girl who is not old and not old, likes to write warm words, do emotional programs, has published "The Rest of Your Life, Related to Me", if you have a story, remember to come to me.

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