
Driving tired, don't brace yourself!

During the Spring Festival, driving and visiting relatives and friends is fun, but remember not to drive tired.

Driving tired, don't brace yourself!

Driving for a long time "people are tired and tired"

Article 62 of the Implementing Regulations of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that driving a motor vehicle shall not exceed 4 hours without stopping for a break or stopping for less than 20 minutes.

Driving during these periods is prone to fatigue

Due to physiological factors, drivers are prone to fatigue in the afternoon, late night and early morning hours, and their reaction speed becomes slower, and they are not concentrated, and they are prone to accidents.

In addition, factors such as dim light around the area will also increase the fatigue level of the driver, which will increase the probability of accidents.

Driving tired, don't brace yourself!

How to prevent fatigue driving?

1. Ensure adequate sleep the day before driving, and do not stay up late;

2. Scientifically arrange driving time, try to avoid driving at night, especially in the early morning hours, and pay attention to avoiding the afternoon period during the day;

3. Pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, the continuous driving time during the day should not exceed 4 hours, and then choose a safe zone to stop and rest for at least 20 minutes; if there is a need for night driving, it is recommended that the continuous driving time should not exceed 2 hours;

4. Long-distance driving, try to find a partner and take turns driving;

5. Avoid driving in a posture for a long time, so as not to induce fatigue caused by muscle stiffness, and can adjust the sitting posture and deep breathing slightly when driving;

If you have symptoms of fatigue and drowsiness during the journey, you can open the car circulation, open the window to breathe fresh air or drink refreshing drinks such as coffee. The safest way is to stop in a safe area, get out of the car and move muscles such as waist, legs, neck and shoulders, and wait for fatigue to ease before getting on the road. Before getting on the highway, the driver should plan the entire trip and be aware of it, so that he can make regular rest in the trip to prevent fatigue driving.

Driving tired, don't brace yourself!

During the Spring Festival homecoming period

haste makes waste

Peace is the fastest way home

Source: Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, Guangdong Traffic Police, Zhuhai Public Security

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