
Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 4 Title: Ice and Snow Singing on the Fifth Ring Road - Side Note of the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Xinhua News Agency

On February 4, brilliant fireworks lit up the sky over the "Bird's Nest", and the National Stadium once again became the focus of the world's attention; on the day of spring, beijing, the "city of the two Olympic Games", ushered in a historic moment, and the Olympic dream once again bloomed in the land of China.

The opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics kicked off a "simple, safe and wonderful" Winter Olympics. Under the banner of the Five Rings, "Little Snowflakes" condensed into a romantic story of "a big snowflake" and transformed into an eternal movement of "beauty and commonality" in all continents and four seas.

Using ice and snow as a medium, walking with the world. Forward, together to the future!

This snowflake condenses the journey of a hundred years of struggle, and the century-old dream of casting today's China is the historical intersection of the Winter Olympic dream and the Chinese dream

Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

It's a fireworks show. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xing Guangli

Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, and spring always brings people endless imagination. When the countdown to "Twenty-Four Solar Terms" returns to zero, the snowflakes flying in the short film seem to drift into the "Bird's Nest" and start a romantic journey. Witnessing the unparalleled "Bird's Nest" of the Beijing Olympic Games, it has just completed the intelligent upgrading and transformation not long ago, and now it has turned a new page and written the glory of the "City of the Double Olympic Games".

The Chinese and English "Lichun" and "SPRING" fireworks blooming in the air make Chinese's Winter Olympic dream shine into reality at this moment.

Over the past six years, meticulous preparations have been made to overcome many difficulties in fulfilling the Covenant of the Winter Olympics. Time freezes this unforgettable moment, and history engraves this thick and colorful stroke - "The City of The Two Olympics" gathers guests from all over the world to usher in a spring full of hope.

A little boy trumpeted "My Motherland and Me." Melodious trumpets resound through the night sky, and the moving melody reaches the hearts of the people. In the middle of the venue, 12 children slowly unfurled the five-star red flag, and more than 100 representatives of the masses of various nationalities and industries passed on the national flag to hand, and they looked at the national flag with their eyes and their hearts were full of respect. How can this moment not make people feel mixed feelings, how can it not make people tear up.

"The people are the creators of history and the real heroes." A trickle of water merges into rivers and seas, and the people's might is as heavy as a thousand junks. Hundreds of millions of Chinese sons and daughters have lifted up the vigorous and courageous China with their hands, and lifted up the China of unity and unity of purpose.

A drop of ice-blue ink fell from the sky, transforming into the water of the Yellow River pouring down and condensing into a white and pure ice and snow world. The historical picture of the city where the past 23 Winter Olympics have been held flashed back to the rising "Ice Cube", and the picture is finally fixed as "2022 Beijing, China". The crystal clear ice and snow five rings "break the ice" in the "ice cube". The audience applauded thunderously and the people cheered.

Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

This is the chinese delegation entering the opening ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Lei

The crystal clear five rings freeze time, and the snowflakes of the ice and snow event make the mind fly.

From the "Three Questions of the Olympic Games" more than 100 years ago to the "Centennial Dream" in 2008, and then to today's "City of The Two Olympic Games"; from the first time New China stepped on the Olympic field, to the "zero breakthrough" of gold medals at the Summer Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games, to the move from a sports power to a sports power... The history of the Chinese people's participation in the Olympic Games, their bid for the Olympic Games, and their preparations for the Olympic Games is a vivid presentation of the Chinese nation's great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, condensing the magnificent century-old journey of the Communist Party of China, and interpreting the profound connotation of "if sports are strong, China is strong, and when the national fortunes are prosperous, sports are prosperous."

Unforgettable classics of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, splendid Chinese culture and thick Chinese history, let the world see the bo atmosphere of an ancient civilization. At the scene of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the cool scientific and technological effects and the program arrangement full of "futurism" made people feel the youthful vitality of a country moving towards a socialist modern power.

"Today's China is different from the China of 2008, and the deepening of reform and opening up has made China achieve great results, and the people's spiritual outlook after the victory in poverty alleviation has been renewed." Zhang Yimou, general director of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, said that through the opening ceremony, "you have an opportunity to tell the Chinese story out loud to the world."

Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

This is the performance before the opening ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xue Yuge

Just like the cast at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics , all the participants are students of colleges, middle schools and ordinary citizens. During the performance of "Together to the Future" before the ceremony, from the ancient and rare elderly to the childish children, they performed a "Chinese-style marching square dance" with different styles.

"The opening ceremony is to share beautiful moments with everyone and pass on more common ideas of mankind." Zhang Yimou said.

This snowflake reflects the light of world civilization, and the exchange and mutual learning between Chinese civilization and world civilization are the stage for the whole world to participate in the grand event

The spark of the Beijing Winter Olympics was collected at the site of ancient Olympia on the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greece, and it is like a beam of world civilization shining on all continents and seas. When athletes from all over the world gather under the banner of the Five Rings, the Olympic Games become a platform for mutual learning between Eastern and Western civilizations. The Beijing Winter Olympics coincide with the Chinese New Year, when the Olympics meet the "Chinese Year", what new legends will be written?

To the music of "Peace - Community of Destiny", the vips entered the venue. On the glittering ice surface in the center of the venue, the three Chinese characters of "Happy New Year" and the English "HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR" were played, sending the affectionate blessings of the Chinese people to their friends from all over the world.

During the Spring Festival, many foreign dignitaries have also sent New Year's greetings.

In a signed article entitled "Russia and China: Strategic Partners with An Eye to the Future", President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation, published through Xinhua News Agency, writing: "On the occasion of the Spring Festival in the Year of the Tiger, I extend my warmest congratulations to the friendly Chinese people. I wish you good health and all the best! ”

In the form of a video message, UN Secretary-General Guterres extended his best wishes to Chinese people around the world. "Tigers symbolize strength, vitality, courage, tenacity, and fearlessness. These are the qualities we need to face challenges we have never faced before. ”

The prosperity of civilization and the progress of mankind are inseparable from seeking common ground while reserving differences, being open and inclusive, and inseparable from civilizational exchanges and mutual learning. The Beijing Winter Olympics provide a stage for the world to celebrate together.

The athletes' entrance ceremony was full of "ingenuity" of the exchange and integration of Chinese civilization and civilizations around the world. When the 19 world famous songs belonging to all mankind sounded, the guide wearing the blue and white "tiger head hat" held up a snowflake-like guide card woven from the "Chinese knot" and led the athletes through the "China Gate" carved in ice and snow and walked on the colorful and gorgeous "China Window".

Among them, there are Saudi Arabia and Haiti participating in the Winter Olympics for the first time... In the background, the huge flags of the delegations, the five Olympic ice and snow rings overhead, and the scene from time to time resounded with warm applause from the audience.

Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

This is the chinese delegation entering the opening ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Zijian

"There are no two snowflakes in the world that are the same." The "flowing" picture composed of these snowflakes can't help but make people sigh - "Human beings only have the difference between skin color and language, and civilization is only different from purple and red, but there is no distinction between high and low." "In the future, China will embrace the world with a more open attitude and contribute to the world with more dynamic civilizational achievements."

"China Gate" means openness and sharing. From 1978 to 2008 and then to 2022, China's door to the outside world has opened wider and wider, and China is increasingly entering the center of the world stage. A volunteer who served at the opening ceremony sighed: "APEC, the 'Belt and Road' International Cooperation Summit Forum, the Beijing World Horticultural Exhibition and other global events have been held in China, and we have witnessed too many exciting historical moments. ”

The "Chinese window" represents civilization and achievement. The cpc has led the Chinese people to unite and struggle for a hundred years, which has brought about great changes in the land of China. The 14 years spanned by the "two Olympics" have also made the capital Beijing change with each passing day.

When the well-known "Sing the Motherland" music sounded, the host Chinese delegation held high the five-star red flag and entered the venue. Athletes waved and the audience gave a standing ovation. At this Winter Olympic Games, the Chinese delegation achieved a historical breakthrough in participating in all projects and marched towards the goal of "achieving the best results in the history of participation in the Mainland Winter Olympic Games".

Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

This is the chinese delegation entering the opening ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ga

For the wonderful bloom of this moment, the builders braved the severe cold and the scorching heat to gnaw down one "hard bone" after another in the construction of the project; the ice and snow athletes trained hard, sweated hard, and made full preparations for the Olympic arena; all the staff prepared day and night, meticulously, in order to dedicate an unforgettable and wonderful Olympic event...

Dutch speed skater Kroll, who came to China early and trained before the game, said that if only one country could host the Winter Olympics (in the current situation), it would be China, and "we should be glad that the Winter Olympics will be held here."

This snowflake reflects the road of hand in hand, "the world is one, the world is one", which is a heroic declaration of "together to the future"

Flakes of snow, quietly fluttering, slowly rising. The "Little Snowflakes" guide card with the names of the participating countries and regions gathered under the five rings of ice and snow to form a huge snowflake. The snowflakes that appeared from the beginning of the opening ceremony finally took shape.

"All things breed together without harming each other, and the Tao parallels without contradicting each other." Countries (regions) of the world gather because of sports, athletes embrace each other because of the Winter Olympics, this moment regardless of the country, regardless of race, regardless of each other, "the world is one, the world is one" has become an eternal theme.

In "Tribute to the People", 76 young people from all over the world walk side by side under the melody of the song "Let the World Be Full of Love". Wherever they walked, a long river of images composed of photographs formed. In the photos, there are the most ordinary life scenes of people all over the world, there are also touching pictures of people working together to overcome the epidemic, and there are passionate moments when athletes from all over the world fight for their dreams.

"Every fall, every get up, every victory, we're all together." Under the severe situation that the global COVID-19 epidemic is still raging, the Beijing Winter Olympics were held as scheduled, fulfilling China's solemn commitment to the international community. "Thank you to the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee for its unremitting efforts to host the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and thank Chinese people for their firm support for the Beijing Winter Olympics." IOC President Bach said.

"Bringing 300 million people to ice and snow sports" is a vision that China put forward when it bid to host the Winter Olympics, and it has now become a reality. This will change the map of the world's future winter sports, and it is also an outstanding contribution to the Olympic movement. Bach commented that the Beijing Winter Olympics will not only open a new era of global winter sports, but also benefit hundreds of millions of people in China.

The classic song "Imagine" encourages people to put aside all differences, unite, stay away from war, and live in harmony. Today, this meaningful song is once again ringing through the Olympic arena. People of different regions and different colors jointly guard the homeland of the earth and play the eternal music of "beauty and commonality".

Luo Zhihuan, Li Jiajun, Shen Xue, Han Xiaopeng, Zhang Hui, Zhang Hong, 6 flag bearers held the flag and walked through the field in the Olympic motto pattern of "faster, higher, stronger - more united".

"In today's world, especially under the epidemic, only more unity can solve problems together." The Beijing Winter Olympics is the first Winter Olympics to be held after the Olympic motto joined "More Unity". The theme slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics "Together for the Future" echoes with "more unity" and has become a vivid interpretation of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind in the Olympic field.

Children from the Fuping Mountains of Hebei Province sang the Olympic anthem.

After the athletes, referees, coaches and officials took the oath, the theme song of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, "Snowflakes", sung by children, echoed over the "Bird's Nest": "Snowflakes, snowflakes, open in the sun..."

Ice and snow singing on the five rings - a side note of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

This is the main torch and fireworks show. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Bi Xiaoyang

The torch platform in the shape of "big snowflakes" was clearly presented in front of the audience, the small snowflakes shone with stars, and for the first time in the history of the Olympic Games, a torch platform jointly constructed by the names of all participating countries and regions appeared, and a heroic declaration of "together to the future" was issued.

The Olympic torchbearers entered, attracting cheers from the audience. "Post-50s" Zhao Weichang, "Post-60s" Li Yan, "Post-70s" Yang Yang, "Post-80s" Su Bingtian, "Post-90s" Zhou Yang, "Post-00s" Diniger Yilamujiang and Zhao Jiawen... They hold high the Olympic flame, inherit the Olympic dream, and run to a distant place full of hope with the vision of "going to the future together".

The two post-"00" athletes inserted the torch in their hands in the center of the "Big Snowflake" torch platform, and the snowflake-like holy and flexible flame replaced the burning flame and once again wrote a new page in the history of the Olympic Games.

The slowly rising "big snowflakes" still emit dazzling light, illuminating the road of life for everyone to work hard and chase their dreams, and illuminating the beautiful tomorrow for all mankind to move forward hand in hand and overcome difficulties together. (Written by: Kong Xiangxin; Participating reporters: Yue Ranran, Wang Ziming, Zhao Xuetong, Ji Ye, Wang Jingyu, Huang Yao, Zhao Xu)

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